For Part 2, here's my shout out to specific CHARITIES and CAUSES that I have learned about through tickled pink. Tickled Pink has inspired me and others and I thank you so much for coming back to hang out at 504 Main.
{Part 1 is all about BLOGS!}
LINKY starts THURSDAY evening!
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Once upon a time I was a Big Sister and really do firmly believe in helping others in whatever way I can. I tend to select opportunities and charities that favor children, and have found not only those that favor children but one or two that help out Vets and women. As my children grow, I hope to instill a sense of charity and giving in them.
A Patriotic Cause
I am pretty patriotic. I also have many friends who are serving and have served our country. All of my grandfathers are also veterans. I firmly believe in doing what I can to help those who serve our country. A little while ago, I stopped over at LA 'n' LA and then ran across this great cause on her blog, Pin*Ups for Vets. {Much of this information is taken directly from the founder Gina Elise - she said it best!}
The founder of Pin*Ups for vets, Gina Elise began this project to honor to her grandfather's Army service during WW II. The 2011 5th year anniversary "Pin-Ups For Vets" calendar was being released on Veterans day. It can be ordered on Pin*Ups for Vets.
The calendar is a WWII style pin-up calendar that raises thousands of dollars for VA and Military hospitals across the US. In addition to raising money for our hospitalized Veterans, Gina travel around the US as a 1940s pin-up girl, delivering donated calendars to our Wounded Warriors and Vets in the hospitals to boost their spirits during recovery. She is currently in the middle of a 50 state Veterans hospital tour.
Here is a little about Pin*Ups for VetsThe founder of Pin*Ups for vets, Gina Elise began this project to honor to her grandfather's Army service during WW II. The 2011 5th year anniversary "Pin-Ups For Vets" calendar was being released on Veterans day. It can be ordered on Pin*Ups for Vets.
The calendar is a WWII style pin-up calendar that raises thousands of dollars for VA and Military hospitals across the US. In addition to raising money for our hospitalized Veterans, Gina travel around the US as a 1940s pin-up girl, delivering donated calendars to our Wounded Warriors and Vets in the hospitals to boost their spirits during recovery. She is currently in the middle of a 50 state Veterans hospital tour.
Doing some good with Rook No. 17!
Jenn is always finding great inspiration and invaluable way to help people and touch lives.
Last year Jenn did a POST {read more about it at her place} about Card for Kids, an amazing organization goal whose goal is "to make and deliver cards, goodies, etc. to children who are in the hospital or living in shelters at holiday time." She also shares some of her families card creations HERE.
This particular Cards for Kids organization is based in California, which doesn't mean you cannot send cards from elsewhere, but just in case you want to help closer to home, try calling some around and maybe you can brighten a child's. You can also even call senior centers or the like...our cub scouts have also made Thanksgiving place mats for Meals on Wheels. My son's Cub Scout Den has made cards for just about every holiday.

I saw this over at The Stylish House, and was completely tickled pink about it. Enchanted Makeovers, founded by Terry Grahl, is a non profit organization whose mission {as stated on their website} is "to transform shelters for women and children into heartwarming havens, it's the catalyst to help everyone’s dream come true." Are you kidding me...what an unbelievable and amazing organization. I thankfully have never been in such a situation, but at some of my previous jobs, I have met many women and children who have needed a safe haven...and how fantastic would it be if that place could be warm and welcoming too.
The blog world lost a sweet and generous soul to Ovarian Cancer. Bumpkin on a Swing always brought a smile to my face and was taken all too soon by this disease. While it does not take away the pain of her loss, hopefully we can all become more informed about this type of cancer, a leading cause of cancer-related death among women. This POST over at Bumpkin's place has information and resources. Teal Toes is committed to raising awareness, as is the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance.
Icing Smiles is a non profit organization whose "mission is to provided critically ill children and their siblings with an exquisite custom celebration cake. We understand how hard it is for these families to create normal childhood memories. We want to provide them with an escape from the medical world and leave them with an Icing Smile."
The blog world lost a sweet and generous soul to Ovarian Cancer. Bumpkin on a Swing always brought a smile to my face and was taken all too soon by this disease. While it does not take away the pain of her loss, hopefully we can all become more informed about this type of cancer, a leading cause of cancer-related death among women. This POST over at Bumpkin's place has information and resources. Teal Toes is committed to raising awareness, as is the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance.
Icing Smiles is a non profit organization whose "mission is to provided critically ill children and their siblings with an exquisite custom celebration cake. We understand how hard it is for these families to create normal childhood memories. We want to provide them with an escape from the medical world and leave them with an Icing Smile."
More is coming...stay tuned!
More is coming...stay tuned!
Part 1 is all about BLOGS!
Come back later for
***Part 3: Inspirational and Informational Reads***
***Part 4: In the Kitchen!***
***Part 5+: Crafting and DIY and Home***
{most likely this will be broken up into multiple categories}
LINKY starts THURSDAY evening!
***Part 4: In the Kitchen!***
***Part 5+: Crafting and DIY and Home***
{most likely this will be broken up into multiple categories}
LINKY starts THURSDAY evening!
I'm glad you showcased so many causes in Tickled Pink this year. I would never have known about many of them if it weren't for your blog!