504 Main by Holly Lefevre: I'm Tickled Pink, No. 3!
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Friday, April 16, 2010

I'm Tickled Pink, No. 3!

I’m Tickled Pink at 
504 Main
Be sure to read all the way to the bottom to see who won the apron and for the new giveaway!
{what the heck is "I'm Tickled Pink" you ask, click HERE}
Welcome to I'm Ticked Pink No. 3!
This week I'm Tickled Pink about
1 awesome blog
1 birthday wish
1 terrific cause
1 {or 2 or 3} green ideas {and a contest} 
{don't forget to grab a button - at the bottom of the post- if you have been tickled pink}

The awesome blog 
Authors Heather and Jessica are
sharing their tips and tricks with us! Yeah!
 I'm tickled pink because...
1. I have no idea how to coupon and save serious cash at the grocery store, BUT they do, and I am learning...thanks to Heather and Jessica! See how they save at Publix.
2. They highlight super deals and freebie offers on everything from lotion to cupcakes to coffee to macaroni and cheese {and even magazines sometimes - another of my addictions!} - check in often for the deals.
3. They can throw one heck of a baby shower without breaking the bank!
4. They cook...check out this recipe...better yet, they are honest and share their kitchen fiascoes turned superstar meals {I can SO relate!} .
5. I am giving my kitchen a makeover and always on the lookout for ideas...You have to see what they can do to a kitchen...all DIY! It looks amazing!
6. They are going after my own heart with their Wedding Wednesday posts that provide brides with some seriously good, economical planning pointers.

One birthday wish
This one is for for Michelle at
So Wonderful, So Marvelous.
I couldn't pass this one up...
it is Michelle's birthday after all!
Oh yeah, it is my birthday too, 
"Happy Birthday to us, Happy Birthday to us...."
back to the topic...
it is Michelle's idea that has me tickled pink.
Michelle says it best...
"Will you give me a gift and do a random {or not so random} act of kindness? It's so easy.  You can tell someone how they have changed your life or how much you love them. You can rake your neighbor's lawn or help them clean out their garden. You can have coffee with a friend or buy lunch for a stranger. You can leave change in a vending machine for someone else to find or pay the toll of the car behind you. You can tell someone how pretty they look or make a donation to your favorite organization. Help a family that has been in the news lately or send a letter of thanks to your favorite teacher. You can drop off flowers to a nursing home or take balloons to a hospital. You can just start with a smile." {You need to visit her POST for all the scoop}

And guess what if you help make her birthday wishes come true, she has prizes for you! But you must hurry...Saturday {4/17} is the big day and the winners will be announced then...you must enter by 4/16 at 11:59 p.m. So..HURRY...go visit So Wonderful, So Marvelous, do a random act of kindness, leave a comment and wish Michelle a Happy Birthday too!
One green idea
{and a cool green contest}
BWS tips button
I just L-O-V-E Lucky Star Lane. Not only do they do their own very cool crafts {seriously go check them out}, but they also host Lucky Linky Tuesday. For the month of April - Earth Day is coming - they are going green! Check out their posts on going paperless, hoarding {did they write that for me?}, washing fruits and vegetables, and reusing items.
And they are having a cool green contest, about Jean Crafts...it is all about celebrating Earth Day in a crafty way and repurposing old jeans. I am working on a project! What about you?
One terrific cause

I saw this over at The Stylish House, and was completely tickled pink about it.  Enchanted Makeovers, founded by Terry Grahl, is a non profit organization. Their mission {as stated on their website} is "to transform shelters for women and children into heartwarming havens, it's the catalyst to help everyone’s dream come true." Are you kidding me...what an unbelievable and amazing organization. I thankfully have never been in such a situation, but at some of my previous jobs, I have met many women and children who have needed a safe haven...and how fantastic would it be if that place could be warm and welcoming too.

Enchanted Makeovers has been picked as one of 10 finalists to win $10,000 in the Make a Powerful Difference Contest. So please vote and with your help we can make this happen! You are eligible to vote once a day until April 21, 2010." Click HERE to vote {you need to register, but it is easy}.

****I'm Tickled Pink to announce a WINNER**** 
won the Lima Bean Designs apron.
THANK YOU KELLI...you are still tickling me pink!
Email me with your mailing address! Yipppeee! 
I just have to say that I'm Tickled Pink because I think I have the bestest readers and commenters EVER! You all rock! Thanks for continuing to come by and visit, and remember I am always on the look out for things that will tickle us pink!

Oh, you wanted another giveaway!?

You can win a copy of this cool book filled with repurposing ideas!
It is full of fun crafts and inspiration.
I bought myself a copy too.
image from amazon 
There are 6! chances to enter!
--Entry One {required}:
*You need to be a follower of 504 Main
*You need to leave a relevant comment about one feature!!!!
"Nice journal", "Nice post," "Learn how to work from home,"
and the like - doesn't count!
--Entry Two:
Go give some comment at Saving Money and Living Life
--Entry Three:
Help make Michelle's Birthday wish come true.
--Entry Four:
Go Vote for Enchanted Makeovers.
--Entry Five:
Go visit Lucky Star Lane and give them some comment love! 
--Entry Six:
Join my Blog Frog Community....go right over there and click on it.

Contest closes Thursday, 4/22/10 at 11:59 p.m. EST and the winner will be announced on Friday 4/23/10.

What more info on I'm Tickled Pink or how to nominate a product/person/idea/recipe to be featured, click HERE. Loving all of your ideas!!!!!!

if you have been featured!
504 Main

Disclaimer - No one paid me or offered me anything. I bought the book. 


  1. Hey Holly.....thank you for reminding me about Lima Bean Designs....I am off there right now to get myself a new apron.....xx

  2. I LOVE Michelle's idea! and it comes just in time for my dear friend Catherine's 1950s Surprise Prom birthday tomorrow night!


  3. Cool apron! Congrats to all the winners, and to you for being so fabulous.

  4. Congrats to Debbie at LOVE THE DECOR for winning that CUTE apron! I'm a new follower:)


  5. Wow! So many great websites to check out this morning! Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a great one! Now I'm off to go offer a RAK to a fellow friend. Have a nice Friday!

  6. What a fabulous idea! I hope your special day is filled with much happiness!
    I'm off to peek at the featured sites.


  7. I don't know how it's possible for me to love ya even more, but I do! Thank you for this. Truly.

    Happy Birthday to US! And I still think that is freaky and weird and TOTALLY awesome Holly.

    You rock. Big time.

  8. PS. I'm all 504 Main Buttoned up now on my featured page! WOOO HOOO!

  9. Hi, If you have time today check out my post or go to heartsmakefamilies.com and read her comments about the lava cake tasting, it is a giveaway from friday follow.

  10. Happy birthday Holly.

  11. I'm a follower :)

    I have been couponing now for about a year, but just recently have started to really get serious. The easiest place to start is combining sales with coupons. Sales where you earn rewards back (checkout coupons or gift cards) are the best! But so that I don't get overwhelmed, I just clip the coupons for things we use regularly, take them with me to the grocery store, and walk up and down every aisle, trying to match up coupons with sales each week. Otherwise it would take me hours and hours to plan what to buy!

    Another tip is to write out your menu each week, and try to base it on sales/coupons. Only buy the things you need for that week's meals, unless you find a good deal to stock up on. Having a set list helps curb my impulse buying (especially when grocery shopping while hungry).

  12. I commented at Saving Money and Living Life!

  13. I commented at Lucky Star Lane :)

  14. you must coupon at publix. it's beyond amazing how much you can save!

  15. This was fun! I'm going to check out the coupon queens! Thanks! :)

  16. I love Michelle's idea and it is perfect timing. My four sisters and mother are having our monthly lunch tomorrow. My plan is to get there first and pre-pay for desert. We never order desert, so this idea is foolproof. It will be so much fun to see their surprised looks. Off now to practice looking surprised right along with them. Thanks!

  17. I am a follower and just LOVE the RAK Birthday idea! I had seen it once before on the blog Michelle mentions in her post. I plan to jump in on the fun and do a RAK tomorrow to celebrate. I LOVE this idea and can see it becoming MY birthday celebration for Sept. too.

  18. Such fabulous things are going on here dear Holly! Big congrats to the giveaway winner :-)

    Cheers: Evi

  19. I am a follower and a big ole HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!

    sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com

  20. Did you say that today is your birthday? Awesome! Happy Birthday!! Have a great one!!

  21. I loved this Tickled Pink post Holly! It was SO informative!! I went and voted at Enchanted Makeover. What a neat organization! I love your giveaway.... I could really use a book like that.

    Loves. xo

  22. I love any stylish blog that can tell me how to save money- always a huge bonus so thank you for alerting me to them!!! Happy Birthday to you! I love the idea of mailing a letter to an old teacher, I'm sure that would make a lot of teacher's days who often think their work goes unrecognized. I am a follower btw :)

  23. Hi there. I found your blog through Friday Follow. If you would be interested in following my blog, I would gladly return the favor.

    I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!!!

  24. Happy Birthday Holly! :D

  25. Some more great finds! I loved the kitchen reno- very impressive!

    Oh, and I just grabbed the Tuscan Lima Bean Designs apron off of Etsy! (giggles)

  26. Happy Birthday!! Love the new look of the blog. I had been slacking trying to juggle my career and home life. Tough when the nice weather comes to b/c my arse isn't planted here day and night. Catching up, missed it so much!!
    Have a wonderful night gf!

  27. Love your new buttons, going to have to add them to my blog ;D

  28. Happy Birthday Holly!!! I wished Michelle a happy birthday too. My acts of kindness were telling my oldest daughter how proud I was of her for going to school despite problems with friends. And praises for the other daughter for getting an A+ on a math test. I got all three kids a present just because.

    PS I am still having trouble with your email.

  29. I love, love, love those random acts of kindness.
    Once I went to the grocery store and gave away $20 bills in envelopes around Christmas. Most people refused because they thought it was some sort of scam!
    Maybe I'll try a different approach.

  30. Alright I'm going to gush for a minute....how is it that you make your readers feel so special...like you are genuinely happy to be here, chatting, and so happy to have the company? I love your writing style and always enjoy visiting over here. The Tickled Pink concept is really cute, so sweet how you recognize others! I don't know how you do it all! Please share some blogging secrets about keeping it all in balance one of these days!

  31. I am coming to visit everyone...I have a sick little girlie who is not getting better and have had ZERO sleep for the last 4 days. THANKS everyone for hanging around! You all rock!

  32. Happy Birthday to you!!

    stopping by from SITS

  33. Your blog rocks! No wonder you don't get enough sleep! I am stopping by from SITS but I am following so I can come back for more.

    Happy birthday and have an awesome weekend!

    Stop by some time...

  34. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Great pics. I'm tinkled pink about them now too!

  35. I'm a new follower, and I'm tickled pink about it...see what I did there???

    Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!

    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  36. I'm so interested in hearing more about that wonderful charity for women's shelters. What a great organization!

    Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!

    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  37. Precious blog! You've got a good thing going on here!

    Found you on SITS.... Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest.

    Check out my book giveaway!

  38. I'm with you - I have a hard time clipping coupons and saving money at the grocery store. I really wish I could figure out to save on the things that we actually use.

  39. Congrats to the winner and BTW girl, loving your new profile pic (although it may not be new but the first I am seeing it). :)

  40. Great links and Happy Birthday!

  41. Hey Holly,
    I got the journals in the mail yesterday!!! Love them, they are so cute!! Thank you again!
    Also, I left you a little something over at my blog, you'll have to check it out!

  42. I'm a follower! I'd love a chance at winning the book!

  43. So...my reading comprehension skills are a bit off today--I thought I was supposed to leave my relevant comment in a separate comment...so trying again here.

    I'm a follower! AND I am interested in checking out the jeans repurposing ideas, especially because I had a dream that I designed a really cool bag out of jean legs, but couldn't seem to replicate it when I was awake. It will be nice to see some tried and tested ideas!

  44. I joined your blog frog community--not quite sure yet how it all works, but I'll tinker with it this week :)

  45. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! Hope it was grand =) I'm looking forward to checking the site above, Saving Money & Living Life is what I like to do! I also liked Erin's comment above, super helpful!

  46. Awesome post...so many great things and causes to go check out! I wish my computer was faster! LOL!!

  47. I keep seeing this "Tickled Pink"
    I may need to join up!
    Stopping from Sits...HAPPY FEATURED BLOGGER DAY!

  48. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Maybe I will see you on the Muffin Tin list next week!


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!

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