Friday, February 14, 2014

"Spray It Forward" with Vaseline Spray & Go Moisturizer

This sponsored post was written while participating in my partnership with Vaseline and One2One Network.

I have long suffered from dry skin...and really have done nothing about it.
But I am getting older and I must take action!.
It seems simple enough, right?
You have dry skin you use lotions.
No biggie, right?
Well, I am always in a hurry...always rushed...
due to my time management issues.
So when I saw the Vaseline Spray &Go Moisturizer commercial with the lady
who sprays her self down and gets dressed in like "2 seconds,"
I thought "Hey! This is made for me!"

Vaseline Spray and Go #sprayitforward

Why do I have such issues with using lotion?
Well as much as I despise dry skin...
...having to put my clothing on and feeling oily or sticky because the lotion has not absorbed is worse.
...having lotion gunk stuck in my wedding ring is worse.
...having to wait to get on with my day while the lotion absorbs is worse!

When I had the opportunity to try Vaseline Spray & Go Moisturizer, I was excited to give it a chance...but as I always am, I was skeptical too.

First I tried it for moisture...I used it on one arm and not the other. One arm was very happy! The Vaseline Spray & Go Moisturizer really did moisturize deeply and left my one arm feeling great...this convinced me to try it all over! I have since given the other arm the attention it deserves.

But the true test was going to be getting dressed after spraying myself. 
  • The 360° spray dispenses lotion quickly and evenly, making it super easy to moisturize.
  • I used what Vaseline refers to as “Up, Switch, Down, Rub” (spray up, switch hands, spray down, and then rub in) to apply the lotion.
  • You do need to give it a quick rub in, but in 10 seconds you are good to go!

And, I had success...I sprayed my legs and arms, rubbed it in and was left feeling instantly soft and silky - no sticky greasy lotion here! I put my clothing on and and absolutely zero complaints...only a feeling of soft silk skin and the ability to conquer my day without the wait! Oh and did I mention I did not feel like I needed to wash my really does absorb that nicely!

What's in the lotion?...Here is a bit more about this amazing product: 
  • Vaseline® Spray & Go Moisturizer Total Moisture® – contains pure oat extract and leaves skin feeling healthy and soft
  • Vaseline® Spray & Go Moisturizer Aloe Fresh – contains pure aloe and leaves skin feeling healthy and fresh.
  •  Vaseline® Spray & Go Moisturizer Cocoa Radiant™ – contains pure cocoa butter and leaves skin feeling healthy and glowing. 
Oh and you men...don't despair...there is also a Spray & Go for Men!

If this sound like something you are ready to try,
here's your chance to grab a GREAT coupon and try it for yourself!

Save up to $4.00 off of two Vaseline Spray & Go lotions –
Vaseline® Spray & Go Moisturizer or Vaseline® Men Spray Lotion.
Get $2 for you, and $2 more when a friend signs up for the offer.
Moisturize and save in seconds
#SprayItForward by sharing this offer with friends
Visit Vaseline on Facebook to claim the offer.
Offer valid from 2/7 -3/9

This post is written and created at 504 Main by Holly Lefevre
This sponsored post was written while participating in my partnership with Vaseline and One2One Network, but as always, all opinions are my own.


  1. My SIL bought this for my birthday and I use it on the kids after their baths. Its fun and it works, especially during the drier air in the winter. I like that its quick to apply, too. Spritz, spritz, turn, spritz, spritz, go put on your pjs. :)

  2. oh snap. i NEED to get the men's version for my husband. He is lotion obsessed.

  3. I would love this and having a spray lotion would be perfect. Thanks for the review..

  4. We have a bottle of the men's formula at home for hubs to try. I hope he likes it!

  5. I can't stand the feeling of greasy hands after putting on lotion. I'll have to try this out!

  6. Got the men's version in my influenster box. I wasn't about to let it saying men's stop me from trying it out. haha! I really like it and will definitely have to purchase one of the others. The Aloe fresh sounds great.


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