Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tickled Pink #128

Welcome to Tickled Pink!
First, I hope you had a wonderful holiday!
Happy 2013!
Second, I did not fall off the face of the planet.
I took some time to hang out...
and try to figure things out about life and the blog
and the state of the world.
Guess what?
I have no answers...just a few hunches and ideas.
(This image was purchased from istockphoto)
I have thought a lot about this blog and why I love it and why I do not (sometimes). So I will be making changes. Not 100% sure what, but I do know that I am going to try and write some more and share stories like I did in my early days.
I also know that I will be focusing on working out
and eating better and spending more time with my family and doing things I love, maybe start looking for a job again...and most importantly working toward some of my professional and person goals that I set long ago and have taken a back seat to so many other things.
I am just exhausted mentally...
but I see the path emerging and I feel good about it!
I feel creative...I feel energized...I feel motivated.    
I have a few posts about all of this craziness
(and hopefully it won't bore you),
but I feel like I need to say a few things to get back
on the right path here and in my daily life.  

Anyone else out there re-examining things?

I apologize that there are no features.
I got a lot distracted and I have been trying to limit my computer I am suffering from migraines (a new "treat"). I suspect it is a combination of stress, lack of sleep, too much computer time, and my body reacting from eating things I normally do not.

I appreciate you coming by to linkup today! 


A craft...a recipe...a tip...a party...a short story...a  poem...a  fashion find...a  favorite product...your favorite  post...whatever makes  your blog  fabulous!
That is what Tickled Pink is all about!
{and it does NOT have to be PINK}

Grab a button HERE!
or here!
504 Main

Will everyone do me a FAVOR????
Please visit the person linked before you...
Pretty Please!

1. Link  up...whatever makes  your blog  fabulous. Family Friendly please. Guess what? Your post does not have to be PINK!!  I reserve the right to remove posts that are offensive or do not  adhere  to the rules, without any discussion, at my discretion.
3. Pretty please...add the Tickled Pink button or TEXT link back to the post* {people need  to know what the heck they are doing!}. 
4. Please visit a couple other links!

TICKLED PINK DOES NOT HAVE Categories anymore!
By linking grant me permission to use a photo if you are featured. Proper credit will be given.

Link Up what ever made you or your blog FAB this week! 

This post is written and created at 504 Main by Holly Lefevre


  1. Hi, I am brand new to your blog...came through from a few other blog hopping and was very taken with just this first single post. It describes every area of my world right now! I am going to see where you are going and see if I will enjoy following along on the ride and growth and change with you! Glad to have found you!

  2. Thanks for hosting Holly! I can't wait to hear more about your plans for the future!!

  3. I relate completely to everything you said. I'm seeing a lot of that kind of reflection in the blogosphere and I believe we can help each other through whatever transitions we decide to make. I'm there too. Day job is draining me and I need to focus on what re-energizes me. I think as women it's unfortunately easy for us to put ourselves last. So I'm working on that this year. Anyway, thanks for sharing. I am sure whatever decisions you make will be positive and you know you've got lots of support even if it's from people you've never met lol.

  4. What a great first blog post of the new year! I wish you all the best in 2013!

  5. Glad you were able to take some time for your self. :) I love coming to your blog to see what you have been up to and to participate in your parties. :) Thanks for all the work you do to host them. I wish you luck in your plans. Megan

  6. I hope you feel better soon! Achieving balance and finding joy is a lifelong pursuit for sure!

  7. Hi Holly ~ thanks so much for hosting this week. Sorry to hear about your migraines. They are no fun : (

    I have been reexamining things for a while now, also....still no answers so I am of absolutely no help other than to say I'll be pulling for you to figure it out soon.

    Mary Beth

  8. I feel the exact same way, Holly. I MISS the old days of blogging before everyone tried to make a career of it. The days before Pinterest when we spent hours following the links to one another's blogs and sharing ideas. I too far as my blog goes and seriously thought about not starting up the party links this year. I did however start them today but still am planning changes myself. Don't leave the blogosphere, lets just all refocus and figure this out. Can't wait to hear more from you! Good luck on all the changes.

  9. Anonymous9:23 PM

    All the best with the goals Holly! :) May you have a healthy, happy life and thanks so much for hosting today! :)

  10. We all need some time to ourselves and our families! Sometimes, we tent to dive way too deep into the blog that it can become overwhelming. Don't ever feel bad for taking some time off! Good luck with your decisions! Thank you for the party :)

  11. Thanks so much for hosting! I hope that in all of your thinking and figuring out, you figure out what you need and that you are able to do it as well. I know it is hard, we all have so many pressures on us. I hope you also find some relief for your migraines.
    Take care,

  12. Thanks so much for hosting the party Holly! I wish you luck on your journey and look forward to following along. We women expect so much from ourselves these days. Sometimes we just need to take some time to re-evaluate and re-energize. Stay strong, and stay creative! I'm sure you'll choose the right road for you.

  13. Hey Holly! THANKS so much for hosting!

  14. Thanks bunches for hosting, Holly!! Have a fabulous weekend!


  15. Looking forward to seeing more about your new direction! I'm so glad you took a little time for yourself!

  16. Holly,
    Thanks so much for hosting!!


  17. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Thank you for hosting!

  18. I am excited for you and for the changes you will be making...I will still keep reading! Thank you so much for hosting!!!

  19. You forgot that you're exhausted from finally getting 5 stars on that One Direction song! lol You know I love you. :) All jokes aside, you know I understand where you are coming from with the whole blog thing. Your readers love you and will keep reading regardless. XO

  20. It seems like most of us who have been at it a while have to reexamine things as blogging is a wonderful, horrible thing :) Glad you are sticking around.

  21. It's always good to take a breather and make a plan-ish! Thank you for sharing and for hosting each week. I know it must be a ton of work!

  22. Hi Holly, ((Hugs))! This is the first day I have gotten back linking up since the holiday rush of projects and decor. It is a lot and makes me wonder how I can do more next year, this year, today...tomorrow. Thank you so much for hosting, and I'm off to read your posts as things are kicking around a little at Maddalee, also.



  23. Glad that you will still be here in the future. I look forward to your posts as you search and find what your path will be. It sounds quite exciting and I look forward to hearing all about it. Good luck, dear friend!!
    Thanks for hosting!

  24. Thanks so much for hosting, Hope you have a great week!

  25. Thanks for hosting. There are so many great ideas here. Have a great weekend.

  26. Holly, we all need time to step back and deserve it!! ;) thanks for always hosting such a fabulous party full of inspiration!

  27. Hi Holly,
    We all need to do this from time to glad to know that you'll still be here sharing with us.
    Thank you for hosting!

  28. Hi Holly,
    Thanks for hosting and good luck to you in your quest for fulfillment...I guess that's what life is all about! A wise person once told me to always choose what is LIFE-GIVING...I have found this helpful during all my times of questioning and transition! Have a relaxing weekend,

  29. Glad to have ya back! We're just now getting back into to the swing of things too! Can't wait to read your new upcoming posts! :)

  30. Hey! Sounds like you are making some positive changes and that's great. You need to take care of yourself and choose where to spend your time. I love the Holly stories-- you're such a fantastic writer. And creative. And fabulous. I know there are some amazing opportunities and and adventures out there for you. Share the "crazy" stories! I'm behind ya-- wherever you go/whatever you do! Malia

  31. I'm always reexamining my life, and not just at New Years. I have a chronic illness and so my energy ebbs and flows. Lately I have had huge spaces in my blogging and then I'll have a few posts cause I'm inspired. I hope this new year brings you and your family peace and that your migraines get better.

  32. Taking care of you, your health, your dreams & your family are very important. I hope you find the balance you seek :) Happy New Year!!


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!