Wednesday, December 4, 2013

How I Streamlined My Daily Routine With The Samsung Galaxy Tablet

This holiday season, as part of a sponsored post for Collective Bias®
I purchased a new #IntelTablet to experience the power of Intel Inside. 

When I leave my house in the morning, I NEVER can predict what the day may hold. I usually have a tote bag full of "things." to get me through the day...but that is getting "old." I want to streamline  and organize my schedule and daily activities, as well as have the possibility of on-the-go blogging or writing...or playing! For that reason, I have had my eye on a tablet...and Android Tablet to be specific.

Streamline Your Routine with #IntelTablet #shop by 504 Main

I never thought of myself as a gadget girl. The words "why would anyone need that?" may have even come out of my mouth a time or two. But I will happily admit when I am wrong. Over the last few years I have embraced technology and ALL it has to offer (OK, I have a thing or two to learn still).

My love of computers, devices, and "smart" things has grown and grown. But until recently I had not found my tech BFF. I wanted - needed - something that could integrate all the complex and layered aspects of my crazy daily routine in one place.
When I think about just the "basics": I need social media access, Internet and blog access, a place to take notes/write, a camera/video, local and shopping information, news, the ability to check in on my sons grades, a calendar for managing all the activities (the kids and mine) and overall a place to keep my life organized...and sometimes something to entertain the kids. You know what that usually looks like - A smart phone, a PC, a camera, a bunch of ads and coupons, daily planner, and lots of post it notes, and more!

Enough is enough! I decided that this holiday season I was giving myself a gift...a new tablet! One that works for me. As much as I wanted to discover my dream device all on my own, I know my husband has some opinions when it comes to we chatted a bit before I went shopping. 

Streamline Your Routine with #IntelTablet #shop by 504 Main

My husbands #1 issue is value (always). He also told me he preferred I purchase a tablet with Intel Inside. Of course I was familiar with Intel and knew that we had this on our computers. I also happen to prefer Intel as a I was on board with this request. Do you know what Intel is? Essentially it is the processor in your computer or device. It is the brains behind that machine - what makes it work they way it does.

He also told me to make sure there was enough memory, that I was comfortable with it (I may have once left a computer in the box for almost a year because I was "afraid"), and that I really do my homework!

I began my search at Best Buy online so that I could compare a few different tablets and read reviews. I knew I wanted a BIG tablet - BIG meant a 10" screen (10.1 to be exact). I knew I wanted Intel, and I knew I wanted this tablet to be able to be my supertool! With that in to Best Buy I went! We definitely spend money and time at Best Buy when it is time to purchase electronics, so I felt comfortable heading there on my own.
Streamline Your Routine with #IntelTablet #shop by 504 Main
I began by browsing the Tablets and then one of the very helpful Best Buy employees came over to offer assistance. He asked me a few simple questions about my budget, what type of operating system I wanted, what size of tablet I wanted...and most importantly he asked me what I wanted to be able to do with this tablet. He was very knoweldgebale about all of the tablets and  felt confident with his advice and information.

I told him I was a blogger and author and that I wanted to write anytime, anywhere. I also wanted to access social media, keep a calendar, manage my life, and sooner or later I know I will have to left the kids download a game. We talked some more ad he suggested the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3. I explored it a bit in the store and felt pretty comfortable with the #IntelTablets...and then when he told me that It was an Android Tablet with an Android operating system..I was SOLD! How nice - how convenient it would be to have my phone and tablet run essentially the same and sync up! Oh and did I mention, the Galaxy Tab 3 has a super long battery life...up to 9 hours! Heaven!

The features of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 sounded perfect!

  • Intel Atom Processor which is optimized for a “superspeed” app experience, responsive Web browsing, stunning 3-D graphics, advanced camera capabilities and vivid HD video with energy efficiency for outstanding battery life.
  • 10.1" touch screen with 1280 x 800 resolution
  • Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean operating system
  • 16GB memory
  • Dual-core processor
  • Wi-Fi
  • 3.0MP rear-facing camera
Well, this baby went home with me! My kids were giddy...but I told them hand off for now...this is "Mommy's!" I truly wanted to experience what it would be like to manage my life on the Samsung Galaxy. I wanted to be able to leave in the morning with ONE THING...ONE Tablet and be ready for anything! 

Streamline Your Routine with #IntelTablet #shop by 504 Main

I know I will learn more and more as I work with the Tab 3 more...a lot more...but for now, here is how I have put it to use so far, and it has not disappointed. A beautiful large screen, and a fast and responsive processor make all the tasks I do easy!

Another huge advantage in purchasing the Samsung Galaxy was to simplify my traveling. We are doing a lot of that in this house right now. It is amazing how lightweight but powerful this Tablet is. It will be so mch easier to travel with the Galaxy than with my laptop!

Here is my day via the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3
I "teach" the art docent programs for my daughters 1st grade class. Prior to the lesson, I did my research and found images to show the children. During the lesson I walked around with the Tablet ad flipped through the photos up close so they could see examples of what we were doing.

Streamline Your Routine with #IntelTablet #shop by 504 Main

I made my grocery list...added my special deals using the stores app
and took the tablet shopping with me!

Streamline Your Routine with #IntelTablet #shop by 504 Main

I used the Galaxy to snap a few photos of the amazing place I live... (and you know what...all I had to do was say "Shoot!" and the camera's voice command took it for me!)

Snapped a shot of the decorating work I have done at the local coffee shop.
Streamline Your Routine with #IntelTablet #shop by 504 Main
I relaxed at my favorite coffee shop and wrote a blog post about my latest DIY!
(and wrote this blog post too!)

Streamline Your Routine with #IntelTablets #shop by 504 Main

Then, I did it..I started exploring...I saw this feature.... Smart Remote! That is sheer awesomeness! All I did was point the Samsung Galaxy at the TV, answer a few questions about the brand of TV and where I live and MAGIC HAPPENED! Now I can control the TV with my Tablet and my Tablet will also make recommendation about upcoming shows based on my preferences...I think I am in love! (I am so not telling the kids about this!)

Streamline Your Routine with #IntelTablets #shop by 504 Main

I have truly discovered that having my own tablet (with Intel Inside) can keep up with my life. I am going to be so organized out world!

Are you ready to get a handle on your daily routine?
Learn more about Intel Tablets
Follow Intel on Twitter
Follow Intel on Facebook
Check out Best Buy

This post is written and created at 504 Main by Holly Lefevre
I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and their client.


  1. I love having a tablet ... I had no idea how much convenience it would add to my life! Looks like you're loving yours too!

  2. Oh my gosh how cool.. it looks like your new tablet really makes everything easier!

  3. I just won one of these from a contest I entered so this was a great post! Thanks!

  4. I have been eying the Galaxy Tablet, it looks so awesome!

  5. Oooo nice! I like that you can blog with it so easily!

  6. I'm loving that you can use this tablet in so many ways! Thanks for sharing what you learned from your husband as well as your shopping experience. The photo of the beach is so pretty and the voice command would be a great feature in the summer when you have sand everywhere! #client

  7. I have been thinking of buying a tablet for some time, and have had Android for several years. I will definitely keep this one in mind when I am ready to buy.


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