Sunday, October 6, 2013

Make Your Own Pumpkin Pie Spice (too good to not share again)

I gotta tell you...I flip for pumpkin anything!
Carved pumpkins,tattooed pumpkins...
Big pumpkins, small pumpkins...

I also love that pumpkin pie flavor. So much so that in the Fall (and summer, and spring and winter) I often use pumpkin pie spice in my recipes when it calls for cinnamon (and I think the flavor profiles fit).

What I do not like is the price of pumpkin pie spice. I got a teeny tiny bottle of it at the store yesterday...almost $6.00. All of the other spices were on I had a flash of brilliance (or at least I think so).

Why don't I just make my own?

In fact, I already had all of the spices I needs at home. I use cinnamon a lot and ginger too, but nutmeg and allspice, well I do not use them all that much.


So here is how I made my pumpkin pie spice.
The final price of what this will cost you depends on what you already have in the pantry.

I had the following already:
Cinnamon (a big container from Smart and Final for about $4.00)
Allspice, nutmeg, and ground ginger (McCormick).
(These were all on sale at the store for about $2.50)

NOTE: I was  back at the store today, I checked prices and the spices were not on sale, and thus more expensive, but they do go on sale pretty frequently during this time of the year, and you may have these at home anyway!

If you had to buy everything to make this, initially the cost is more,
but you get so much more yield by combining the spices yourself,
so then it is actually less money - did I lose you?

OK, I wanted a big jar, and guess what it will be gone in a month or so, I guarantee it!

3 Tablespoons Ground Cinnamon
3 teaspoon Ground Ginger
3 teaspoons nutmeg
1 1/2 teaspoons allspice
You also need one jar for storing

Now this is complicated...NOT!
Combine all ingredients into one container (with a lid).
Shake to mix

Super easy!
Of course, it you are not pumpkin pie spice obsessed like me,
you can cut this recipe in half and make less.

You can also adjust the spice mixture to your liking,
for example, ore ginger and less nutmeg, more allspice, etc. 

Now, be on the look out,
I have a few recipes coming up that use this spice mixture!

Do you love pumpkin pie spice like me?
This recipe will surely save you money!
This post is written and created at 504 Main by Holly Lefevre


  1. Great work Holly! Pinned for future reference. :D

  2. OH my gosh I go through so much of this too! I need to make some asap :)

  3. You are so resourceful, Holly ~ love this.

  4. How smart are you! I am so making my own...thanks so much!

  5. Thanks for your recipe.. hubby loves clove in his items.. it's a northern thing as I recall my side going back always using clove in hams, turkeys, pies, breads, pickled anything and when I fresh grind it I must use it sparingly or it overwhelms the item... sorta like rosemary. Ever try cardamon? It's delish on or in poultry, breads, breakfast items and sauces. I love it too, except for the pod it comes in.. now that's a pain in the butt to clean out and crush.

    Cotton Peony

  6. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I LOVE it also!! Use all the time!! I ran out the other day! Just bought new bottle!!

  7. Good to know, Holly! Spices like pumpkin pie spice can sit in my kitchen for a long time. I just can't get through an entire container in one season! So being able to make just a little when I need it (and not dashing to the store for it) will be great!! Because I DO have all those other spices on hand all the time! :)

  8. Would you use these spices to brew coffee too?

  9. Yum! Thanks! I'll be making this for sure! Pinned & G+'d. :D

  10. This is so great Holly!! I never thought about making my own - thanks for sharing the recipe!!

  11. I love the taste of pumpkin pie, just not sure of all the things I would put it on??? Any ideas.

  12. Great idea ... I love pumpkin flavoring too! Thanks for sharing!

  13. I really am off to the store get the spices to make this! Mmmmm!

  14. Thank you sooooo much.. this will save a lot when I need it.

  15. What a cool idea! Yum. Vanilla Ice Cream would be great with this!

  16. My sweet Holly....thank you for taking the time to link up with us...I bet making your own this way makes all the flavours stand out individually...yumm..xo

  17. Very awesome! I remember buying that last year when my mom was visiting and we about fell over! SOOOooo pinning this :)

  18. This is too funny or it's fate, I just pinned your spice mix on Pinterest on my "pie" board! I love to make pies! In fact if you vist my blog and search for "pies" you'll find many! In fact I just posted a pie recipe today!!! This looks like a great recipe to have on hand. I can think of many uses for it, mostly because I LOVE pumpkin! I can't wait to see what you'll be cooking up with it!

    I'm now your newest follower! Stop by for a slice of my pie if you have a moment!



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