Thursday, February 24, 2011

I'm Back! Tickled Pink No. 41! Link it Up!

Happy Friday!
504 Main
I missed you all while I was sick in bed - like literally in bed for 3 days straight - even too sick to catch up on magazine reading or my )bad) TV shows! Oh that was not the end of it, but that was the worst of it...and then the kiddos. UGH!

THANK you to everyone who sent me and my family well wishes. I truly appreciate it! So, I have not  had time to send each of you a personal thank you (sorry!). I am trying to move forward and organize my time and my blog better. 
Today I want to share  a quote in Fresh Home magazine

"Today be aware of how you are spending your 1,440 beautiful moments and spend them wisely."
- Anonymous

Isn't that beautiful and poignant.
It surely made me think about how much time I spend on the computer, how much I love my blog, how much I enjoy interacting with you all, but also how much I may miss while I am plugged into this virtual world. Finding balance and happiness and peace with my decisions is what is tickling me pink right now!
Now it is time to LINK UP
A craft...a recipe...a tip...a party...a short story...a poem...
a fashion find...a favorite product...your favorite post...
whatever makes your blog fabulous!
That is what Tickled Pink is all about!
{and it does not have to be PINK}
Click right HERE to Grab a button!
Features will go up this weekend in between cocktails parties (woo-whoo),
basketball games and Cub Scout banquets!

Want to be Tickled Pink? Don't be shy!

Nominate a product/person/idea/recipe/your own blog to be featured, simply email me!

It is cool to nominate yourself! I am only one person and blogland is ginormous...I would love your input...I know there are amazing finds out there that I have not seen!


1. Link up...whatever makes your blog fabulous. Family Friendly please. Guess what? You post does not have to be PINK!!
3. Pretty please...add the Tickled Pink button to the post* {people need to know what the heck they are doing!}. You can grab a button over there on the sidebar!
4. I reserve the right to remove posts that are offensive or do not adhere to the rules, without any discussion, at my discretion.
5. Visit the 3 links above you.
6. *It would be great if you were a follower or subscriber {*wink*}
7. By linking here you are providing permission to feature your post {along with a link to your blog/post}. Additionally, photos appearing here are copyrighted and property of the respective blogs featured. 



  1. So sorry to hear you have been so poorly! I bet you must be looking forward to Spring! Take care and keep up with the vitamin C!

    Best wishes always,

  2. Wow, girl glad you are up and kickin', missed you, Lezlee

  3. So glad you're feeling better;)

  4. Welcome back ! You've been missed. So glad the kids and you are back on your feet

  5. Love that quote!! I love blogging but I definitely need the reminder sometimes to Just. Walk. Away. ;)
    Have a great weekend Holly!

  6. Just dropping by to let you know I'm restarting my blog, hope you will follow!

  7. Sorry to read that you were sick... I guess that nasty bug that hit my home, hit yours. Feel better real soon.

  8. So glad to see you're back, Holly! And that you're re-energized and focusing on what's important to you. I think that the upcoming change of seasons is such a terrific time to refocus. :-)

  9. So glad to see you're back, Holly! And that you're re-energized and focusing on what's important to you. I think that the upcoming change of seasons is such a terrific time to refocus. :-)

  10. Glad to hear you are feeling better. No fun being sick and then having your family become sick as well. Hopefully the worst is behind you!

  11. Yuck! Having the sickies is no fun! Glad you are on the mend!


  12. hey girlie-- what a wonderful quote! something we can all take to heart. xo malia

  13. I'm so glad you and your family are feeling better, Holly!

  14. hang in there girl! Hope ya'll are all well now!
    thanks for hosting!

  15. just found your lovely blog! i hope you are feeling better~i am your latest follower!

  16. Hey girl! Soooo glad to hear you're feeling better! I've been so out of it. If I had known you weren't feeling well I would have sent you a virtual bowl of homemade chicken noodle.

    Have a beautiful weekend and spend some time with that gorgeous family of yours! :)

  17. So glad you and your family are feeling better! Thanks so much for hosting again!!! You are amazing!

    Also, I have a great Dove chocolate giveaway going on right now and would love if stopped by and entered:

    ~Katie @ Eye Spy DIY

  18. I'm glad you're feeling better!!!


  19. Hi Holly, So glad you are feeling a bit better. Remember not to overdue things now cuz you can slip right back into being sick. i know, that has recently happened to me. Take care!

  20. So sorry you have been ill, but I am glad you are doing better now ;)

  21. Just found your blog and love it. Also became a follower today. Hope you feel better soon.

  22. Hi, just grabbed your button and linked up my magnet strips made from scraps! Have a great weekend and thanks for hosting this fun link up party!

  23. Glad you are feeling better, very nice blog.

  24. So sorry to hear you were not feeling well. I hope you are all better now.

    So many wonderful links here. Can't wait to take some time and visit them.


  25. So glad to hear that you're feeling better!

    I love the quote. It really makes you think, doesn't it?

  26. so glad you are back and feeling better too!

  27. I love your quote this week! You are right, it is important to find balance in life. I'm trying to work on this in my life right now...

    On a side note, I am happy you are feeling better! Hope your kiddos don't get sick too.

  28. Hi Holly! This is my first tome linking up, thank you for hosting! I've signed on to follow and look forward to lots of inspriation!
    sorry to hear that you've been under the weather.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  29. I love the quote, Holly! I'm so glad that Tickled Pink is back! Jenn

  30. I'm glad you're feeling better! Seems like there's been a lot of bugs going around in blogland.

  31. Sorry to hear that you were sick Holly. And I agree with you about finding the right balance. It's been a difficult find for me lately.


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!