It is hard to believe, but cherry pie is about to surpass chocolate as the favorite dessert in our house. In fact, even at Christmas - holiday of pumpkins and pecans - my daughter asked "Why cant we have cherry pie...its red and festive?" Can't argue with that logic, right? Well, we celebrated a birthday this past weekend and guess what I made...cherry pie. It is so good and I thought I'd share my sweet shortcut to amazing cherry pie!
I know it was also Presidents Day and that always reminds me of cherry pie - even if that whole George Washington cutting down a cherry tree and "I cannot tell a lie" story I learned in grade school is a myth!
Now, lets get moving on why you stopped by...CHERRY PIE!
Remember the title says "shortcut" this is a shortcut. I use pre-made pie dough and canned cherries (so sue me). I love making things fro m scratch but seriously, pie crust is not one of them and it would be a 1,000,000 cherry pie if I bought fresh cherries!
- 2 cans of Lucky Leaf Cherry Pie Filling
- I package refrigerated pie dough (I used Pilsbury)
- 1/2 bag (6 ounces) Frozen Tart Cherries
- 1/3 cup brown sugar
- 3 tablespoons cornstarch (I have omitted this before and the filling is just not as thick)
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 egg, beaten
- 1 Tablespoon (or less) or granulated sugar
- Other: pie plate/tin, pizza cutter/knife/pastry brush, cutting board, 1/4 cup (or less) of flour.
Make It!
- Preheat oven to 425.
- Allow pie dough to come to room temperature (makes it easier to unroll).
- Cook
- 2 cans of cherry pie filling and 1/2 bag of frozen cherries on the stove.
- Add brown sugar and vanilla, stir.
- Add cornstarch and stir until dissolved.
- Cook on medium to low heat for about 10 minutes.
- Place one pie crust into a pie tin (or glass pie pan). Distribute it evenly and lightly press into the sides and bottom of the pan.
- Add filling to the (cooked) pie crust.

- On a large cutting board, flour the surface lightly and place the second pie crust on it, flat.
- Cut (using a pizza cutter or knife) approximately 1" strips to create the lattice top.
- NOTE: You can let the filling cool a bit before you do this, or the heat starts to "melt" the dough
- Lay 3-4 strips vertically on the pie. (how many strips depends on how wide you cut them, sometimes I cut mine larger and I use fewer strips).
- Lay one strip horizontally, and then lift up every other vertical piece and slide the horizontal piece under.
- Repeat with a second horizontal piece, lifting the opposite vertical pieces up, so that you are essentially weaving.
- Repeat the above 2 steps one more time each.
- Cut off any excess dough from the strips, and pinch the dough into the bottom crust.
- Beat one egg and them brush the crust with the beaten egg.
- Sprinkle the crust with some granulated sugar.
- Bake at 425 for 10 minutes. Check the edges of your crust. If they are browning up too much, place strips of foil around the edge. If not, continue baking for 10 more minutes.
See...its easy. And when you are done you get a beautiful rustic (code word for not perfect) looking cherry pie that tastes AH-MAZING!
Who wants to come over for pie????
If you are looking to add an extra special touch to all of your baked goods, try making your own vanilla extract! There's nothing like it!
Holly, I really like the sweet and tart flavor of cherry pie. This looks like an easy way to make it more often. Thanks so much for this "short cut" recipe!