Saturday, February 19, 2011

No Tickled Pink This Week

Hi all!
Did you notice there was not linky? We at 504 Main have been attacked by the flu bug...all of us. And it is be glad you cannot catch it through the computer. This is the first time I have turned on the computer in 3 days...which means you know it is really bad.

I tried to get out of bed and drop a note on here, but could not do it...and so I will not be putting up the Tickled Pink link this sorry. I will be back on track for next week. I am going to take care of the kids and myself.

Have a great weekend.

PS-I apologize to hubby for thinking he was being whiny (he was first to catch it)...this bug stinks!


  1. So sorry you're sick! Feel better soon. :]

  2. Oh no! Hope you all get well soon!!

  3. No fun! Hope everyone is back on their feet soon.

  4. The flu knocked out our family a couple of weeks ago...stomach flu to be exact. No fun. I am so sorry you and your family are dealing with this now...I hope it passes quickly!!

    Get well soon :)

  5. Please feel better soon!

  6. ugh! sorry you are sick...someone in my house has been sick for the past MONTH! I, of course, now have it and it sucks. Not the flu, thank goodness, but a nasty upper respiratory thing. Hope you feel better soon! Your blog looks great by the way!

  7. Hey Holly,
    Sorry to hear you're not well, I hope you and yours recover quickly. I tried to update my blog so maybe it will work for you now to leave posts, I do believe you were having problems or maybe it was someone else, I'm getting old...

  8. So sorry to hear that and hoping you'll be back in the pink soon!

  9. So sorry you have been sick ! Sending prayers (and virtual homemade chicken noodle soup) your way for a quick recovery for you and your little one. *hugs*
    I hope you are all better very soon.

  10. Oh, poor Holly & Co.! Take it easy, okay? Get well soon!

  11. Holly, be well soon, dear blog friend.
    If you have the strength, visit my blog where I am giving away one copy of "The Upside of Downsizing", an upbeat book by Karen O'Connor.

  12. Oh no, I'm sorry honey. I hope you feel better asap! I hope you are having a great Saturday! I'm having a great giveaway to celebrate my blog makeover. If you haven't entered, make sure to check it out! Kori xoxo

  13. I hope you guys are almost done with it and on the mend...I've been worried about you, and checking in each day to see if you had posted! Lezlee

  14. Hope you guys feel better soon. Take care.

  15. Oh no Holly!!! Praying for your quick recovery. I've got 2 kiddos down with the stomach flu, just praying it doesn't move to anyone else.

  16. oh no, holly!!! fell better soon and get some rest!!

  17. Feel better soon Holly! I might be imagining things, but I think you changed your header? It looks great!!

    Take care,

  18. Aww I hope you're feeling better.
    So many people I know have had it and I'm going crazy trying not to catch it.

  19. Oh bummer Holly! I hope you all feel better soon!

  20. Aw, that's just no fun at all! Hope that bug packs its bag & vacates really soon!! Really do hope all of you feel much better very soon!!

  21. I hope you're back to your wonderful self soon!

  22. Oh Holly, being sick is the WORST! Hope you and yours are feeling much better soon!

  23. Awww so sorry to hear you're all down and out. Hope your family is on the mend soon Holly!!

  24. Ugh. Having to take care of others is hard enough, but then when you get it too....triple UGH! Wishing you all bug-free VERY soon.
    (No computer for 3 days is sickening enough, right?)

  25. Get well soon! and your household...

  26. I absolutely love, love, LOVE your new blog design. :) xoxo

  27. Take care of yourself and your family. I hope you'll all be "in the pink" again very soon (sorry, couldn't resist!).

  28. I love the new look, Holly. I have been sort of "out" of blogland for a little while, so I missed the change. It looks great and I hope you are feeling better soon!

  29. Hey Holly, just wanted to let you know you are nominated for a Bloscar for Most Supportive Blog!! Here

  30. It's me again-I gave you a shout out today. just want to say thanks for always supporting me and being nice when I first started blogging.

  31. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Sorry to hear you are sick at the same time! that bites!! Hope you all get better real soon! take care!!

  32. my kids have had it comin from both ends: NOT.FUN.

    feel better SOON!!!


  33. We had it here. I feel ya! I hope you feel better!

  34. Oh nooo! I recently finished working in pediatrics & just got over six weeks of flu/viruses. Hope you all get lots of rest & feel better soon!


  35. I'm sorry you must be really under the weather!:( Just want you to know we still love and appreciate you! I just wanted to let you know that you are a FINALIST for the BLOSCARS! Voting starts in a1 8:30 am and winners will be announced Sunday night! We would love to do an interview with you if you have time or are feeling better. Please email me at if you are interested and mention BLOSCARS in the subject! Thanks!! Congrats and Good Luck!

  36. Hope you all get better soon! Rest up girl! Rebecca

  37. Aww hope you're feeling better soon Holly!

  38. I'm so very sorry you all have been sick.
    And don't feel too guilty for the whiny part. Men are inherently whiny when they are sick!

  39. O, sweetie..I hope WE didn't give it to you cause we've been sick, too. Bless your heart.
    Wish I lived close..I'd make you all chicken soup...:)
    love, bj

  40. hoping you feel better soon. Hugs

  41. Thanks so much for hosting again! Glad you're back and please DO stop by my weekend get-together and share one of your awesome posts! Roz at La Bella Vita


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