504 Main by Holly Lefevre: Mind, Body, Food (Chapter 2)...A Chicken Chili Recipe for You!
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Friday, January 15, 2010

Mind, Body, Food (Chapter 2)...A Chicken Chili Recipe for You!

Hey All! First, can I just say “WOW.” I was really overwhelmed and inspired by the responses to my last "healthy" post, Mind…Body…Food…The Road to Complete Nutrition.
As I mentioned, I was hesitant to talk about my own issues…but I did it and survived. I have a lot more info to share – maybe I can get Renee to guest post. In the next weeks, I am going to cover journaling…but not just your food, reading labels, pantry items, sugars, and one of my main things that I need to concentrate on…building up my adrenal system.
(again, not from the perspective of a doctor or
health professional, but from the mom prospective.)
If you want to catch up, check out these posts:
Getting Healthy (November 2009)

But every post doesn’t need to be so "heavy"…
so let’s talk about food…good, nutritious, delicious food!

I decide to throw this little Happy Hour gathering at my place, I freaked out. What kind of menu am I supposed to have? Parties are for yummy gluttonous food, like Chili Brie, right? Then I thought – wholly cow, nothing is going to be “good” enough for Renee. Seriously, I cannot serve cheesy artichoke dip, cosmos, and homemade brownies…and then talk about being healthy! So, I caught my breath and quit freaking out. I am not an idiot. I know what is healthy. I know what is good for me. I know how to cook properly.

And so here was the menu…(recipes or sources all to come)
Spicy Navy Bean dip with Endive
Veggie Salsa with homemade corn tortilla chips
Carrots (they go with either of the above)
Spicy Chicken Chili (recipe below)
Organic Greens salad
Brussel Sprouts with caramelized red onion
Sparkling Water with lemon and of course Wine (a necessity!)

This spicy chicken chili recipe is seriously one of my favorite recipes EVER. I think I have now made it 10 times since November and everyone eats it and LOVES it. I wish I could take credit for it, but the credit for this recipe belongs to Sandy at Reluctant Entertainer. If you have never been over there…you must go. Her blog is one of the very first blogs – actually I think the first blog – I ever read. I love her blog and her philosophy on entertaining…and I cannot wait for her book to come out in August!

(Don’t let the spicy scare you…My chili isn’t that spicy, but I think it is a matter of the salsa I use – not spicy at all. The chili is yummy and my Mom can eat it and she doesn’t “do” spicy at all.)

1 Costco Roasted Chicken (pulled apart)*
2 T oil
1 cup onion, chopped
1 pepper (I use red or yellow), chopped
Lots of garlic
2 cans Mexican-style stewed tomatoes
2 cans pinto beans, drained
1 can kidney beans, drained
1 can black beans, drained
1 cup salsa (homemade or store bought)
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp chili powder
½ tsp salt

Sauté onion, pepper and garlic. Add (cooked) chicken and rest of ingredients and simmer for 20 minutes. OR simmer in crock-pot all day long. “This recipe tastes even better when it sits overnight and is served the next day. Double or triple the recipe for a real crowd-pleasing meal!” Sandy’s recipe, is adapted from Portland’s Palate cookbook, pg. 181. Visit Sandy's original post.
I will not ever be hired as a food stylist!
(The photo is not so good, BUT the chili is)
Holly’s Notes:
 -I baked my own chicken the day before (no preservative or who-knows-what-else and they were on sale!). I seasoned with salt and pepper and drizzled olive oil all over the chicken and baked it at 375 for about 1.5 hours. I used a thermometer to check for doneness.
-I cooked it all in the crockpot.
-Hubby doesn’t eat beans (whatever!). I cooked everything – except the beans -  together for a few hours, then take out a few cup-fulls of the beanless mixture for hubby. Then I add my beans in and cook for another hour or so.

*NOTE/EDIT: Noelle left a comment asked me about the serving size and calorie count...good question...If I have time I will look at the ingredients and see what I can approximate. I am taking the approach of eating only healthful, natural foods, and cutting out the refined and processed...mainly because I stink at measuring and counting - it makes me feel like I am on a diet (Or I am just lazy!). Overall I am trying to use good judgment - start off with a small portion eat it, and then really think about if I am still hungry before I go for more. I am guessing a serving size would be about 1 cup and it has a lot of fiber (the beans) and protein...and you could even use less oil to saute the onions in...now you got me thinking! I love readers and comments. Good point Noelle!

Happy Cooking!

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, nutritionist or food expert. I am simply sharing my thoughts and ideas. A doctor should check you out before you begin a new eating or lifestyle plan.


  1. This sounds so yummy! We love the roasted chickens at Costco!


  2. Anonymous8:59 PM

    mmmmmm...that sounds good. any idea on a portion size and the calorie count?

  3. mmmm, looks delicious!

  4. Hi Fellow Friday Follower! I am now following you.

    PLease follow me at the below links


    Also, Thanks in advance for following me back! This is terrific idea!

  5. You know I'm trying to be more healthy...so I've saved this one. I have a chicken/chili type WW dish I'm fixing this week, but I'm always looking for something new and different. This isn't at all like my recipe. Thanks! Have a great weekend.


  6. Would that work with regular chicken? Probably. Don't go to Costco's - the nearest one is 1.5 hours away, and I just don't see why I should pay for a membership to shop in a store.

    Following you back!! LOVE your blog!

  7. Anonymous5:37 AM

    I love chili. I'm going to try that recipe. Thanks for posting all of these healthy recipes. I have a hard time finding healthy meals that I like. These look great!

    Have a great day!

  8. Hi, Holly. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog for Friday Follow. You are right, I do not have a follow button! I've been trying to figure out what "follow" means, exactly. I thought it was synonymous with "subscribe," but now that I see your blog I'm thinking it probably has to do with Google Friend Connect. Am I on the right track? Yet another blogging question for me to investigate!

  9. I love menu planning! I do it every Monday on my blog so come check it out:-)

  10. Mmmmm, great post! Here's to staying fit in 2010!
    Thanks for following me, I'm following you!

  11. OK, I'm so excited to find your blog via the blog hop. This one totally speaks to me and I'll be back to read more!

    -Casey at www.thestarnesfam.com

  12. I love the sound of this chili but I do agree with your hubby about the beans. Some of the beans yes but not alot. Think I'll give it a try and add just a bit less beans and maybe more tomatoes or ....humm you got me thinking. Thank you for sharing, for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I'll be following to see what you can come up with next. Take care, have a great weekend and God Bless!!!

  13. I am drooling over this! I love chili and may just have to make it this weekend. Thanks for the recipe!

    And I love that you told us to tear the chicken apart first. It pains me to think that there probably is someone out there who would throw the whole chicken in the pot!

  14. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Can't wait to try this.

  15. I am so looking forward to this blog. My mom and I were just talking last night about finding healthier recipes, and I do believe I have found one. (Even though I'll probably cut back on the beans, for me at least. I'm another one of those non bean eaters unless they are green! hehe)

    I know what you mean about the comment you left on my post about nails. I work as a housekeeper, so I think that is one reason why I have to paint them a different color all the time. haha

    Thanks for being a follower! I love this Friday Follow idea! Those ladies are brilliant!
    I'll be stopping by your other blog as well!

  16. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Hi! Thanks for the Friday Follow. I am here to return the follow and browse your blog.
    This recipe sounds really good! I am definitely going to have to try it.

  17. Hi there.. thanks for visiting me. I'm following you know :)


  18. It is early morning and I just had breakfast, yet I'm salivating over this recipe. As soon as Costco opens I'm there purchasing my roasted chicken!!

  19. This Chili sounds fantastic!! I am now a follow from Friday Follow. Have a great weekend.

  20. The recipe is just as good without the bean. Add if you want to reduce the bean count, last time I made it I was pretty much out of bean, so used one can of black an done can of pinto and it was great. It is such a good recipe you can play with it!

    PS - For all the Friday Follows that I have not followed back yet...I am working on it!

  21. I am easing the fam into healthy eating. I have gotten very lazy about it. You are one of at least 4 blogs I currently follow who are doing healthy eating. I think I am being told something. Haha. I have even thought about posting my weight loss to my blog...but that scares me. LOL. Thanks for reminding me.

  22. i will so be trying this recipe. it looks realy good. happy sits saturday

  23. That sounds so good! I love a good chili! Happy Saturday from a fellow SITStah!

  24. Hubs and I would both love that!

    Hope you're having a good weekend. :)

  25. looks wonderful!! have a great weekend :)

  26. This sounds really good. Thanks for joining the Follow Friday.

  27. LOL the foods you cannot serve sound like the foods I do serve

    I'm here to follow from the Friday Follow!

  28. Hi! I'm a new follower from Friday Follow!

  29. Your planned menu doesn't make anyone feel as if they're missing out at all. It's a flavorful, satisfying list!

  30. I read this to my husband (I am not a big bean fan...I will eat them) and he said it sounds del. and is going to make it!!

  31. Mmm! Looks yummy! Thanks for sharing!
    Thanks for following me and I am now following both of your blogs!

  32. Thanks for sharing that recipe, it sounds great! I think I will have to try that this week. Just found your blog and following along, look forward to reading more!

  33. We love chili here. I will have to try your recipe. I found your blog on Midday Escapades and am now following you. You can find me here: http://www.couponclippinmommy.com/

  34. There is nothing wrong with your photo--looks good.

    I think I could eat spicy chili for breakfast (if that was socially acceptable).

  35. Delish! And who doesn't love a chili this time of year? I find I can sneak so much "healthful" into a chili.

  36. I make turkey chili and love it, my recipe is very similar to yours. I love black beans in my chili---which most people don't seem to use, for whatever reason---but I love them! Thanks for sharing!


  37. purchased chicken from Costco being the first ingredient...? I'm in. I think I may give that a try this week and I will link back and let you know how it went. thanks for the visit. We will follow...follow us?
    Your blog looks very interesting I will be back when I have more time to peruse...Cara

  38. Holly, this looks terrific! I am definitely going to try this one. Really appreciated your comment today on my blog. It's good to have followers like you who stick with me when life gets crazy and I just can't keep up with the posting and commenting! Congratulations on all the activity here...more and more comments all the time--good work!

  39. Hi, Holly! Thanks for stopping by my blog, and for explaining Friday Follow to me. Hopefully I will be able to get the appropriate button before the next FF carnival! Now if I could just figure out what a carnival "hop" is... ;)

  40. PS -- Have you heard of soaking beans? If you buy dried beans and soak them beforehand in water with a bit of whey added, it will make them much easier to digest. It takes some planning since they need to soak for several hours, but it's well worth it in the end (oops, no pun intended!).

  41. Anonymous2:05 AM

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