Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mommy Makes A Mess...My Couple Speak Video

I went almost all week without
posting, commenting...or anything!
I fought real life and real life won!
So much to do so little time!
I did manage this however...
(and tickled Pink will happen tomorrow)
I DIY all the time when hubby is gone.
When we first moved here 6 years ago we had tons to do on the house.
I was always up on a ladder or under a sink.
My son helped with the easy stuff...
but whenever I did something "major" I made sure he knew the rules...
"if anything happens, first the dog goes in the crate and then walk next door and tell them or have them help you call 911"
(I am slightly exaggerating...I only did CRAZY stuff when hubby was home)
This all leads to a special kind of Couple Speak my kiddos and I have.
They surely have "my number" when it comes time to DIY or craft.
This video give you a little insight to that.
This video is my submission to the Couple Speak Video Contest
that I shared with you before.
There is a little time left (like a day) to try your hand at a video
and for you to enter your own video.

Contest end 10/6! 

WARNING: I have no idea how to edit or really even use my video camera much less the software that is supposed to make my movie pretty...BUT I tried.
Be children were hurt in the making of this video.
Feel free to give our little ole video "Mommy Makes a Mess" a "LIKE" on FaceBook!
(If you do not have FB, you can watch it on YouTube)

"LIKES" do not matter in the voting, but it shows support and makes me smile!
(wink, wink)
How to view on FaceBook:
LIKE 3M Frameworks page
Click on Contest: Couple Speak on left sidebar
On the new screen, click on "Latest"
Click on Mommy Makes a Mess LIKE it!
(You must click on my video and have it appear in the viewing screen, for the "Like")


  1. Anonymous1:18 AM

    Your kids are adorable. Seems like they know the drill when of what they need to do when you start on your diy projects. :)

  2. Really cute, Holly! Love the close up of your daughter at the end.


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!