Tuesday, July 26, 2011

DIY! Trash to Treasure Party Cart Makeover

I saw this beauty and it was love at first sight.
It was still in the back room of the thrift store when I saw it.
I asked my "friend" at the store if I could go look
- she said yes...I said "I'll take it!"

Trash to Treasure Serving Cart from 504 Main
I had to have it...
even if it was $25.00 - not a bargain for sure.
This was the perfect piece for  a fabulous #makeover!

And so it sat for 6 months
(Oh yeah I am on top of things here!).
Until I turned it into a PARTY CART!


  • Screwdriver
  • Sandpaper
  • Paper plate or something for mixing paint
  • Paint brush
  • Drop cloth or newspaper to protect work area.
  • Towels and water for cleaning the cart you left outside for 6 months!


  • Clean cart
  • I used the Purdy 6 in 1 Painters Tool to scrape off the stickers and gunk.
  • Repair cart: The cart was more abused that I realized - one leg was held together by screws. I removed the screws, and glued the leg together with Gorilla Glue. Let dry.
  • Once dry, I realized there were still some cracks, so I added some wood putty to fill those in. Let dry. Sand.
  • CONFESSION: I have only ever spray painted one piece of furniture (my son's locker) I was unsure of how I would do...I learned quickly - go slow with smooth motions and don't get anxious....I had a lot of drips from my own heavy spraying...BUT I got that under control and WOW so fast and easy!
  • I spray a coat of Krylon Primer and then more blemishes in this beauty of a cart appeared...more Gorilla Glue...more wood putty...more sanding...ta-da!
  • I sprayed a second coat and let dry.
  • NOW, my intention was to NOT make this distressed, but as I painted, The beautiful finish of the Dover White was marred by the numerous nicks and damage to the cart. It was not the look I was going for - polished and sleek and dinged up (that will happen soon enough).
  • Time for Paint.
  • NOTE: I had decided that my top was going to be chalkboard so I took no care to paint the top nicely with the Krylon. I did prime it with the Krylon Primer.
  • I LOVE Kylon's Dover White (I have used it on many projects), so I continued to paint the cart with it and the color was spot on and application super-duper easy.
  • After drying I knew what had to be done...distress it. The cart was begging for it - it was the only way to save the cart and camouflage the damage. So on this gorgeous base of paint, I sanded the legs and a few other areas to show the wear - I especially hit the places where the damage was already done.
  • Then I glazed the entire cart with a mixture of DecoArt's Dove Gray American Acrylic and Glazing Medium. I just mixed the two together and used a rag to wipe on and wipe off. It gave a subtle glazed, while letting the original color shine through.
  • Once dry, I spray the entire cart with the Deft Clear Wood Finish Sealer from Rockler. I sprayed now - before painting my top with the chalkboard paint because I did not want the chalkboard to be "sealed" - it was just easier.
  • Once dry, paint the top with chalkboard paint - 2 coats according to bottle directions. Let dry. Prime and get writing!
The cart needs new casters...
I thought I had some but I did not...
I am sure Rockler has something I can use!
I thought this is a fun way to serve hors d'oeuvres or drinks
or just a pretty little cart to sit my a chair.
Fun and functional!

Smile and enjoy a beverage of your choice.
I choose the Arancello cocktail from my friend at Fudge Ripple.
I had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Fudge Ripple while I was away,
and she brought me a coveted bottle of HER Arancello!

After a very long drive home I tweeted (oops I meant) Facebooked I need a margarita and she suggested this cocktail. YUM! I'll have another tomorrow, thank you!

    Never give up on a fun piece of furniture!
    Saving this beauty was relatively easy...
    Clean it!
    Repair it!

    DISCLOSURE: Some items/products have been received as part of my affiliation with THE DIY CLUB


    1. LOVE this Holly!! I really want to find "trash" like this! I love that you did chalkboard paint...and the recipe written on the cart...just perfect. LOVE!

    2. LOVE this, too, Holly!!! BRAVO!

    3. What an adorable cart! I love the chalkboard paint you added to it! :)

    4. Holly! This is so fun! I would have bought it for $25 (which is way more than I would typically spend!). Great find! And, of course, I love the chalkboard top. Great project!

    5. Love it! The chalkboard top was a great choice. I'm so glad that you bought it when you had the chance because it would have been snapped up quickly once it hit the sales floor.

      I found a bistro set that I really liked at a thrift store last year. I decided to think about it over night instead of buying it on the spot. As you can guess, when I went back, it was gone. I'm still kicking myself over it!

      The cocktail recipe sounds wonderful!

    6. cool beans holly! Glad you finally got around to it!
      Love the new look!

    7. HOLLY!!!!! I love this. Seriously fantastic. I so have to figure out way to rip that off...you're a genius and I love you...but you know that.

      How's things girl? What's going on with you? Miss you!

      Lots of yummy love,
      Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

    8. That turned out really well...great idea! Hope you are having a good summer!

    9. You have a good eye for potential! It's adorable!

    10. Holly this is fabulous!!! I love the cart - it's adorable - but the chalkboard paint puts it over the top!! It's so great - I love that you can write notes or cocktail recipes on it. Great job!!

    11. Holly, This is AMAZING!! You did a fantabulous job!

    12. Awesome as always Holly! Man, when are we going to get a chance to meet? One of these days I hope! :)

    13. So cute! And any drink with tequila is a winner in my book ;)

    14. Hi Holly!

      It was so great seeing you come by this morning & put a smile right on my face! :>

      There's just so much that I love about this! Love that it's a trash to treasure, love that it's practical, love that it's perfect for a party (& can still be used everyday), and just adore how fun it is when you write a party cocktail down on it for everyone to make!! Very cool! :>

    15. Love the cart Holly. So, uh...when's the party?

    16. Gasp, I love it! I probably would have paid $25 for it too. I've been wanting a cart for my deck. This would be perfect!

    17. That is so cool Holly!!! Thanks for the inspiration.

    18. Amazing! I love it! This is my second visit to this post. (Clearly I was so flabbergasted that I forgot to leave a comment the first time. duh.)

    19. Shoot! Did I miss happy hour??

      You get a hoo-ray for this one. A) For getting the project done (I have lots of "I'm going to do that's" here) and B) for having it turn out so fun.

    20. i LOVE this! you are so very creative and clever.

    21. I'm so glad you shared a link to this. I've always wondered what your chalkboard surface was! I LOVE this.


    Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!