504 Main by Holly Lefevre: Tickled Pink No. 15 with a Hop
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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tickled Pink No. 15 with a Hop

504 Main
What does it mean to be Tickled Pink?
"...it's the figurative sense of the word that means 'to give pleasure or gratify'.
The tickling pink concept is of enjoyment great enough
to make the recipient glow with pleasure ."
I am tickled pink  because...
B'day party season is over at my house!!!! YEAH!!!!!
My parents visit was FAB...and my porch is done.
My kitchen is done...sort of... there are
a few stylistic details to attend to.
I was honored...flabbergasted really, when Malia of Yesterday on Tuesday asked me for an interview as part of her "Behind the Blog" feature...Really...I am not very exciting...or maybe I am...why don't you go visit her blog and read all about me {WOW! I am sounding narcissistic these days!}. Malia will be posting these features each week...it is a great opportunity to meet some new bloggers or learn more about some "old" bloggy friends. AND check out Malia's blog...L-O-V-E it! I have featured a few of her projects on Tickled Pink...she is one brilliant lady!

Now, it is time for Tickled Pink No. 15!
{sorry these posts are so long...I get carried away!}
Don't be shy! 
Nominate a  product/person/idea/recipe/your own blog to be featured, 
click HERE or simply email me! 
It is cool  to nominate yourself! I am only one person and blogland is ginormous... 
I would love your input...I know there are amazing finds out there that I have not seen!
NOW...Link up...
a craft...a recipe...a tip...a party...a short  story...a poem...a fashion find...
a  favorite product...your favorite post...whatever makes your blog  fabulous.
You get the idea, right?

Guess what? You post does not have to be PINK!!
This day is about stuff we {heart}  from our own blogs or from others.

I am also adding a "I've Been Tickled Pink" Button
for those who have been featured and want to put it on their blog.
Click HERE for the featured button.
serious cookin'
crafter's block
ready made stole my heart!
waste reduction
artichoke bundt cake!
christmas is coming

serious cookin' from Mommie Cooks!

I love to cook {I used to hate it}. Unfortunately I tend get in a rut...well, Julie at Mommie Cooks has such amazing recipes, I may never have to think about what I am making again...I'll just follow her lead. I am thoroughly impressed with all of her recipes...she has great photos of all the ingredients and well thought out recipes...and FABULOUS photos too!
While I am semi-vegetarian right now {that means I will eat meat, sometimes}, the rest of the family LOVES their chicken. The Roasted Lemon Tarragon Chicken was a hit at my house when I made it! Just go over there are take a peek at how gorgeous (yes, I called a chicken gorgeous} it looks!
What else do we love do we love around here...BREAD! If you want to create a real live growing monster in your frig too {It won't eat you...go read the post to understand that one!}, check out her recipe for Bread Boule! 
What is dinner without dessert? Not complete, I say! Julie has a wonderful recipe for the perfect summertime treat...Black and Blue Sorbet!
I am always impressed at the offerings Julie has over on her blog. I have printed out so many of her recipes...and am working my way through them! You may also enjoy her posts form the Daring Bakers Challenge! Check out this one on Nut Butters!
Go visit Mommie Cooks and get moving in the kitchen!
crafter's block at Swainston Vinyl and Design
I am just getting used to crafting with vinyl, but his lady know how to rock it! Check out this rockin' set of knarley rock star blocks for your little {or big} musician!
As many of you know, I am a beach girl! So of course I think these Surf's Up block are totally tubular {yes, I am also a product of the Valley Girl generation...although I never lived in "the valley."
I love seeing how creative you can be with vinyl! Vinyl makes such a great statement!
Here are a couple of other projects that are super fab!
How FABULOUS are the stars on the floor!
Ready Made Magazine has stolen my heart!
Have you seen this magazine...I LOVE it! It is the bomb! It rocks! Can you tell I love it. It is unique and amazing - tutorials, ideas, tips and hints for the creative, and crafty, and every day! Go check out Ready Made...they are having great deals on subscriptions!
 waste reduction
A few weeks ago I was reading the newspaper and saw an article about the blog Zero Waste Home. I think I am doing great with my recycling and reducing of waste until I read this blog. There are some amazing ideas about a woman and family who are truly and deeply committed to reducing their waste. 
This blog is not one I had ever visited before, or someone I have a bloggy relationship with, but I think the info on this blog is really important and can teach us all a few things!
Go peruse it yourself.
I enjoyed the post on Home Cleanliness Standards 
and for summer time some really interesting info on airline travel. 
You may also be really interested to see what was in the trash bin...not much!
Check out Thistle Be Fun for the recipe.
christmas is coming!
Go check out The Answer is Chocolate.
She is hosting a Christmas {and other holiday...like Halloween} linky party starting Friday 7/16! It is never too early to start planning. Check out her cute stocking and get some other great ideas! 
When I began Tickled Pink, I had no intention of doing a linky and featuring participants. I am glad I changed my mind...but man here is so much good stuff on this linky! I have a hard time choosing...I am trying to give everyone their spotlight...
certain things catch my eye at certain times!
A big huge-a-licious THANK YOU for all who have participated and visited and picked up the blog hop on their blogs. I  am so enjoying visiting your links and seeing what Tickles You Pink! Who will be in the SPOTLIGHT next week?  
Cheap Chic Home's FABULOUS tray! I am making one of these!
Wasabi Mommy's edible flowers!
I admit, I have never tried this, but they are gorgeous and I want to try them!

A Top Secret Birthday Party from a Latte' with Ott, A
Transformed outdoor space from Aventine Hill Bath Emporium Wellness Blog.
I want to be there NOW!
Flamingo Toes lace and pearl necklace...one can never have too many pearls! 

Who won last week's giveaway....drum roll please.....
Everyday Mom Ideas
This week's giveaway is:
The Healthy Home Workbook: Easy Steps for Eco-Friendly Living

Hope it tickles you pink! 
There is ONE way to enter! 
--Entry No. 1 {required}: 
*You need to be a follower of 504 Main {some of you may want to double-check if you are tyring to enter} AND
*You need to leave a relevant comment about at least one feature!!!!

Contest begins on 7/15/10 and closes Thursday, 7/22/10 at 11:59 p.m. EST 
The  winner will be announced on Friday 7/23/10.
****I reserve the right to remove posts that are offensive or do not adhere to the rules, without any discussion, at my discretion.****
****These are my own opinions. No one has offered me anything, nor have I accepted anything to include them in this post. Prizes are supplied by me.**** 
{photos appearing here are copyrighted and property of the respective blogs featured}

504 Main

Show Me What you Got!
*It does NOT have to be pink or pink-related* 
*Pretty please...add the Tickled Pink button to the post* 

{people need to know what the heck they are doing!}  
*It does NOT have to be a new post*
*Visit some peeps on the hop*

*It would be great if you were a follower or subscriber {*wink*}
Hi all! Crazy days here...what's new!
I am visiting your links, but due to extenuating circumstance, my commenting is lagging...sorry! I know everyone is super busy right now!
Thanks for taking the time to link up!


  1. Thanks, as always, for hosting another great hop!


  2. I can't wait to go and check out the Christmas goodies-I am a Christmas nut!

    Thanks for having me Holly and for sharing some more great blogs.

    Best wishes,

  3. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Love the features! Some fun stuff! Thanks for hosting another great party.

  4. I would have loved to have stars on my floor like that when I was a little girl(or you know, a single 23 year-old).

  5. Holly, Thanks for letting me write about you!

  6. Thanks so much for the feature!! I really appreciate it. ;)
    I haven't heard of Ready Made yet -but I'm off to check it out! I totally trust your recommendation.

    And is it just me or there some amazing recipes this week. Snickers pie? Ice Cream Buffet? My scale's not going to speak to me. haha

  7. Hi Holly! Looking forward to another fun blog hop here. :) That chocolate bunt cake instantly made me crave some sugar lol...

    I did invites very similar to those secret agent ones...I had to do a double take! ;) Here is my link if you want to see the party I did...


    Totally different than her party but same invites. That was the coolest 30th bday surprise EVER with the game! He will never forget all the special touches added. It was awesome...so glad you featured her party. Thank you for all the inspiration you share.

  8. Holly, I just went over and read your article. I LOVED IT! Such great answers, and awesome advice. I don't know how on earth you can be a Wedding Planner. There's no way I could do that. I don't have the patience. BRAVO!

    And I watch ENTIRELY too much TV too. Maybe it's a blogger thing!

    I'm heading over to check out the vinyl. I have extreme vinyl envy. Is there a pill for that?

  9. Hi Holly, I am here!

    What tickles me pink? Finding my ancestors. Every week I post something that I have found.

    Warm wishes to you all!

  10. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Thank you once again for hosting. I love all the features. Have a great weekend!

  11. I so enjoy your "Tickled Pink" Fridays. A great opportunity to be introduced to a wonderful new blog. Thanks for featuring me last week! The Christmas stocking feature from "The Answer is Chocolate" made me realize that over half of this year is over already. Yikes!

  12. Those blocks are amazing! I love the Surfs Up ones too! And that chocolate artichoke cake looks yummy...but I'm not so sure I would like it.

  13. Holly,
    Tickled Pink is my go-to for new and exciting things and people happening in bloggland. You really do your research! And I know that it must take a great deal of time! And all for us! You are so dear!
    Can't wait to visit your highlighted blogs and all the talented people who are participating in this great weekly event! I was just looking at all the thumbnail photos and there seems to be some facinating posts!

    Thank you my friend for your hard work in presenting Tickled Pink in such a thorough and delightful way... just like you!

  14. Another great party! Thanks so much for hosting!

  15. Thank you so much for featuring my stocking! I am so honored, truly! I have to say that this is my "tickled pink" for this week for sure!

  16. Hi Holly!!
    Sorry I have been missing lately... summer has been good and busy.

    I really love the tray idea. Totally cool. I have been going to more garage sales lately so I will be on the hunt for an the fixins' to make a tray!

    The edible flowers look interesting... going to check into this and see if I can grow them.

  17. We have some wall vinyls in our house, but I've never seen vinyl used like those blocks and Surfs Up letters!

  18. Following from New Friend Friday. I love the blog. Lots of ideas to steal.

    Beyer Beware

  19. They have such awesome talent. Can't wait to see that kitchen.

  20. Hey Holly! Loved reading the interview you did that is linked up above. Hope you're enjoying the summer still. XoXo

  21. HI! I'm so glad I found your blog..I'm a new follower..Thanks for hosting! I have your button on my blog now! Have a great weekend

  22. Hi. I am here from
    Beverly's Crush. What a fun blog. I will start to follow you. I love what
    Bev did with the pearl necklace.

  23. stopping by from SITS to say hi-thanks for all the great links and the blog hop-i'm bookmarking this for later tonight when i'll have more time to check them all out!

  24. Gosh, I love all these amazing craft women. I was just over at Julie's blog and saw her amazing halibut dish. Made my mouth water!

  25. Hi Holly,

    Thank you for the Mommie Cooks link.
    I have it saved.

  26. Thanks for the great linking opportunity. Your button is up and is looking quite fabulous! I'm loving all the creative ideas listed here :)

  27. Congrats on the interview Holly. Nice to see that your creative good work here continues to be recognized.

  28. Ready Made showed up at my house a couple of weeks ago. I am assuming it was a free deal I jumped on and forgot. I loved it!!!

  29. I can't wait to see your new kitchen. When are you posting pictures? Hmmmm???? I love all the cooking things you find. That chicken looks AMAZING!

  30. I'm so excited for you about the interview! I love to see all the great things you find for us to see. Aren't the block letters wonderful...just wish I had more time and more skill!

  31. hey holly...just went over and read your interview...i wish i had half your energy--so many great things you are juggling! thanks for stopping by my place...the cemetary in LA that holds the movies and they do concerts too is called Forever Hollywood. It is a beautiful old cemetery that was in disrepair for many years, but has been restored and renewed. there are lots of great "old movie" stars buried there as well. it is a must-do event if you find yourself with time to spare on a saturday night in LA!

  32. Okay this week, it is my goal to post something pink worthy!

  33. What "tickled me pink" this week is having my nightstand turn out the way I had envisioned.

    You had a great line up of features. I had no idea that the flowers listed on Wasabi Mommy's blog were edible. Great couple of recipes, too. The elf stocking is adorable (following The Answer Is Chocolate now although I thought I already was) and a big thank you for spotlighting Mommie Cooks...always looking for mommy friendly recipes (following her now, too.) Following YOU now, too. :) I guess there's a whole lotta admiring and following going on tonight! Would love to win the book. So thoughtful of you to do these giveaways on your own.


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!

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