Thursday, August 16, 2012

Tickled Pink No. 111

Welcome to Tickled Pink!

What is going on with you?
I am having a bit of a hard time adjusting to my kiddos BOTH in school. I think it is the middle school thing that really scares me (for real!). Kindergarten is still safe and happy and warm and fuzzy (and familiar - Jules has the same teacher Joe had).
I am emotionally zapped (still).

I am pretty sure that Tickled Pink is going on hiatus for a couple of weeks - I have a book to finish, and quite frankly am burnt out (but a girl can always change her don't count me out yet!). I LOVE looking at everyone's projects but pulling together a post takes time...lots of time, and I think I need to regroup and reevaluate what I am doing here...AND, most importantly, I also need to really get the kiddos on a good school schedule before major homework really begins.

So Wonderful So Marvelous is doing a fun interview series with couples to celebrate her own wedding anniversary...Hope over to THIS POST and yo might see someone you know!

THANK YOU for continuing to visit and hang in there with me!

Click on READ MORE in the bottom left corner to get to the links
I am going to try and use this for Tickled Pink because this post gets really, really long!
Please let me know if you have any problems!

Grab a featured button right HERE!
I think this one was actually linked up the week before...but I forgot. I just had to is the cousin to my homemade sunshine art.  I LOVE the colors.
Made in a Day is responsible for this cutie!

This display from the Gingerbread Blog just makes me smile

Could this be any cuter? A mini album from Yesterday on Tuesday
Vintage Pyrex loveliness from Living a Redeemed Life

Make your glasses sparkle again from Posed Perfection
I want a snow garden! This genius idea comes from A Window to a Life. He is the awesome kid of the awesome Lisa of Moore Minutes

Cinnamon Chip Bread from MakingMemories

Money Saving Tips from Marty's Musings

Doesn't this look delicious...BBQ Chicken and caramelized onion pizza
from Shaken Together
Here is a hint....going forward,
those lovely bloggers with a link back or button for Tickled Pink/504 Main
in the linked up post...
have a better chance of being featured!


A craft...a recipe...a tip...a party...a short story...a  poem...a  fashion find...a  favorite product...your favorite  post...whatever makes  your blog  fabulous!
That is what Tickled Pink is all about!
{and it does NOT have to be PINK}

Grab a button HERE!
or here!

504 Main


Will everyone do me a FAVOR????
Please visit the person linked before you...
Pretty Please!

1. Link  up...whatever makes  your blog  fabulous. Family Friendly please. Guess what? Your post does not have to be PINK!!  I reserve the right to remove posts that are offensive or do not  adhere  to the rules, without any discussion, at my discretion.
3. Pretty please...add the Tickled Pink button or TEXT link back to the post* {people need  to know what the heck they are doing!}. 
4. Please visit a couple other links!

TICKLED PINK Now Has Categories
I won't banish you if you mess up, but try to link appropriately, pretty please!
By linking grant me permission to use a photo if you are featured. Proper credit will be given.

Craft, DIY, Decorate
crafting, diy, decor type links

Cook, Bake, Eat
stuff to eat, cook, drink, and bake

Read, Write, Share
posts you love, stories, favorite things, ideas to share

Follow Me on Pinterest


  1. Wonderful features! I love that sunburst artwork. Thanks for hosting Holly and good lucking finishing your book!

  2. Great features. Thanks for hosting the party!


  3. Thanks for hosting, Holly ~ have a wonderful week! :)

  4. That pizza looks GREAT! And the glass tip...very cool! Thanks for hosting! XO, Aimee

  5. Thanks so much for hosting Holly! Awesome features this week :)

  6. Thanks so much for featuring my money saving tips! I hope they help others live a bit more frugally and have fun doing it!

  7. Holly, thanks so much for featuring my Making Cloudy Glasses Sparkle post. I am so honored. I linked up a couple of posts this week, but I have to say, I spaced it and put my recipes in with diy stuff. I'm so sorry. Anyway, I hope you have a great week and that you can get your kiddos off to a good start with school.

  8. Thank you for hosting. I've said it before I just don't know how you do it all and I am in awe. :) My bonus son is a 4th grader this year and my baby starts Kindergarten! I'm not ready!!!!! Sometimes in my head HE's the Kindergartner and she's toddling around. They grow so fast. :) Have a super week!

  9. This time of year is crazy! The blogosphere will surely miss you...but a break is totally understandable! :) I hope you can be refreshed and ready to take on the fall and all of it's blogging glory!

    Also, I bought the supplies to make a "preschool organizer" for my girls...thanks for the tip!

  10. Love that red cart with all the pyres displayed. Thanks for hosting. Take the time you need (I had to do that too) to get things caught up/done etc. See you when you return.

  11. Thanks for hosting, Holly! :)

  12. Holly I love that Sunburst art feature so so cute! Thank you for hosting! I hear ya on the back to school grind- tough stuff! Have a wonderful weekend lady!

  13. Thanks for hosting, Holly! Hope you're having a great week! xo

  14. I've got a middle schooler this year as well - scary stuff! We're back to school this Thursday

  15. Holly! I'm so excited that you shared Cameron's snow garden. I can't wait to show him this! :)

    Oh, and that SUNSHINE plank board is PERFECT, just what I would want in my house.

  16. Holly! Thanks for the feature. I hear ya on Middle School. That would stress me out... I wish they could stay in kinder forever!!!

  17. Thanks for hosting Holly!! I understand about back to school stress!! We start next week!

  18. Thanks for the party and the feature, Holly! We start school on Monday and my big ol' back to school organization center is still in progress ... I better get a move on it!

  19. Thanks for the party. I am adding your address to my linky party page. Thanks for having me.

  20. Holly,
    I hope you are doing well. Love your blog and your parties. I KNOW how busy it can be with a growing family. Enjoy them as much as possible. Time goes too fast. Have fun with your new book-how cool is that???
    Have a great weekend! Take care of Holly :)

  21. Awh, I TOTALLY understand getting burned out on hosting a party, I went through the same thing at the beginning of the summer and so I took a little break... andddd now I miss it and I miss seeing what everyone is up to... it is so hard to know if the time you put into the parties are worth it... I totally undersand! Anyways I am totally going on... thank you for hosting!!

  22. Holly,
    Thanks for hosting us again. We will miss your parties, but I totally understand. It's a mom's right! :D

    Hope you have a happy weekend!:D

    ~Stephanie @

    PS. I got so caught up in checking out what everyone linked up, that I posted my recipe for Jell-O Cookies in the craft section. I'm sorry!

  23. Thank you so much for hosting your great party! Have an awesome weekend!

  24. Thanks so much for the link party! Happy weekend!

  25. Thanks so much for hosting! Have a lovely weekend!

  26. Hey, haven' been around in a while. I too had the same thing - a hiatus and then posting here and there. Sometimes a break is just needed! Enjoy your time with your kiddos!!

  27. I'm your newest follower. Looks like you've got cute stuff here. Thanks for the link party :)!

  28. My oldest is starting middle school, too--eeks! I have a week left still...thanks for hosting, I linked up my strawberry cream cake!


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!