Sunday, July 10, 2011

Come and Meet Up at the SoCal Social in October

Hey all - there is a super fun event in your future...
Coming October 8, 2011 is the SoCal Social!

Guess what?
You don't have to live in or be from California - 
we like all the states!

We are still working on the details....
but it is going to be F-U-N! How could it not?

Want to see who is coming so far...
there is a Roll Call Page just for that!

We are still working on the details of location, size, cost, etc. but we will post information as it becomes available. We do know that we will have food, crafts, swag, and lots of time to get to know each other!

We would also love it if you would help us spread the word on your blogs, Facebook, Twitter, carrier pigeon - we appreciate it. We also have a SoCal Social Button on the sidebar of the official SoCal Social blog!
More info to come.... 



  1. This sounds pretty fun! Can't wait for more details! I just started with twitter and facebook, so I'll promote like crazy. =)

  2. That would be great!! I'm only an hour or so from Orange County and LA, hopefully it will be close enough to attend. I'll let everyone know...

  3. Goodie! Finally a So. Cal. get-together.


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!