Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tickled Pink No. 83

Happy Almost-Friday!
It was a cold, sick week at my house...AGAIN!
We all were better for like 24 hours and then right back at it. Seriously?!

Sorry, I am way behind on returning emails from last week
(oh heck from the last 6 months), but working on it!

Visit the
(if you are not on Pinterest and need an invite, let me know!)

Also, leave me your link in the comments
and let's follow each other and be inspired

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Grab a featured button HERE
Polaroid Wall from {Sisters, Sisters}
Landing Makeover from The DIY Showoff. It is gorgeous!
Fab headboard from Too Much Time on My Hands
How cute is the fabric backdrop from Shirley's Craft Blog

Sweetheart Pillow case from Yesterday on Tuesday
Earring Stand from This Girl's Life
50+ Organizational Tips for Kid Spaces from Attempting Aloha!
Stuffed Paper Hearts from The Scrap Shoppe
A gorgeous furniture makeover from Emily's Up-cycled Furniture
A story of hope, giving, awareness, and how we can all make a difference. I am in awe of families like this. Thank you for sharing Kalyn from ...And I Thought I Loved You Then

50 Things Every Woman Should Own from More Style Than Cash
Bakewell tart from Rachel Cotterill
Cheesy Olive Dip from The Misadventures of Mrs. B
Goodwill Treasure Hunting Tips from Inside BruCrew Life
Adorable Woodland Creatures Birthday Party Prep from Primitive and Proper.
What a great theme!
I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone
who links up, reads, and visits. I truly appreciate it.

So, go on over and LIKE 504 Main on Facebook!
I am also inviting you to share your
link on my FaceBook wall.

Feel free to share the link on my Facebook Wall.
If I feature you on Facebook or twitter, be sure to grab a button HERE too!

Have a GREAT weekend!

A craft...a recipe...a tip...a party...a short story...a  poem...
a  fashion find...a  favorite product...your favorite  post...
whatever makes  your blog  fabulous!
That is what Tickled Pink is all about!
{and it does NOT have to be PINK}

Grab a button HERE!
or here!
504 Main
1. Link  up...whatever makes  your blog  fabulous. Family Friendly please. Guess what? Your post does not have to be PINK!! 
3. Pretty please...add the Tickled Pink button to the post* {people need  to know what the heck they are doing!}. 
4.  I reserve the right to remove posts that are offensive or do not  adhere  to the rules, without any discussion, at my discretion.
5. Please visit at least 2 other links!
TICKLED PINK Now Has Categories
I won't banish you if you mess up, but try to link appropriately, pretty please!
Craft, DIY, Decorate
crafting, diy, decor type links

Cook, Bake, Eat
stuff to eat, cook, drink, and bake

Read, Write, Share
posts you love, stories, favorite things, ideas to share


Follow Me on Pinterest


  1. thank you SO much for the feature, friend! i linked up the actual party this time! :)

  2. Thanks so much for having me today Holly! Hope your weekend is fabulous.

    Best wishes,

  3. Thanks for featuring my stuffed paper hearts, Holly! I hope everyone is feeling better at your house and stays that way for a while. :)

  4. Hello Miss Holly!
    Thanks for hosting this awesome shindig!
    Hope you're doing awesome!!

  5. Thanks for hosting Holly! I love that headboard you featured. Can't wait to check out what everyone has been up to.


  6. so sorry, you can delete #46, didn't realize I linked that up last week! Yes, I actually scrolled through the whole list to check and it was there! OOPS! Thanks for hosting though and I'll add a couple now that are NEW to the party!! I'm tickled pink to be sharing over here!! :)

  7. Oh I was so excited to see that I was featured!! Thank you so much for doing these fun link parties!!!

  8. So sorry to hear you were sick! Hopefully you are feeling better and that you will stay that way now! Thanks for hosting!

  9. Thank you for hosting Holly =)

  10. Thank you so much for the feature! When someone loves a tutorial that features your child, it just makes it that much better! I really appreciate it. And thank you for hosting! :)

    Shirley @

  11. Thanks for hosting Holly!! I hope you are all on the mend and have a great weekend!! :)

  12. Thanks for the party, Holly (: Boo to being sick, hope you're all doing better!

  13. Hi gorgeous girlie,

    I haven't linked up here for a while but today I'm here! Yay!! I've been a bit busy ...being pregnant!! Yes! I've started doing a series of picking out 30 pieces of clothing to mix into 30 outfits over 30 days - that's what I've linked up today.

    How have you been getting on? I've been missing you!


  14. Thanks so much for the feature, Holly! Hope you're all feeling better soon!

  15. Hi Holly!!!

    Thank you my dear, for hosting such a fabulous linky party! I joined in this week and shared my "Rosewater Cupcakes" {& and Vintage French Plate}. :)

    Hope you are doing well! Take care and have a marvelous weekend!


  16. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Thank you for hosting - I hope you are getting better at your house! xoxo Bev

  17. Thank you so much for hosting!
    Kerry at HouseTalkN

  18. Hi Holly!

    Thank you SO MUCH for featuring me! I am delighted that you liked 50 Things Every Woman Should Own.

  19. 50 things every woman should own. I think I am doing pretty good, but I need to fill in some holes here. That is a great article.

    Any new news of a relocation? I will take my answer in 6 months....when you can get back to me ;)

  20. Hi! I'm a new follower and a new blogger as well! I just spent twenty minutes looking through your gorgeous blog and clicking on some of the awesome projects linked up! LOL Come visit me sometimes!

    Kristy @ Shona Skye Creations

  21. Thanks for hosting Holly! I hear ya regarding the constant circle of nasty yuck bug! Since Lia (our 4 year old) started Preschool, we are constantly battling some kind of sick bug. It feels like we ae sending her to a giant petri dish each day! Have a great weekend!

  22. Thanks for the feature!! Now I have to go and find something to submit for this week... :)

  23. Thank you for hosting, this week and every week. :)

  24. Thank you so much for showing off my goodwill tips:-) I am praying that you guys can kick that cold for good!!!! Hope you have a great weekend!!!

  25. Thanks so much for featuring my earring stand! I'm so flattered! :)

  26. Hi!! I'm a new follower and new to your link party, from The Latest Find! I'm linking up!! Love your site! I'm also adding your party button to my "all the latest parties" page! Thanks for hosting, looking forward to more of your link parties! =)

  27. Thanks for hosting!!! This is the first time I have joined up with the linking party and I will definitely be back next week! Thanks again!


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!