Monday, September 26, 2011

Pomegranate Champagne Cocktails

My Girls Night In party was a week ago already!
I just had so much fun and we thoroughly enjoyed
watching Bridesmaids and sipping on a cocktail.

For this evening we had to have a pink cocktail!
I adore champagne cocktails...oooh my fave for sure,
and perfect for a Parisian inspired event!

This is a super simple recipe and can also be made non alcoholic
by using gingerale, sprite or sparkling water in place of champagne.

  • Sparkling Wine (or champagne). When I mix a drink like this I like a good base but I did not go for the super-expensive champagne. I picked a good quality sparkling wine. You can do whatever the heck you want though!
  • Bitters (found in the liquor section)
  • Sugar cubes
  • Pomegranate juice (Pink)
  • Rimming sugar, optional

Optional: Ms. Rook No. 17 brought some pink rimming sugar! To use, dampen the rim of the glass, and then dip it in the sugar. Easy-peasy!

*Place 2 sugar cubes in a flute.
*Sprinkle (I prefer to douse, but I like the bitters) the biters on the sugar cubes - start with a few sprinkles and work your way up from there - be sue you find the taste you prefer. Let absorb.
*Pour champagne about 2/3
*Add pomegranate juice to top off. Enjoy!

I used these CUTE Canvas Corp Chalk Stock Cards to write the recipe for the cocktail. I wanted to make sure there were instruction available to guests so they could make their own cocktail, or at least know what is in the cocktail.

Have you had a champagne cocktail?
Do you have a favorite champagne beverage?

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  1. this would be great holiday cocktail...with red sugar rims...i love champagne cocktails!

  2. Just pinned to my party ideas board on Pinterest. Thinking I'll do this for Thanksgiving!

  3. You know how to throw a party! And I agree with Christy, it would make a great holiday (Christmas OR Valentine's) cocktail! :>

  4. Oh me gosh. . .YUM! Can't wait to serve this for our next girls' night! Of course I might have to try a couple tomorrow to make sure it's good. :) Thanks!

  5. ooo, HOLLY GIRL...this looks magnificent. I could drink a whole glass without taking it away from my mouth 'til the glass was empty.
    Well, that being said...I've never actually HAD a champagne cocktail but I LOVE the taste of champagne. Thanks so much for the recipe.:)
    xo bj

  6. What a pretty cocktail! I can't wait to try it!

  7. Nicely done Holly.

    Having a non-alcoholic version is a nice option as well.

  8. I'm a-coming round right now...pour one for me!!!


  9. Would love to sit and sip such pretty cocktails. Love them.


  10. mmm! sounds great! I LOVE sparkling drinks! i'm going to pass this to my sister as an idea for her wedding :)

  11. I will take one of these please, it looks delish! I am stopping by to say hi because I just registered for the SoCal Social!! I look forward to meeting you next weekend! Hope you have a great week!!

  12. Tart! Sweet! Yum!

  13. How fun! Pomegranate Champagne cocktails, friends and Bridesmaids! Did you laugh til you cried like I did?? I couldn't decide what was funnier - the movie or my friend's hysterical laugh in the seat next to me!

  14. So much fun! What a great idea! Definately saving this one! :)

  15. I'm so glad you liked my sugar! It looks perfect on your yummy cocktails!

  16. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Hi Holly! It's been too long since I've commented here! Wanted to tell you that these cocktails look so awesome & I have a Girl's Night In coming up.... so I'm bookmarking these to make! Hope you are doing great!!! Have a super weekend.


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!