Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I {Heart} Pumpkins

I do, I really do {heart} pumpkins!

A pumpkin lined path...that leads to the corn maize!
We {heart} corn maizes too!

I am seriously going to try and make a pumpkin totem pole...
stay tuned for the results!
(Photo circa 2008)

This was a 200+ pound pumpkin...we did not buy it!

I just cannot get enough of pumpkins.
I do not know why...
Maybe I like pumpkins because they are not perfect.
They are funny looking and funny shaped,
and they bask in the glow of the sun without a care.

Some have warts and scars, but who cares...they have personality.

This city girl had no idea there were so many kinds of pumpkins...
until she moved to the "country."
(OK, it is not the country but it is not L.A.!)
I am in heaven!

My pumpkin (eating a lolli) with the pumpkins!

Both Joe and Jules carry around their big plastic pumpkin
for weeks before and after Halloween...
(OK, not so much Joe anymore, but he did)
by the time Halloween rolls around he handle is usually made
of duct or electrical tape, but it still works.

Every pumpkin on our porch was lovingly selected by Joe or Jules
and they each lay clam to specific ones...
this is serious business!

I have always liked pumpkins..
maybe because I remember that carving the Halloween pumpkin
was something we always did with Dad.

But, I think I {heart} pumpkins because
I {heart} just about everything that makes my kids happy.
(except Pokemon!)

Of course, I love to eat pumpkins too.
Some yummy pumpkin recipes are headed your way!
Hug a pumpkin today!

(Yes, I may have lost my mind with this post...but I am trying to find it!)

This post is written and created at 504 Main by Holly Lefevre


  1. Holly, your photos are incredible! I particularly like the first two. Where were Joe & Jules stacking the pumpkins? I can't wait to load my porch and front stairway with pumpkins this year! I think I fell in love with the magic of pumpkins the first time I saw Disney's Cinderella on the big screen. Nighty night...

  2. The stacked pumpkins are at Earthbound Farms...but they don't have them stacked this year...yet. I cannot wait to go to Borchard and stock up on all the crazy pumpkins.

  3. A pumpkin totem pole? That is a fantastic idea! I can't wait to see how you do it.

  4. I ♥ pumpkins, too! We used to carve at least 20 for Halloween every year. The last few years we just haven't had the time, but you've inspired me to try again this year!

  5. Oh, Holly...pumpkins are one of my favorite things in the world...and I have never seen a pumpkin-lined path or a pumpkin totem pole until right here and now on your blog :) I only have 2 pumpkins right now, but I need to start stockpiling. We carve pumpkins at Thanksgiving around here, and we need to have many to choose from because 1) not all of them make it to Thanksgiving and 2) we have a contest that is very competitive and need a lot of choices. Hmmm..maybe I need a pumpkin path...thanks so much for the inspiration!

  6. Great photos! I love pumpkins, too, especially the look of them all scattered around the patch! And you're right - there ARE a lot of kinds of pumpkins out there!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day!

  7. I love the upside down sunglasses!! Great pics!

  8. I love pumpkins, too! There are so many interesting shapes/colors available, my favorite are the Cinderella pumpkins.

  9. YOu know I could never really put my finger on what it was that was so appealing to me about pumpkins. You nailed it, it's because they are loved even though they are not perfect! Love your blog!
    Thx for the comment love and the follow. I'm following you right back:)

  10. Your children are adorable.

    My favorite pumpkin-related product is pumpkin pie, which I can never get enough of.

    Your area looks to be experiencing Fall, something I didn't think happened in southern California.

  11. Love it Holly. Usually we get to the pumpkin patch (we go to ARATA in Half Moon Bay) the first week of Oct. This year with all of the crazy soccer games (sometimes 6 in a weekend), we can't get there for 2 more weeks. I finally broke down and decorated the other day. Made me feel better. Afterall, my walls are orange...I can't exactly skip this holiday can I?! Your pictures really are beautiful. How do you get them so crisp on your blog? Mine look great until I download them. Any ideas for me?

  12. awesome pics!

    Thanks for visiting me on my special day, hope you had time to enter the giveaways.
    See you soon, Brandy

    I love this time of year!

  13. You're so right. There is something inherently attractive about pumpkins. I think they appeal to the inner kid in all of us. Whether you're a real kid, or a kid at heart.

    And they are so versatile that you can do many different things with them. From craftiness to the kitchen.

    Your children look right at home amidst your orange friends.

  14. You're having fun! Your blog made me smile.

    We carved pumpkins last year. WHOA doggie, that's a lot of work!

  15. nah, you haven't lost your mind. You went simplistic - and I <3 it!!

    The pumpkin lined path to the maze is my ultimate favorite picture!

    Thanks for the follow - I'm stalking you now too :o)

  16. Loovveee the pumpkin photos! Amazing! We don't have those here yet, maybe before Christmas? I like the first two the best also. Great job. Makes me wish it was fall already and not still feeling like summer.

  17. My kids and I always have a blast at the pumpkin patches! I always enjoy watching them choose the pumpkin that they believe suits them.
    Enjoy your Thursday!

  18. Beautiufl photos Holly! I think I heart pumkins now too!

  19. mmmm I love Pumpkins too. Got a great Pumpkin soup recipe if you are interested?!

  20. Please do share Polly!

  21. Here tis!

    1 kilo pumpkin diced (I use butternut for the sweet flavour)
    2 large potatoes diced
    1 onion diced
    2 cups chicken stock
    1 large tablespoon brown sugar.
    1/2 cup water

    Put everything in a large saucepan and simmer for as long as it takes until all mushy (I generally put it on and forget about it for a couple of hours)

    Blend mixture

    At this point you can add sour cream and nutmeg if you like, however I prefer with with some cracked black pepper and salt.

  22. I am a Halloween fanatic/fiend so I love this post! Your real little pumpkins are adorable, and I love that pumpkin-lined path. The totem pole is awesome, too! These are fantastic photos, thanks for sharing your world, and I'm excited to "meet" you.

    p.s. are you on Twitter?

  23. Stopping by from SITS!

    I love all of those pumpkin pictures. I hope to stumble across a wonderful pumpkin field here sometime but so far it hasn't happened!

  24. You had me at "Pumpkin".

    LOL, seriously, I'm a pumpkin fanatic, so when I arrived at this post I was instantly in love with your blog :)

    Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!


  25. Awwww it's pumpkin love!!!! :)

    Happy Sits sharefest saturday!

  26. what a fun day,. I am gonna have a pumpkin patch one the upside down glasses/


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!