Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Fingerprint Heart Pots (An Easy and Inexpensive Valentine!)

I made these sweet pots years ago, and they are still my absolute favorite holiday craft EVER. Every time I see my babies sweet little fingerprints as hearts, my heart melts. They are so easy to make. And just put a special someone's favorite plant in them and you have the perfect heartfelt Valentines gift! I happen to love mine so much, that I always have my pots out on display!

I am obsessed with a lot of things lately...but when it comes to plants have stolen my heart: succulents, mini herbs, miniature roses, ornamental grasses - I am not picky...I love it! And I have quite a few gifts to I need a sweet planter right?

 I love using DecoArt Patio Paints on my pots and outdoor signs.
Everything I have painted with Patio Paints has held up amazingly well
- and I live in a wet cold area - hardly anything stays looking good for long...
but my pots do!
(my last set of pretty painted pots are even in the DecoArt catalog!)

  • Terra cotta pots.I used small ones - 4" and 2", but any size will do.
  • DecoArt Patio Paint: I used Raspberry Red, Daisy Cream, and Carnation Pink.
  • Brushes
  • Fingers - still attached to a person! (ha!)

  • Cover work area with newspaper or protective covering
  • Clean pots if necessary (mine were dirty!)
  • Paint each pot in your desired color. I used 2 coats for the Raspberry and 3 for the other lighter colors.
  • Let dry completely.

  • Now, you can paint the rim with a contrasting paint. I did on some and did not on others, but because I used coordinating colors, they all work as a group.
  • I also paint the inside of the rim (about 1"+ down) so that it looks pretty inside the pot. 
  • On a paper plate, place a small amount of paint. 
  • Gently dip a finger in the paint - you can use any finger...I find it easy to use the index finger and my pinky.  Tap gently on the paper plate or paper towel to remove excessive paint - YOU MIGHT WANT TO PRACTICE ON SCRAP PAPER BEFORE YOU DO IT ON THE POT.

  • At a slight angle press the finger on the pot. Re-dip the finger (if you need to) and press the finger to the pot, angling the opposite way BUT overlapping at the bottom.
  • You can do a few hearts, one heart, or hearts all over.
  • I made a few myself and then let the kids have at it!
    See. a cute and simple project that can be made in so many colors!



 This post is written and created at 504 Main by Holly Lefevre
disclosure: products and giveaway are provided by DecoArt


  1. I am 35 years old but I am still a sucker for the Valentine's heart candies int he little boxes. They have to be those kind thought because I don't like any others <3

  2. I love these pots! I'm getting ready to do a post on a "Pay It Forward, involving flowers & a flower pot. I'd love to use this idea and I'll link back to you <3

  3. I enjoy making cards with my kids or for that matter in craft with them and they would love doing pots like this.

    sethandtjay at yahoo dot com
    amy williams

  4. These pots are really cute. This really is a "hands-on" project. Thanks for sharing this idea!

  5. my fave treat...chocolate!!

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  7. favorite valentine treat is chocolate!

  8. My favorite Valentine treat just has to be pink. Pink flowers, pink ice cream, pink anything :)

  9. My favorite Valentine craft is making my own Valentine cards.

  10. My favorite Valentine craft is making my own Valentine cards.

  11. My favorite Valentine's day treats are the cards my kids make me.

  12. We have a lot of birthdays in our house this month too, Holly! I love these pots, great idea.

  13. I love anything heart :)

  14. I love Valentine chocolates best.

  15. Those pots are just too cute! I love anything with fingerprints or handprints!

  16. These are too sweet, Holly! I need to make these heart pots with my boys.
    I my favorite Valentine craft making homemade cards. I remember doing that growing up and want to pass the tradition on to my boys!

  17. Anonymous2:30 PM

    What a clever idea! Can't wait to do it with the grands. Tons of ideas to fill the pots with. Thanks for the inspiration!

  18. I love the vibrant pinks and the fingerprint heart is so precious!

  19. I just made a valentines "wreath" out of paint sticks and a chipboard "o". Hugs and Kisses. cute and free, as I had all of the supplies.

  20. I'm not too picky... anything involving chocolate works for me!

  21. I'm a sucker for a good ol fashioned paper heart made by folding a piece of paper and cutting - easy and sweet. :)

  22. Hi! I just linked up a project to your party, saw the giveaway... and now I'm here. Thanks! And cute pots :o)

  23. Anything edible - cookies and treats!

  24. love when hubs make me a a large valentines cookie debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  25. My favorite Valentine's treats: chocolate and craft supplies!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com


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