Saturday, September 26, 2009

Thought for the {Fri}Day

I have a tendency to overcommit. Good news is I usually always "over-deliver." Bad news is I sometimes don't know which end is up.

Well, yesterday I was opening a can of tomato sauce for my Turkey Meatloaf - it only called for 1/4 cup - and I was being lazy, careless, wasteful (pick a name, any name!) and turned to rinse out the can (so I could recycle it, of course!) with 3/4 of the sauce still in it, because I was in a hurry. I didn't have time to get a container out and save it - I am a busy mom!

Well, I caught myself and thought that was dumb. Then I thought I was crazy having this "moment" over some canned tomato sauce. Anyway, for some reason this tomato sauce incident spoke to me. I packed it up and put it in the frig (to add to some pasta sauce this weekend) and have been thinking about being more thoughtful ever since...more thoughtful to what my kids really need, to what my husband needs, my neighbors, and my friends...and yes, even myself.

I urge everyone to just be more thoughtful in their day, you never know what it means to someone else. Even just experiencing excellent customer service when I got my MOCHA!, or when I was at the home improvement store changed my outlook on a crazy morning.

Think about how you can be more thoughtful and what that could mean to someone else? Anyone have any stories to share?

Ok, this is as about as deep as I get publicly, so don't get used to it.


  1. Hi Holly, this was exactly what I needed to hear today. Even made me tear up...and no I don't think I'm near my cycle:) Thanks for coming by my blog. Your comments were so sweet and encouraging. I did go to FIDM in San Diego and then Los Angeles. Then stayed on an extra year for the GGU Bachelors program that was also in LA. I loved my experience there. Thanks again for dropping by. Holly at

  2. Anonymous5:26 PM

    This is so true. I do the same thing, you aren't alone. But I'll work on fixing that!

    Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!

    Amanda at

  3. Love your blog, Holly!

    One thing I've noticed about taking even just the littlest bit of time to be thoughtful is that people are so grateful -- and it is so unexpected! This makes me a little sad because it means that we aren't used to the idea that others will be thoughtful toward us.

  4. I totally recognize myself in that. I feel that I'm sometimes on overdrive but I think it's because of the lack of sleep.
    I've been working on it..

  5. I love this post! It will be perfect for the cocktail party!

  6. Pat on the back, or hugs, whichever you're comfortable with here, for taking the extra time to save that sauce. Your thoughtfulness will be appreciated by those around you.

    I try to use opportunities to lend a hand, even to a stranger. They mike thank me, but their appreciation shows in their eyes. And that's enough for me.

  7. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Good for you for capturing that moment and giving us a gentle reminder.

    Many thanks for linking up with My MidWeek Meme! You are one of my first participants. Luv and hugs!

  8. Anonymous7:24 PM

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