Saturday, February 20, 2010

Rethink What A Revolution Feels Like

This week's discussion topic at Rethink What Matters is
RETHINK What A Revolution Feels Like.
When I saw this topic, I thought, maybe I will just skip it this week, but then I began to think...the brain went off on its own tangent and I have been rethinking what my own revolution feels like all day.

I am a complete and total rule follower. I could never get away with anything anyway. If I broke a rule, I told on myself. As I got older, I lived in the city in which my Dad was a police officer...and for a long time thought the world began and ended in that wherever I went someone was watching me. I actually did move to a neighboring city...Dad knew people there too. I had my own personal patrol unit - what every single girl living alone needs!

I avoid conflict {except on reality TV shows} in my own life. I'll take you down if you mess with my kids {assuming they didn't deserve whatever was being dished out}, and when planning a wedding I will fight for my clients. Personally I do not rock the boat.It just freaks me out! All this considered, I figured I am not a revolutionary...but I was wrong.

Rethinking what a revolution feels like starts within me...this is the year for optimizing my health - cutting out the crap {for the most part...sweet indulgences will still be here and there} and eating pure clean, real food, as well as working out {again} regularly. This is the year to reclaim me - the girl who got pedicures every week has not had one in months! This is the year to sell the book proposal sitting on my desk and finish the other 5 that are "this close" to being done...and finally find the confidence to start on my work of fiction {eeek...did I say that out loud?} This is the year I empower myself to make changes where I feel they are needed - whether that be in friendships or careers {I'll keep the hubby and kids}.

More importantly, as I thought about this subject, I realized that when I decided to become a parent, a mom, I took on the role of "revolutionary." I am now a role model and responsible for teaching and nurturing two precious beings into adulthood. I need to show my children what it is to be a friend, a good spouse, a good parent, a good person, a responsible person. I need to do whatever I can to make this world a better place for the kiddos. I need to recycle. I need to vote. I need to care about my neighbor. I need to be an advocate for my children and teach them what I believe is right and wrong {I have very strong opinions about many things, but just choose to keep them off the blog}.

I have realized that my own revolution is not selfish,
it will ultimately help my children too. 

So, that's the story of my revolution.
Are you a leading your own revolution?
What your story?

answer the five questions...
did I mention there are prizes?
{maybe you will win!}
Then come back next week for some more!
Happy Rethinking!

Check out the previous posts in this series:
Rethink and Grow
Rethink Your Environment
Rethink...Finding Yourself
Rethink PDA

Rethink What Matters is a campaign by Bare Escentuals that challenges me...challenges all of us to Rethink What Matters. Each Friday through March 26, 2010, Bare Escentuals will pose a new topic for us to consider, to ponder, and to discuss. It is not just about is about living your life and what is truly important. So gather your never know what you'll discover! 

Want to join in on the discussion...
There are prizes and free products to be had..and more importantly thought provoking topics coming your way. Just visit Rethink What Matters to answer 5 simple questions. Then you can see how your answers compare with others. Seriously it takes no time at all to do this...and you may learn a little something about yourself or your friends! And if you are lucky enough to live in San Fransisco, New York, or Chicago the Quickie Van could be coming your way.
DISCLAIMER: So, here's the back story and legal who-ha I must include. I was contacted via email about this campaign and checked it out myself. I thought it was interesting and thought provoking. I was not paid for this review/post or compensated in any way (products or otherwise).


  1. I love your revolutions :) Good luck with your books!

  2. Oooo, I really enjoyed this! A personal revolution! It's a wonderful concept! Can you IMAGINE what the world would be like if everyone took it upon himself to get his own house in order! WOW, beautiful! LOVED this post!

  3. Anonymous6:38 AM

    I love how you wrote this. Plain and simple - it's all there in your hands and that is an amazing thing to recognise :0)

  4. Anonymous7:00 AM

    You've given me something else to think about Holly. I am loving these posts. Good for you for your own revolution. I think we all need to start one immediately!

    p.s. Thanks for linking up with Friday Follow.

  5. Love the post...I agree that a personal revolution is one that I think of. I think our revolutions are similar, except the writing part! One of my favorite quotes is from Ghandi and it is "Be the change you want to see in the world." I think this quote is the start of my own personal revolution and that can be taught to my children.

  6. Sounds like you're going to have a big year. I didn't know you were a writer. Good luck with the proposals.

  7. Holly-you never cease to amaze me! Just sayin!

  8. Hi Holly,
    Stopping by to say hello with Friday Follow. Have a fantastic weekend.

    Thank you for stopping by my new Blog

  9. I love this post. It's one of the best things about blogging - stop in somewhere and learn the exact thing you needed to know that day. I needed to think about this - thanks!

  10. Following you back from Follow Friday!

    Cheryl McCullough

  11. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Love're right. I think every good mom is a "revolutionary".

  12. Happy Sits Saturday!

  13. Im late...but Im following

  14. Stopping by from SITS and wishing you a GREAT Saturday :)

  15. pick me, pick me if you want someone to bounce your work of fiction off someone ;o)

    You are correct, each and every mom is a revolutionary and it is a role sometimes we forget is granted to us. Thank you for sharing this with us.

    xo Mary

  16. I sooooo related with all of this.... well, I'm not a parent just yet.. but I do have those thoughts. The post also reminded me that I need to buy more foundation.. thanks for that!

    Thank you for also commenting and visiting my blog on Friday!

  17. Thanks for stopping by my blog - I love yours, super cute!

    I guess us moms are 'revolutionary', aren't we?

  18. If you asked me few months ago I would say no, but I started my own revolution 5 months ago when I decided enough is enough.

    Just like you I have two wonderful little people looking up to me and I need to be accountable for everything I do and for everything I believe in.

    Love the post.

  19. I love this post and am beyond impressed that you have that many book drafts! Congratulations. This sounds like the Happiness Project I'm working on - I will check it out!

  20. You actually have 6 viable book proposals and still have time to blog? I'm so impressed! I made little more than baby steps with my one, lone proposal and as a result haven't posted in something like 2 weeks...sigh...

    Keep up the good work, Holly!!

  21. Can I just say I love your blog! I am trying to bring that old me back. And this Rethink What Matters series has been quite the eye opener.

  22. very thought provocative. thank you for sharing :)

  23. Holly,

    This is Cheri from Its So Very Cheri.
    I signed up to follow you as well, sorry it took longer than normal to get by.

    If you want to contact me about the MOVE I would be more than glad to share with you any suggestions or tips. My e-mail is

    I look forward to getting to know you better.

  24. Awesome post, Holly. I've been going through a similar process myself over the past couple of years, and believe me, it's worth it! I look forward to hearing more updates from your journey.

  25. This is just great. I've gotta stop by and answer these questions. Love your energy!! Found you on Lady Bloggers.

  26. This is just great. I've gotta stop by and answer these questions. Love your energy!! Found you on Lady Bloggers.

  27. Well, I went over there and took a look around and it's clearly meant for women. But what the heck, I took the quiz anyway. Seems that half the women think like me.

  28. Great blog Holly! Hopefully I will get the time to answer the questions :)

  29. i am in a hurry to leave for work, and I broke my toe this weekend so moving slow, but I would love for you to blog about it and show my small little 12 follower blog LOL I like the birthday chandelier idea must check it out tonight.

  30. You do a nice job on these each week. I enjoy reading them.

  31. I'm non-confrontational too but I need to confront my own stuff. The revolution starts with you. That's brilliant. It sounds like an ad slogan for something.

    PS Good luck with all your book projects! You are so darn talented.

  32. Your revolutions are great! I think that you are completely right that we have to focus on being good examples for our kids if we want them to grow up with the right values.

    I should probably keep my mouth shut around my little guy more than I do!

  33. Holly, I am so impressed that you follow rules because I rarely do.
    I wish I could start a revolution. I'd better go check these people out!

  34. I like your idea of revolution much better. Good luck on those book proposals!

  35. cute blog. thanks for following me at

  36. Promise me something...when we have lunch will tell me all of your opinions! I love them even if they are totally counter to what I believe in. I want to hear them all. We are similar in some ways. I'm a 90% rule follower...Charisse brings me down the 10% I lack. But I think you are really 1000% more productive than I am. Seriously...I need a nap after reading this post. Yawn...I'm exhausted. Have a great day friend. Holly:)

  37. I think if we aren't constantly growing and evolving and revolving then you are not living.

  38. This is awesome, thanks for the follow!!

  39. I too am non-confrontational by nature...but being a "revolutionary" starts from within and at home! You're right, it's everything from taking care of yourself,(physically and emotionally), being the best Mama you can be to your kidlets, environmental awareness, voting as part of your civic duty..everything!! It all starts with us!

  40. love this post.

    i'd like to think that i am a revolutionary in my own life. as frightening as it's been, i'm still on a quest to make my life's work the thing that most resonates with me. as such, i've decided to go back to school next month. i'm excited about the future, and it feels courageous to acknowledge my authentic self.

    thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! i agree with you about kw's house.


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!