Sunday, October 4, 2009

Pinch me...I must be dreaming...

It has taken me a lot longer to get to this post than I wanted (I tried last night at 1 am but was afraid of my proofreading so I stopped)...we have been sick and parading with the butterflies (check back tomorrow for that), but finally a quiet Sunday morning (I cannot believe my 2 year old is still asleep at 11 am) and there is time to get to it. I am amazed at how busy the weekends are!

Here we go...
I am flabbergasted (one of my favorite is just weird, I know!)! I am still new to blogging, but have been lucky enough to meet up with a great group of fellow bloggers. I am amazed at how accepting and friendly this circle of people are. I am so honored to be receiving awards at this early stage of my blogging addiction.

I am (really) horrible at expressing thanks with lots of flowing, lovely words, so I will stick to some tried and true basics...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! These awards really do mean the world, and inspire to continue spending endless hours on my computer.

And, so, first...
Lee from Hormones, Headaches & Hot Flashes gave me this first award. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her blog. She is hilarious and just makes my bloggy day! (See what happens when you are a stalker!). If for some reason you have not checked out her blog...go do it NOW.

This award was created by Matty over at Matty Thoughts and has some rules (see bottom of post). He is a great commenter - they are all so thoughtful, and it is super fun to have a man's perspective on things. Don't forget, check below..I played along with the rules.

WOW... another much appreciated award!
So, I was super, just beyond thrilled to receive one award, but TWO. - I am over the moon. Willougbhy over at This Stop Willoughby has awarded me The Friends Award. Knock me over with a feather (have I used enough cliches yet?). I enjoy her blog very much and she has a ton of great ideas, like this Cocktail Party she is throwing. Yipppeee! Thank you so much Willoughby for bestowing this award on 504 Main.

The rules to this award are:  

*This award is bestowed on to blogs that are exceedingly charming.
*These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends.
*They are not interested in self-aggrandizement.
*Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated.  *Please give more attention to these writers.
*Deliver this award to other bloggers who must choose others to pass it on to and include this *Cleverly-written* text into the body of their award.

It isn't specified how many bloggers I am supposed to pass this award along I am going to take a shot at passing it along to some people whose blogs I enjoy, have continually visited my place, and have been supportive with their comments. There are many many people I would love to pass this along to, but somewhere along the road they have received I would like to say a BIG THANKS to them for visiting my place and commenting and following
  1. The MacDonald World 
  2. A Full Life 
  3. 5thSister 
  4. Tattoos and Teething Rings 

Along with Matty's award are these little questions that are SUPPOSED to only have one word answers. It is really hard for me to use one word...but I did it almost!

1. Where is your cell phone?.... Pocket
2. Your hair? ......Blonde
3. Your mother? ......Sweet and Loyal (she deserves more than 1 word)
4. Your father?.....Life-of-the-Party
5. Your favorite food? ......Pizza
6. Your dream last night?......Huh? (If you don;t sleep canyou dream
7. Your favorite drink?....Mocha
8. Your dream/goal? .....Bestseller
9. What room are you in? ......Family Room
10. Your hobby? ......writing
11. Your fear? .....Something happening to my kids
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years?......good question!
13. Where were you last night?.....Molly's
14. Something you aren't?.....Fake
15. Muffins? .....Yummy
16. Wish list item? ......Pool (but not at this house)
17. Where did you grow up?...... L.A.
18. Last thing you did?...... Night-Night
19. What are you wearing? ......Sweater
20. Your TV? .....Old-School
21. Your pets? .........Dog
22. Your friends? ......Cool
23. Your life?......Crazy!
24. Your mood? ......Content
25. Missing someone? ......Yep
26. Vehicle? ......SUV
27. Something you're not wearing? ......Shoes
28. Your favorite store? .......Target
29. Your favorite color? ......Pink
30. When was the last time you laughed? ......Tonight
31. Last time you cried? .....Thursday
32. Your best friend?......Loyal
33. One place that I go over and over? .......Coffee
34. One person who emails me regularly?.......June
35. Favorite place to eat? .......Rizzo's Pizza (Torrance, CA--THE best!)



  1. My pleasure!! You deserve it because you are awesome!!

  2. Congratulations and thank you so much for the nod! I've had so much fun making new cyber friends and it heartens me that my blog can be meaningful to others. Again, my deepest thanks!

  3. Congrats on your awards! I also drink the Willoughby Kool Aid along with the Hot Flash Queen Kool Aid.

  4. Congratulations! I'm loving your list. x

  5. Love your answer to #14. Congrats on your bloggy awards!

    p.s. Thanks so much for stopping by last week on my SITS feature day!

  6. Thanks for the nod! As for your wish list (pool), it's definitely not all it's cracked up to be- we have one and I could write a blog about all the troubles it's given us...hmm, maybe I will...thanks again!

  7. Congrats Holly and the more I read your blog the more I see your awards are very much deserved.

  8. A warm and hearty "atta girl" to you for much deserved recognition.


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!