504 Main by Holly Lefevre: Did Someone Say "Brownies!?"
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Monday, February 8, 2010

Did Someone Say "Brownies!?"

Happy Monday!
Did Someone say "brownie?"
As I mentioned last week, I bought the Alicia Silverstone book, The Kind Diet. Well, I made the Coffee Fudge Brownies...and in my opinion..they rocked! Before I shared the recipe, I wanted to taste test it on some other people...you see myself and my kiddos are getting used to all these other flavors - maple syrup, molasses, brown rice and buckwheat flour, etc.  I wanted people who were maybe not used to these ingredients to try them out. So, in the very "unSuperbowl" like fashion, I made (semi) vegan brownies for the Superbowl party we went to.

Did Someone Say "Brownies!?"
This version is not vegan due to my glaze. I made some changes to the recipe to accommodate the ingredients I already had on hand...so, this recipe is adapted/inspired by the Coffee Fudge Brownie recipe, The Kind Diet, Page 181

Dry Ingredients
3/4 cups whole wheat pastry flour
1 cup brown rice flour
1/2 cup unsweetened (organic) cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon (sea) salt

Wet Ingredients
3/4 (good quality) maple syrup
3/4 cup soy/rice/almond milk
3/4 cup brewed decaf coffee (I used instant)
1/2 cup canola oil*

1/2 cup toasted and chopped nuts

1 cups grain sweetened non dairy chocolate or carob chips**
(my version was only semi-vegan because I did use regular organic chocolate chips for this)
4 Tablespoons organic butter (original recipe calls for 1/2 cup Earth Balance Butter)

Preheat oven to 325 F.
Butter or oil an 8x8 or 9x9 square baking pan.
Sift the dry ingredients together in a large bowl.
In another bowl, mix the wet ingredients together.
Add the wet to the dry.
Add nuts (optional).
Pour batter into the pan and bake for approximately 25 to 30 minutes...until a toothpick comes out clean.
Cool on a wire rack

To make glaze:***
Melt chocolate chips and butter together in a double boiler (I did not use a double boiler...I used a regular sauce pan on low heat with constant stirring.)
Melt until smooth.
Pour the warm glaze over the brownies, smoothing it out over the surface of the brownies.
Chill until the glaze has set.

*I am considering trying this with coconut oil instead of canola oil...but have not done so...I'll let you know. We do not use canola oil here very much (if at all)...so I am sure there must be a good substitute...I just wanted to try to get the rest of the recipe right before I started messing with it anymore.
**The sell vegan chocolate chips at Whole Foods for about $3.00 a bag.
***I always have extra glaze...the glaze is almost like a frosting and is pretty rich.

The Verdict:
The ladies at the party and the kids liked the brownies a lot. The men stuck with the Rice Krispie treats and chips. Now, I LOVE a good brownie - one of my many downfalls and have never made homemade brownies myself (for a good reason...like not needing an extra 10 pounds). I really think these are good brownies - they are not ooey-gooey fudgey brownies, but very tasty...and I will continue to make them again and again. It was also a really quick and easy recipe.

So, what do ya think? Are you up for trying some (semi) vegan brownies?
Happy Baking!


  1. Wait... is Canola Oil NOT a kind oil? Is it because they torture the Canolas to get the oil? Just wondering. :)

    They look good and interesting. I didn't know you were going Vegan!? That's amazing, in a slightly crazy sorta way. :) More power to you!

  2. I've been trying some of the recipes I see around the blog world. Just the simple ones for now as I'm not quite the cook yet. But I am trying, and my family serves as the unfortunate and unwilling guinea pigs. I love brownies, especially when they're still soft and warm. I will keep this one on hand.

  3. What a neat recipe, using whole ingredients when we can is so much healthier. Once I drop some of this extra weight I've been carting around, just might give these a try!

  4. Those actually sound like they would be very good. I would definitely try them.

  5. Huh...how is that book? Are the recipes good??

  6. I'm all about some brownies!! I don't know if I'm brave enough to go the vegan route though!

  7. I love brownies and would love to try a vegan version. I already make vegan cupcakes and everyone i know eats them. The brownies look just as yummy!

  8. Can't wait to try them. Yum!

  9. I thought about buying that book. I'll never be vegan, I love shrimp too much, but vegan books have a lot of good recipes.

    The brownies sound good.

  10. I read somewhere that canola oil was first invented to oil machines of some sort.

  11. Looks delicious!

    I'm catching up on my Friday Follows, I hope you had a great weekend. Thank you so much for the follow, and I am following back! Catch you again soon!

  12. Coffee and chocolate all co-mingled together in one simple square--with glaze on top, no less...mmmmm...even though I have my own signature brownie recipe, I think I'll cheat and try this one :)

  13. They actually sound really good. I'm always amazed at how easy these healthy recipes are!!

    A good mixture of coffee and chocolate...I'm soooo happy you posted this recipe!

  14. Did you save one for me? They sound wonderful ~ I'll be giving these a try for sure.


  15. I've tasted some vegan desserts and they were darn good!!!

  16. I saw that cookbook at Barnes & Noble and almost got it. Maybe I'll get it on Amazon. Those look delish.

    And what's the deal w/ canola oil? And is coconut oil a good substitute (and why, for the dumbasses like me out there)?

  17. Well done. I don't eat chocolate and would have been parked in front of the rice crispy treats with the other guys, but the rest of my family are brownie fans--to each his/her own.

  18. Can't wait to try them! Thanks for posting the recipe!

  19. Oh wow, looks delicious.

    Have a nice week.

  20. Oh my goodness, I made these a couple of weeks go and they are delicious!!

  21. I have an award for you on my blog!

  22. I'm glad to know they were good. I'm willing to try them...I just need several things that aren't in my cabinet to do so. I think they look yummy!


  23. Yes, I want some. Please...

    Oh, you want me to make my own?

  24. I didn't realize Canola (a made up word from Canada and oil), came from rapseed (albeit a genetically engineered variety). I have been using it in all my baking but will seriously consider an alternative now that I've done a little research.

    The brownies look and sound pretty tasty!

  25. I like brownies. Yes please! Can you overnight them? Thanks.

  26. I've tasted some vegan desserts and they were darn good!!!

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  27. NOT FAIR!!!!!!!

    Do not post unless you have enough to share.


  28. I use coconut oil often. I even use it on our eggs. We have been as organic as we can be for a few years now and i love it. The brownies look awesome. Can't wait to try them.

  29. They look and sound good to me! I'm always up for trying a new brownie recipe.

  30. Hmmmm, I've been thinking about getting this book. You may have convinced me with those pictures. I wonder if I'd be missing the premise of the whole "diet" if I only ate these brownies from it?
    Kelli @ SustainingCreativity

  31. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I Tivo'd the Food Inc. episode of Oprah (with Alicia Silverstone) and just watched it last night. Love that you went out and bought her cookbook. I would like to try the crostinis that she showcased. They looked yummy. These brownies sound delicious too! Thanks for sharing!

  32. I am definitely going to try this recipe! They sound yummy!! I left you something on my blog, check it out when you get a chance =)

  33. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I love brownies but don't often make them because then I have to discipline myself not to eat the whole pan! :-) These would be interesting to try.

  34. I think I'm gonna try these, I have most of the ingredients on hand and today is the kind of day that will require some chocolate. Thanks for sharing!

  35. I left something for you over on my blog! Check it out:

  36. Brownies are a huge downfall for me as are homemade cookies! So this could be a good alternative...unless they are sooo good I eat too much anyway. haha

  37. Nice. Maybe one day I'll learn how to do it.

  38. Oh I have been wondering about that book by Alicia Silverstone. Glad these turned out good! And if you get the kids approval, you know they are good...kids don't lie :)

  39. i have not seen that cookbook and I have so many cookbooks, thanks for your comments the other day about my blog, send some of your followers my way LOL
    anyway i will try the column and your advice hopefully if it snows i will have some time thanks so much..
    I am trying those brownies as soon as i go to the grocery store.
    bet they aren't as good as the bacon choc. chip?

  40. Anonymous8:12 PM

    I've been hearing much about this Kind Diet. The brownies sound delicious. Worth a try for sure.

  41. I saw her on the today show, or something like that, maybe a month ago?!? I thought her book looked interesting. And those brownies sound amazing!

  42. I have some cousins that are vegans and I've discoverd how good vegan food can be as a result of that! I'm glad to hear these were good (even with the non-vegan glaze)

  43. They do look delicious. I might just venture into the vegan world and try them. It's worth the try

  44. Brownies are my ultimate favorite. Seriously, I could eat the whole pan. I try not to make them.

    I am certainly willing to try these.

  45. I'm with adrienzgirl! LOVE brownies, and the idea of Vegan ones is intriguing. I'm absolutely trying these, thanks!

    And thanks for stopping by my blog! Sorry I had to evoke such unpleasant "Baby Got Back" memories!!

    Have a great rest of the week!

  46. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I love brownies! I'll have to try this recipe!

    Thanks for posting it!

  47. I work with a gal who goes by that diet. She told me about those brownies. I'm waiting for her to bring me in a sample, but I think she eats them all. ;)

  48. I tried ones similar and they were great...no one knows unless you tell them..my daughter is a vegetarian and buys vegan bacon..chicken patties and ribs..they are fantastic..and my hubs who is the brawny meat and potatoes guy ate the bacon and did not say anything except can I have more...I still havent told him and will not...the vegetable chicken patties are like those purdue ones and on a sandwich he never can tell..this is a secret i will take with me..LOL... I want to get that book soon..even though Im not in cooking mode lately..have great day..!

  49. Anonymous11:38 AM

    MMmmm! They look so good.

  50. I had these for the superbowl too! So yummy, but I think I'd like them just as much without the glaze. YUM!

  51. Anonymous12:34 PM

    These look great! I bet they would be good with a glass of milk.

  52. Looks and sounds delish! Thanks for following, Holly! :)

  53. Yum looks so good, and vegan even! I love getting those pre made cookies at the health food store that are all vegan. That really TASTE good too, surprisingly ;)

  54. As always I'm so happy I stopped in to get a lucious treat
    Aloha sweets from across the sea

  55. Yumm. I'll eat any chocolate...anytime!! I prefer dark, but I'm easy. Please don't tell anyone that last part:) Your blog is doing awesome. So proud of your hard work. Holly

  56. Anonymous7:50 PM

    i love love love brownies
    thanks for the recipe

  57. They look delicious! I'm may be up for trying...when take baking mood overtakes me.

  58. Hey Holly. I've been hearing about that cookbook for a while! It's interesting to hear how someone likes the recipes! if you make others will you report back how the go?

    Thanks for sharing! Gotta love brownies!

  59. That looks so delicious. Thanks for the recipe. i get the brownies from Starbucks & I'd love to try these. I tagged you on 10 Happy things meme. http://blog.helpmamaremote.com/2010/02/14/10-happy-things-meme/


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