504 Main by Holly Lefevre: DIY...A Birthday Chandelier!
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Monday, February 15, 2010

DIY...A Birthday Chandelier!

So it was hubby’s b’day this weekend
and he is not one for attention…
good thing, since everyone else in the family is!
I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what to do for him…
there were many parameters…
no big parties…nothing embarrassing…
and his favorite, all time saying “Don’t spend any money.”
{Yeah, right!}
So instead of blogging into the wee hours for the last couple nights,
I was printing, ripping, and crafting…
and thankfully he received an invite
to the AT&T golf thingy in Pebble Beach
so he was gone the whole day and I could finish up!
It’s not like this craft really takes that long…
if you don’t have kids,...
and you are not making it up as you go along.
The inspiration for my birthday chandelier comes from the
book and burlap wreaths I have been seeing…
but as far as I know this is my own “creation.”
Even as I was making this and especially
when I saw the finished project,
I could totally see this becoming so many things…
baby and bridal shower decor...
made in colorful paper as party décor...
made out of a children’s book for a nursery...
Endless possibilities {and I will milk it for all it is worth}!

This is what it looked like on Saturday night,
hanging over the cake.
DIY Birthday Chandelier

  • Wire coat hanger (or wreath frame) and wire snips/cutters if you use the coat hanger.
  • Exacto knife {or preferred cutting/ripping tool}.
  • Ruler (metal)
  • Scissors
  • Hole punch (I used the small hole punch)
  • Glue sticks (glue dots could probably work well too).
  • Old book (you will be tearing it apart) or scrapbook paper cut to size or sheet music.
  • Ribbon (I used ¼” ribbon and a thin string to complete my chandelier)
  • String or fishing line
  • Cardstock in preferred color (You could use double sided scrapbook paper, but I found it helpful to use solid color cardstock…anything you can utilize both sides of the paper is good, so that you do not have to cut double mats to cover up the back side of the paper).
  • Photos
NOTE: For my purposes I will be referring to a wire hanger and an old book – {not a wreath form and scrapbook paper}
1. Cut the hanger part of the hanger off on both sides
2. Using the wire snips or pliers make hooks at each end of the hanger. Hook them together and them use your hands to form a circle with the hanger. It does no have to be a perfect circle…but it should resemble one.
3. With an exacto knife, cut the pages from an old book. The size of the wreath and the size of the folds you do in the next step will determine how many pages you need.
4. Fan or accordion fold (lengthwise) each page. A large fold will make a fuller look, a smaller fold will be a tighter look (see photos for example). I used a larger fold for my chandelier. {If you are going to pink, tear or dip the edges* do it now}
5. Once the page is folded, fold it in half, and run a glue stick along length of folded paper.
6. Sandwich the hanger between the folded page…the hanger should go right into the crease of the page. For extra hold, I stapled mine too.
7. Continue placing and gluing until your wreath is full. 
8. Before fanning out your folded pages, cut 3 lengths of ribbon approximately 36 inches long (you may want more lengths to add some flourish to the wreath like I did). Visualize a triangle on your wreath and tie (knot) a length of ribbon in these places. I liked placing one of the ribbons at the closing point/hooks of the hanger. Leave long tails so that you can take the 3 lengths and tie them together (hold them up and visualize the lengths being equal and tie a knot). 
NOTE: For Step 8 and for step 9, I am showing your the ribbon placement without the paper attached to the wreath frame. It is much easier to attach the ribbon with the paper already on the wreath...as it hold the ribbon in place.
9. If you are going to be hanging photos or anything else from the chandelier, you may want to attach the fishing line now as well. You can do as many lines as you want. I did two, dividing the wreath frame in half, each way. See NOTE from step 8.
10. Glue The top of the folded paper and then fan out and glue the two halves together.
11. With wreath still flat (or…I actually found it helpful to hang the wreath for this stage of creating), glue the top of the folded pages. Then open the folds to create a rosette and glue the sides together. Repeat as many times as necessary.
NOTE: Top, a larger accordion fold. Bottom, a smaller accordion fold.
12. When the glue on the wreath is dry you can hang your photos.
13. Tie photos to the wreath frame and along the strings you crisscrossed across the frame. Hang them at different levels for interest. Stand back every now and then to reassess positioning. You will also have to balance out the photos so the chandelier hangs straight at this stage.
  • On the computer, print out your photos. I found it helpful to print them all out in the same size using Microsoft Picture Manager, wallet size photos.
  • Cut mats out of cardstock or paper. I found it helpful to use solid color cardstock and then I could put photos on both sides.
  • Cut photos out and affix to mats (I used glue, but you could use scrapbook tape runner)
  • Punch a hole in the center top.
  • Cut lengths of ribbon or thin string (I cut them about 36” long…enough to play with) and then tie to mounted/matted photos.
Add Some Sparkle!
Dip the edges in glue and then glitter for some sparkle!
Hang a few crystals for some glam! 
Pinking shear or tear the edges for some additional detail. 
Oh yeah, did I mention the best part...this cost N-O-T-H-I-N-G! And how FAB is it!

Happy DIYing!

PS-I have a ton more photos if anyone want to try this and wants to see more....Just let me know!

This post is written and created at 504 Main by Holly Lefevre


  1. Super cute, I love it!

  2. wow! i'm very very impressed! that is incredibly creative and cute. :)

  3. Anonymous7:32 PM

    That is just SO cool!! What an awesome idea!!

  4. You are very creative. That turned out super cute.

  5. This is ever so clever! Some of the best things come from making it up as you go! I love it.

  6. That is so cute. You're so creative. I would never even in my dreams could think of making anything like that.

  7. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Clever girl! I would have NEVER thought of that!

  8. Very cool idea, I love it!

  9. I love that! What a creative birthday idea!!

  10. Holy Creatives! That is amazing!! Of course, way more work than I could or would do, but I love it!!

  11. I love this sweet gesture. You're inspiring!

  12. Love it!! This was a great idea!

  13. That's fantastic! What did he think of it?

  14. i really, really like this...i'm thinking i might make one for my niece's dorm room
    thanks for sharing!

  15. Wow! Just wow! That is really beautiful.

  16. Holly, yet again you amaze me with your talent!! I would milk it for all it's worth also :o)

  17. That is so impressive! So imaginative. Your hubby is a lucky man.

  18. You are so creative. I never would have thought to make one. It turned out great.

  19. What a cute and clever idea! I have never seen such a thing.
    Hope he had a great birthday

  20. That is just adorable! My daughter's birthday was Saturday, too - wish I'd seen this earlier!

  21. Holly, I love this! LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing!

  22. OH that is just too cool! What a fun decoration for a birthday! My kids would love their own picture chandelier for their bedroom!

  23. very clever


  24. Wow, I love, love, love this!!! It is too cute!!!

  25. I just might do this for my mom this year! I love the idea!

  26. I love it. The picture of it over the cake is just awesome. You may have to sell these on etsy :)

  27. You are so crafty! I love it! You could definitely use this for other occasions as well!

  28. You're not just good at creative writing Holly - but you've got a talent for crafts as well - very impressive!!

  29. This is such an original and fantastic idea! I just love it!

  30. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Fabulous...your are so creative!

  31. What a FANTASTIC idea! The one you made is just LOVELY! That's quite a talent you have!

  32. This is so cool! You know I love your Blog. So, I nominated you for a "beautiful blog" award! You can jump over to my blog to redeem or you can just know that you have a beautiful web site that I believe all women need to read!

  33. Wow such a great idea to add the pictures like that...I have made the pom balls for R's bday this weekend so now Im going to add pics like you did if I get the time!

  34. Excellent. With the detailed instructions and photos, it makes me feel as though I could even make this. Well, perhaps supervised by an adult...

  35. P.S. Thanks for grabbing my button (I just fixed the code so you may have to repost for it to work). I now have yours on both my blogs! :)

  36. oh holly what a terrific idea! it turned out fabulous!!!

  37. Wow! Great idea! I love how it turned out!

  38. Holly, this is so cool!! It's my daughter's birthday party this weekend. I can't wait to make it!

  39. Anything with photos just makes me happy. Great job. Hope he loved it too. Holly:)

  40. Really cute! I love it!

  41. so cute!
    GREAT idea!
    and best of all "it cost n-o-t-h-i-n-g!!"

    what did your hubby think of it???
    hope he had a wonderful birthday!!


  42. This is beautiful! And looks like something like I could do. And I think my husband would love something like this too.

  43. It's craft-impaired people who need people like yourself to guide us. That is awesome and could go for so many things!

  44. PS I have something at my blog for you.

  45. Thats sooo nice. I love it! The possibilities are endless. Thanks for sharing.

  46. Wow - I love it.... you are very talented.

  47. I could see making this into a bedroom decoration for a child's room too! So cute! I love love love it!

  48. I love this! How special and creative it is! I will remember it for my husband, or childrens birthday. I wish I had known about this for my parents recent 50th wedding anniversary. With a little modification it could have taken on a very "anniversary" feel and really blessed them with a display of pictures of their 50 years together. So glad I have you bookmarked so I can come back when I need this again!
    Thanks for so many wonderful ideas! Beautiful pictures too!


  49. Holly, as you know, this project took my breath away in person. It is positively stunning and I hope "Mr. 504" appreciated all the hard work, creativity, and love that went in to it.

  50. that is so sweet and says a big fat huge I LOVE YOU...I hope he loved it.

  51. I love literally everything that you do so why would this be any different :)

  52. This is so adorable! I love it, and you do not ramble on my blog. I love your comments. I need to add you to my blogroll so that I do not miss anything! oxoxo

  53. I totally love this!! I am going to have to attempt this soon. Thanks for sharing!

  54. Anonymous7:52 AM

    That is just adorable. I love it!

  55. Holly, you amaze me every time you post one of your crafty ideas. THis may be my favorite so far....
    LOVE it!

  56. Sososososo cute!!!
    Yes, it would make an excellent and adorable baby shower thingy!~
    You are GOOD! and creative!

  57. That is just SO freakin' cool! I may adapt this for Easter...would be fun to use pastel colored paper that I've let the kiddo draw on. Then use diecut or hand cut egg shapes to affix the photos to...fun stuff! You are so stinkin' AWESOME!!!!!

  58. I love this! You are so creative!

  59. Wow! Holly, this is a super great craft that can be used in a number of ways! I think I'll try one for my daughter's b'day that's coming up! Great Idea! Thanks for sharing with us!! Too Cool!!

  60. Awesome!!! WIsh I had a crafty hand. Beautiful work!

  61. LOVE this! How nice that you photographed how to make it!

  62. I'm late arriving, but have to say I love this idea. I hung checkered hearts from my chandelier for valentines. Loved it so much that like you I can see me doing something like that for other occasions.
    Love the use of thepaper and the family photos. Everything about this project says Winner! Thank you for sharing this great idea.
    Oh, and the cake looks delicious!

  63. Awesome I love love love it!!! I am so going to make one of these.

  64. Oh my gosh! I love this! Great job!

  65. How fun! Yesterday was my husband's birthday. He is of the same "no fuss, no attention, don't buy me anything" mold. I made him one of those throws that you tie the ends. He always watches sports on the big screen in the basement and it is colder down there. He was a bit shocked at my "crafty" gift, but he was asleep in his chair under it watching the Olympics. It is hard to find things for the men.


  66. You always have the BEST stuff, I'm not just blowing smoke! Great idea, this. So glad I came to see you today. Take care, keri

  67. I ADORE this idea! Thanks! I'm glad I found you. :-)

  68. so unique and FUN! love it. :)

  69. Anonymous5:55 PM

    this is so creative

  70. That is so cool. Found your blog through the Friday Follow and thought I'd take a look around. This idea is awesome and I may just have to give this a shot. Not for hubby, but for his mom. This would be really neat with pictures of the grandkids. And her birthday is just around the corner.

    Thanks. I'm totally following your blog. :)

    Christine From

  71. I love this! I'm featuring it on my blog tomorrow!


    Come grab my featured button!

    Thanks for linking up!

  72. This is great! I think this would be wonderful for a kid's birthday too and may have to remember it when my little on turns one!

  73. That is super cute! I hope your hubby liked it. It is such an original idea. Cindy S.

  74. That is so cool- I love anything made from paper!

  75. I really, really love this! So many possibilities! I want to make one right now...I just may...

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  76. this is a darling idea!!!


  77. I love it and it's such a super cute idea for birthdays. So special. Great tutorial too! :)

    Thanks so much for linking to the DIY Project Parade! I love it when you stop by and show me what you're up to!


  78. This is so cute.

    haven't seen anything like this.

    Great idea, and great tutorial.

  79. Thanks for dropping by my blog and your comments! I thought they turned out pretty good for a first attempt at blocks and faux finishes :)

    This is darling, as you obviously already know. Great job and great blog! Why is this the first time I've been here? I'll be back for sure! :)

  80. I saw your project on DIY Show Off. It is fantastic! I think I will make one for my daughters high school graduation party. Thanks for posting this!

  81. This is fantastic and I love,love,love it. How very creative and talented you are.. I have some old books and I'm going to try this. Thank you for the tutorial and for the wonderful pictures.

  82. This is so cute!! What a great idea! I think I will need to make one of these for my daughters graduation party! You are awesome! Love your blog...I'm a new follower!:)

  83. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Love this idea. I'm going to use it for a bridal shower this weekend. thanks for inspiring!

  84. This is ADORABLE! Such a cute idea Holly :)

  85. I am going to use this idea for my husbands 50th this June. He doesnt' want much done either but this is a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

  86. Holly, this is absolutely delightful! How clever of you! Your tutorial is spot-on, too! another great project, girl...

  87. Thrifty & personal - such a great gift. Thanks for linking up to Craftastic Monday!

  88. When I saw one of the ingredients was old book (you will be tearing it apart), I damn near had a heart attack. Thank you for adding in scrapbook paper. Phew!

    This is a cute idea I'll never do. I lost my craft mojo somewhere and I just can't seem to find it.

    Are you sad? Don't be. I'll find it again. It's genetic so it can't have gone far.


  89. Anonymous6:42 AM

    This would be great for a wedding shower or graduation party.

  90. That's pretty creative. I may adapt for my daughter's birthday. Thanks for the idea.

  91. You are a closer scrapper!!! Your Creative Memories cutting mat is showing.... :) You're my sitsa from another mother!

    Congrats on your SITS day!

    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  92. This is such a cute idea. I'll have to bookmark it for my ex a gift (from his girls) because he always says "don't spend any money. You can't afford it." He knows me so well.

    Happy SITS Day!

  93. Too too cute.. Stopping by from SITS.

  94. Love this! Stopping by from SITS.

  95. Very creative, I am sure he loved it! :)

  96. Stopping by from SITS. This is awesome!


  97. Happy SITs Day!. This chandelier is awesome.

  98. LOVE THIS! I am always looking for new things to make for my husband for birthdays and whatnot. He loves it (I always say it is from our 3 year old).
    I will definitely be doing this!

    Happy SITS day!!!

  99. That is just SO beautiful! You're so talented!

    I wish I had the patience for this - I love to paint, draw, make cards and stuff, but I don't know if I would dare to do this

    I'm your neweat follower! Happy SITS dag again girl!

  100. How clever, special and personal!

  101. that's awesome! I feel like I might even be able to do that! ;)

  102. I'm so glad you were the FB on SITS today because otherwise I would have never seen this incredible idea! I think I'm going to adapt it for my little dd's first birthday in a few months. It would be perfect! Gave you a thumbs up on stumble upon and added this to my favorites. Thank you!

  103. Stopping by from SITS- I am sooo doing this for my (almost) 5-year old's tea party birthday party! I can see it now... photos and paper-pieced tea cups dangling...

  104. WOW! That is really cool! I wish someone would make that for my birthday!

    Happy happy SITS day!

  105. LOVE this, will be using this idea for Father's Day!!!!!

  106. oh wow! it is to die for! You're amazing!!!

  107. this is soooo pretty, amazing project! I can't wait to see more of your wonderful projects!

    THANK YOU for the detail instructions!


  108. I would love to get more pics about this project. My daughter is graduating and would seem perfect to show off her pictures. Thanks so much,

  109. So after reading your blog, like i always do I was looking at prior posts for ideas, and i came across this! L.O.V.E it!

    Going to use it for Aubree's (you know the one I always talk about in my blog.) her birthday weekend its a film inspired theme and I think this will fit wonderfully into it!

    Thanks for being ever inspiring.


  110. I absolutely love this. I do a lot of party decorating and am always looking for something different and pocket book friendly. Thanks for sharing your ideas.


  111. I'm planning a 30th bday extravaganza for Sexy Nerd and this is going to look so cute! I'm not very crafty, but I think I have enough time to master making one of these (he's currently 27!)


  112. Fantastic project! I always have a difficult time finding ideas for my hubby too - this is perfect.

  113. Anonymous2:18 PM

    This is a marvellous idea! Will be doing this over and over and over again! Thank you for posting great instructions!

    /AL from Sweden

  114. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I love this idea!! I will definitely be trying it. Thanks.

  115. I had to do a mobile for my literacy class (I'm studying special ed). I didn't know how to make a mobile, but then I remember seeing this. Working on it to turn in Friday. Thanks for the instructions.

  116. This is so adorable! I need one for my studio!

  117. bookmarking this one! very creative! I might even make one in my daughters roon.

    Now following you! Love your blog!

  118. Anonymous1:40 PM

    how adorable is that! i love it and am sure the birthday boy did too :)

  119. this is a great and creative idea, i see that you used a old book, is it possible to use newspaper? or would the paper not hold up?


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