Monday, October 5, 2009

Sunday Stealing

I saw this over at Stir-Fry Awesomeness and since it is all about stealing and I cannot resist things like this (I try hard but rarely succeed) I must join in...

This originated on the Sunday Stealing  blog. To participate copy and paste the meme and fill in your answers. Then head over to Sunday Stealing  to post your link.

Sunday Stealing: The Starrlight Meme 

1. What was the last thing you put in your mouth?

Caramel Apple...homemade, yummy!

2. Where was your profile picture taken?

Headshot for my business taken in doorway of a photographers house in LA.

3. Can you play Guitar Hero?

Never even tried (it that possible!)

4. Name someone who made you laugh today. What was it about?
My kids...joint effort while they were torturing each other.

5. How late did you stay up last night and why?

2 am...livin' the glamourous life...blogging, blog-surfing, writing, doing dishes

6. If you could move somewhere else where would you and why?

L.A.---I am actually a native and I miss it...even the traffic (kind of)

7. Ever been kissed under fireworks?

8. Which of your friends lives closest to you?

Small town, the list is long...Jeanette or Jenn

9. Do you believe ex's can be friends? With benefits?

Yes friends...with benefits, maybe, as long as no one is married or committed (duh!)

10. Do you like Dr. Pepper?

Yep...but I don't drink soda all that much anymore...had a 6-pack a day habit at one point...I only like soda straight out of the can ice cold, so never finished the whole can (it always got too warm by 1/2 can)

11. When was the last time you cried really hard? Really hard as opposed to just sniveling?

Couple of weeks ago. Someone died who I didn't even know (friend of a friend). She had little kids and I was crying for the kids  - I am a big sap (shh, don't tell)

12. Who took your profile picture?

Next Exit Photography, L.A.

13. Who was the last person you took a picture of?

My son at the Butterfly Parade

14. Was yesterday better than today? Why?

Yes and no. More hectic yesterday but I love dorky hometown events and got to hang with some great friends. Today very mellow...made my hubby happy we hung out at home.

15. Can you live a day without TV?

Yes...but I do like it a lot

16. Are you upset about anything now?

Just stressed, not upset..."must finish book proposals ASAP"

17. Do you think relationships are ever really worth it?

YES! But if they are bad...and you know it when they are, walk away, no run.

18. Are you a bad influence?

No, maybe, yes...NO

19. Night out or night in?


20. What items could you not go without during the day?

Mochas, kid hugs and kisses, laptop

21. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?

Thankfully I seriously do not remember the last time I visited someone in the hospital. Maybe I visited a friend for the birth of a baby, like in 2000.

22. What does the last text message in your inbox say?

"Your Wireless Bill in the amount of..." I don't text

23. How do you feel about your life right now?

Busy and crazy and fun...all brought upon myself. Trying hard to enjoy the simple things (if I keep telling myself that maybe it will sink in)

24. Do you hate anyone?

Extreme dislike for one person

25. If we were to look in your Facebook inbox, what would we find?

Political rambling (I keep them private), old message about my high school reunion, apple cake

26. Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass?

Bring it on!

27. Has anyone ever called you perfect before?

Yes, but he was a liar.

28. What song is stuck in your head?

Laurie Berkener song "Laurie's got a pig on her head, pig on her head, etc.)" but sung to Jules has got a pumpkin on her head, Jules has got a pumpkin on her head....

29. Someone knocks on your window at 2 a.m., whom do you want it to be?

The lottery officials letting me know it was a mistake my husband actually had all the number, not just 4 (out of 5) plus the mega number (that is really true)

30. Do you (or did you) want to have grandkids before you’re 50?

It is possible, but I hope not.

31. Tell us your Saturday night.

Hanging with friends or screwing around on the computer

32. Do you think too much or too little?

Too much

33. Do you smile a lot?

Depends on the day. I should smile more because I know I should be thankful and lucky to have what I have (I do not mean things)


  1. I love your answer about not being able to live without kids hugs and kisses! My daughter is too old for that kind of thing. My son still eats it up. Of course, I can always count on my dogs for that...and they can't talk back!

  2. To quote Family Feud: Good answer, good answer!

  3. Perfect? "But he was a liar". Great response. Welcome to Sunday Stealing...

  4. For some reason I hate filling out these question thingies...but love reading them. Fun to see your answers. Oh yeah...I cry over other peoples sad stories too! That home makeover show puts me over the edge every time! Holly at

  5. can't believe how close you were to winning the lottery - i would rather be off by 5 than off by one! thanks for visiting the crib!

  6. I love #1, caramel apple, so good! And, really, you miss LA? I'm a born and raised northern CA girl, I guess disliking LA is kinda in my blood, maybe I should give it a second (or tenth) chance?

  7. Bud Weiser never comments on my Sunday Stealing. I'm jealous!
    #2 - Your pic is beautiful!
    #20 I love mochas and my laptop but have to keep them separated. (I had an unfortunate accident a few months back.)

  8. That was just too much fun! Here are some responses...

    Hugs and kisses from the kids make everything better!

    Best thing about this is thee is not a wrong answer!

    He was a liar, he was hot, but a liar. Glad I wised up.

    If I watch Extreme Home Makeover I would cry every night. Love that show.

    #29, Lottery:
    Seriously my husband was so mad about the lottery...he called and said "I have good news and I have bad news." I said do you still have a job, he said yes...I said OK (I could tell by his tone it didn't involve a person). Good news was we won, bad news was we used up all of our luck, and not on the the big one!

    #1 and #6:
    I have never tried to make caramel apples before...worth the effort.

    I live in Nor Cal now, I guess technically Central CA. It must be a So Cal/Nor Cal thing. We lived in El Segundo, so it was a small town feel with all the benefits of the big city nearby. LOVED IT.

    #20, Mochas and laptops:
    I had an unfortunate incident on the other computer...thankfully just the keyboard. I have not learned my lesson.

    Thanks all for stopping by. Off to the pumpkin patch with the pumpkin...check you all out later!

  9. I'm with Life Laugh Latte...I don't often fill these out, but enjoy reading them! Holly, thanks for stopping made me laugh...and although I loved your squash post, reading the rest of these (especially Toy Story--I, too, had a Mrs. Beasley and the requisite Bad Hair barbies!) makes me so glad that you blog about a wide repertoire of topics!

  10. I've read this post on several blogs, and I like it because you really learn quite a bit about the people behind the page.

    Thanks for the glimpse into who you are Holly.

  11. I love reading these when others fill them out.

    We love Laurie Berkner at our house and lately that F-A-M-I-L-Y song is stuck in all of our heads. We adore her and I need to get more of her stuff. We have a dvd of hers and it's quite popular with my kiddos.

    Thanks for sharing all this stuff about yourself!


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!