Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tickled Pink No. 103

How is everyone's summer?
We have been house hunting - I used to think that was fun...but not so much anymore (it is really the fixing up our house to sell that is stressful)...just trying to make all the right house decisions  - so much to think about...and I happen to really LOVE my current house (faults and all).

We have also been saying good-bye to friends.
A friend and her family are moving to American Samoa...It has stirred up all sorts of feelings in me...mainly about how nice it would be to whisk away and enjoy a very different lifestyle with far less material and technological interruptions.

My son turns 11 in a few days...How the HECK did that happen!

My 4 year old (almost five) lost her first tooth
(and the second one is just about to go too)
You can check out my Tooth Fairy Troubles - what have I done!

My UGLY master bathroom is "this close" to NOT being ugly anymore.
I will be brave and post photos soon...just beware the before's are (shudder) BAD!

I also had fun at the park watching a kid use his slackline.
He was nice enough to let all the kids try...what FUN.
I totally WANT one.
Like seriously NEED one!

Be sure to check out the Bloggy Olympics!

One more thing...
Dear Google/Blogger...Of course 
my words don't match the word verification (for the tenth time)...YOU are crazy! Can you make word verification any more awful?

Be sure to visit Katy to see her features...
and I promise to get back on track...
and maybe even return some emails!




I am so intrigued to try these flavors together.
Asparagus-Strawberry-Feta Salad from Turtles and Tails

Fun and totally adorable Celebration Sundress from Polkadots on Parade

Poofy Cheeks
A TON- like grab a couple cups of coffe and read up -  of infogrpahic and info about mom blogs and blogs in general from Natasha in Oz


I keep saying I am going to make my own bread. This Whole Wheat Oatmeal bread from Pink Recipe Box looks amazing


Wild and Brown Rice Salad - love everything in it from My Serendipitous Life


Love these Bat Tea Bags from Life on Walnut Street
A FAB rustic, urban, industrial dresser...LOVE those finishing touches! From Redoux Interiors


A craft...a recipe...a tip...a party...a short story...a  poem...a  fashion find...a  favorite product...your favorite  post...whatever makes  your blog  fabulous!
That is what Tickled Pink is all about!
{and it does NOT have to be PINK}

Grab a button HERE!
or here!


1. Link  up...whatever makes  your blog  fabulous. Family Friendly please. Guess what? Your post does not have to be PINK!!  I reserve the right to remove posts that are offensive or do not  adhere  to the rules, without any discussion, at my discretion.
3. Pretty please...add the Tickled Pink button or TEXT link back to the post* {people need  to know what the heck they are doing!}. 
4. Please visit a couple other links!

TICKLED PINK Now Has Categories
I won't banish you if you mess up, but try to link appropriately, pretty please!
By linking grant me permission to use a photo if you are featured. Proper credit will be given.

Craft, DIY, Decorate
crafting, diy, decor type links

Cook, Bake, Eat
stuff to eat, cook, drink, and bake

Read, Write, Share
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  1. Hey there busy friend. Hope you are well!

  2. I'm excited to hear about when you find "the" house! Your tooth fairy stories crack me up!

  3. thanks for hosting this great round-up. you sound so very busy...hopefully you will find some time to relax this summer

  4. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Great features Holly! Thanks so much for hosting! And I'm with you on word verification. It often takes me a couple of tries to get it right!

  6. Thanks for hosting Holly! Hope you have a fabulous week!

  7. House hunting is only fun when you don't ACTUALLY have to buy anything. I love looking at houses, now that I have finally bought one.. no pressure.

    Good luck. I hope you find a great new house!

  8. Thanks so very for not only hosting my favourite weekly party but also for the sweet shout out! You are the best Holly!

    Best wishes and have a happy weekend!

    Natasha in Oz

    PS Happy House Hunting!

  9. FYI: We had that asparagus, strawberry, feta salad with dinner tonight. It was SO good! My son fell in love with it.

  10. Thank you so much for the love!! I am sorry the house search is STILL going on. You will find the perfect home in the perfect community, and it will be here in my town! No, that would be a bit of a commute for your husband. Happy birthday to your son, and sorry for the growing up and losing teeth to your daughter. Oh these are big milestones to have coincide. Thank you for hosting such a fabulous party where people can link up and share anything they have created. I think that is something to applaud for. Have a great weekend. -K

  11. Thanks fro much for featuring my Oatmeal Bread! :)

  12. Thanks so much for hosting! I can't wait to see your bathroom redo. :) Happy birthday to your son. Megan

  13. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Holly, thank you for hosting!

  14. Holly,
    Thanks for hosting such fun parties! I LOVE this weeks features! The adorable sundress, the wild rice salad, and the tea bags!! Amazing! I am loving your blog, your taste and your style, too!
    Make it a great day!
    What Meegan Makes

  15. Good luck with the house hunting! Thanks so much for the hosting the fun party! Happy Friday lil lady!

  16. happy house hunting!


  17. Hellooooooooo there Holly! Just popping in to surprise you. Glad to hear you and your family are doing well.

  18. Thank you, thank you for another great Tickled Pink!

  19. Thanks for a great party! Have a wonderful weekend!

  20. We are currently house hunting too! I am not enjoying it at all! Will be so glad to get moved and get settled again. Awesome linky party you have going on!


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!