Saturday, October 17, 2009

Friday Fill-ins

Just got Home from an L.A./Monterey Road trip with the munchkins. Let's see if I can still type...

Good Trip, but soooo happy to be home, even if I just had to throw out a refrigerator full of food - no power for 2.5 days while I was gone!

Did I mention I was happy to be home...You may detect a theme here...

Friday Fill-Ins #146

Serendipity we go!

1. So are we going home yet

HOME is what's up ahead.

3. I love to hang out on my deck

Craziness of some sort.

5. I walk a 
long winding road with lots of loop-de-loops.

Sunshine is the true elixir of life!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed
, tomorrow my plans include shopping and Sunday, I want to scrap or craft!


  1. Welcome home! We missed you! Sorry about the food. That would be bad...hopefully it was near empty prior to the trip.

  2. Welcome home dear!!! (There's no place like home, there's no place like home - all the while clicking heels together)

    I hope your fridge wasn't too full so that you didn't have to toss and restock too much!

    Dirty Little Confessions

  3. Yes, I can definitely tell you're relieved to be home. Glad to have you back!

  4. Welcome home, that storm was a doozy. But hey, today was gorgeous!

  5. We are all glad you're back!


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