Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tickled Pink No. 92 (yeah, yeah...same old story)

Happy Weekend!
Guess what? It was a crazy week...
and I did not have time to finish the features...again...
Please don't banish me from blogland.

But do any of you remember that commercial from the 80's with the egg?
"this is your brain"
they crack it
"this is your brain on drugs."
!!!!Well, I am not on anything!!!!
But that is what my head feels like.
it was a rough mommy week...
so I turned the computer off to spend some much needed tine with my kiddos.
I love those turkeys!

So I owe ya 2 sets of features this weekend.
I did feature some awesome projects on facebook
and I am working on a BIG HUGE POST with features!
Be sure to enter my giveaway for a Daisy Decal!
It is SUPER SIMPLE to enter. 
One little comment -  that's it!


ALSO, I am seriously considering removing the GFC Gadget from my sidebar.
I need to find that joy and fun in blogging again 
(because I do love it)
and I hate looking at those numbers...
not having them stare me in the face would be a good thing.
So, please consider
Subscribing to my RSS feed by clicking HERE or on the icon up top
OR subscribing my email, by clicking on the envelope up at the top
Be sure to visit the
(if you are not on Pinterest and need an invite, let me know!)
Also, leave me your link in the comments
and let's follow each other and be inspired.

Follow Me on Pinterest

I apologize...AGAIN!!!
Features are coming.
I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone
who links up, reads, and visits. I truly appreciate it.

Feel free to share the link on my Facebook Wall.
If I feature you on Facebook or twitter, be sure to grab a button HERE too!

Have a GREAT weekend!

A craft...a recipe...a tip...a party...a short story...a  poem...
a  fashion find...a  favorite product...your favorite  post...
whatever makes  your blog  fabulous!
That is what Tickled Pink is all about!
{and it does NOT have to be PINK}

Grab a button HERE!
or here!
504 Main
1. Link  up...whatever makes  your blog  fabulous. Family Friendly please. Guess what? Your post does not have to be PINK!!  I reserve the right to remove posts that are offensive or do not  adhere  to the rules, without any discussion, at my discretion.
3. Pretty please...add the Tickled Pink button or TEXT link back to the post* {people need  to know what the heck they are doing!}. 
4. Please visit a couple other links!
TICKLED PINK Now Has Categories
I won't banish you if you mess up, but try to link appropriately, pretty please!
By linking grant me permission to use a photo if you are featured. Proper credit will be given.

Craft, DIY, Decorate
crafting, diy, decor type links

Cook, Bake, Eat
stuff to eat, cook, drink, and bake

Read, Write, Share
posts you love, stories, favorite things, ideas to share

Follow Me on Pinterest


  1. Thank you so much for hosting...I appreciate your kindness. hugs, mb

  2. Thanks for hosting Holly! Happy Friday!

    Kelly, herringbone lane

  3. Thank you for being the hostess with the mostest, Holly!
    Kerry at HouseTalkN

  4. Thanks for hosting- I agree with you about the GFC..I find myself obsessing about the numbers way too much..:(

  5. Turkey time is way better than computer time! Enjoy Holly!

  6. Thanks so much for hosting! I'm with you about GFC :)

  7. Oh yes, I remember the egg commercial. Glad you spent some time with the family Holly, and I hope you all have a super weekend.

  8. 1st- don't sweat the features. You should not put pressure on yourself about your blog. It should be for fun. SO yay for spending time with the kiddos!
    2nd-Oh no Holly! Don't lose the GFC- I check those blogs every day. But I only check my RSS reader blogs like once a week, maybe. It would be a bummer not to see your posts as often.
    But of course, do what's best for you!
    xo Becca

  9. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Sorry you had a tough week! Hope that you get some sunshine this weekend and some rest...I love Tickled Pink but it should never stress you out ;) XO Bev

  10. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Holly I think it's the time of year! Spring,warm weather, I am trying to get so many crazy projects done that have been cooped up all winter now!!

    Thank you for your fun party!

    bee blessed

  11. Holly, I think that we all deserve a "time out" and, give yourself some slack! I still love your site and love linking up with you! Blessings friend, Erin

  12. LOVED the honesty of this! You go being a great momma. :) Linked up AND finally noticed the second place to link up and linked up there. Hope you have a great weekend with your family

  13. My brain is the fried egg and scrambled so much it looks like rubber. That was a hilarious reference. Hope we can connect soon! -K

  14. Thanks for hosting Holly. I am thinking of taking a 'time out' from blogging just to see if I can, and to take a break too. Working on it anyway.

  15. hi there my friend! how are you : ) thank you so much for having yet another spectacular party!!!!! : ) LOVE IT!!!! and i clicked wrong -- so feel free to ZAP me out of the recipe section : ) LOL!!!! so sorry :( it's early : ) sending you tons of hugs and talk to you soon -- you ROCK!!!!

  16. When Mommy Land calls, the wise one listens. Good for you!!
    I follow via GFC so if you get rid of the GFC bar, will that mean you disappear from my dashboard? I can follow via email, but honestly, I don't like to check from my email.

    Oh well.
    I'll figure it out.

    I can't imagine that you struggle with numbers when you have over 2000 followers. That's a WOW number to me. I'm such a schmuck. ha!

  17. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Thank you for hosting us every Friday!

  18. Holly, thanks for hosting!! Of course, I'm so excited to have actually COMPLETED a project to link up that I linked it in the wrong category - sorry! Thanks again! ~Lori

  19. Hey friend. Now it feels like things are truly getting back to normal when I can come link up at Think Pink Friday! Thanks for hosting!

  20. Hi Holly! Don't even worry about the features. Momminess way comes before blogginess. And can relate to have scrambled brain this week! Lia has been sick this week and we got her to the Dr. to find she has dual ear infections and a bladder infection. So, it has been a rough week here too. Thank you for hosting and I hope your weekend is fun!

  21. Thinking of getting rid of my GFC thing too... those numbers. Hope you're feeling better. I was knocked out with a bug all week too... cold/flu season came late this year!

    xo caroline @ c.w.frosting

  22. You've got lots of great Springtime inspiration this week! Thank you for hosting! :)

  23. Holly - it's been a rough week for me too - my mom's in the hospital and I've been traveling 2 hours each way to stay with her every day - so, I posted my link in the wrong category - I'm so sorry! ;( I promise to do better next week - thanks for hosting!
    Hugs -

  24. Holly, I hope next week is much less eventful for both of us.

    I'm glad that today has afforded me the opportunity to come by and link-up. Thank goodness for Spring Break!



Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!