Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Guest Post! Artfully Caroline Fab Tucked Pillows!

so today Artfully Caroline is here!
I have to tell you I LOVE this pillow.
When I was in fashion this was one of my favorite techniques!
So, here's Caroline to show you what I am talking about! 
(she does lots of other fab projects too!)
Good morning,

My name is Caroline. I'm a wife, working mom, compulsive crafter and for the past few months , a blogger. My little blog is called:

I fell into the blogging world a bit by accident almost a year ago and found a great community and wonderful friends already so I'm "tickled pink" to be visiting Holly's lovely blog and readers today. I love her designs and creative ideas and she inspires me to update my home to a more stylish decor :)

I love to cook, sew and craft for my home, family and friends. Creating keeps me sane and happy in an otherwise crazy stressful busy life.  Here are a few of my latest creations:

I'm especially thrilled to share with you one of my favorite projects today:

Herringbone tucks throw pillows

For a pair of 18x18 pillows you will need:
  • 2 pillow forms 18x18 - I make mine from scratch but you can buy them at any craft store
  • 2 yards of fabric in 44" wide - I used moleskin because it has a bit of stretch it is very soft and doesn't wrinkle which is a bonus for throw pillows.
  • Coordinating thread or invisible thread
  • Ruler and fabric marking device - chalk, pencil or marker
  • Sewing machine (best with fence attachment)
  • Scissors, pins and other basic sewing supplies

Remove the selvage then cut your fabric in half lengthwise this will yield 2 long rectangles about 21 inches wide
Tape it to your cutting table with painter's tape, especially if you use stretchy fabric
Mark a grid 2x2 leaving 6 inches unmarked on one end and 18 on the other end. This is the part where you need to be fussy and precise.
Iron each short line to mark the pleats
Set your sewing machine fence to 1/2 inch
Fold and sew along each pleat
Iron as flat as possible
Sew along the line lengthwise every other line
Iron the pleats in the reverse directions
Sew along the skipped lines
Hem each end
Pin the fabric right side in with the short flap on top of the long flap
Sew the sides leaving 1/2 in sewing allowance
Wash to remove the marks
Put your pillows forms inside the pillowcases
All done. Time to put your feet up !

Thanks so much for being here!
Everyone go tell Caroline hi!



  1. Oooh!! I love it!! Super cute Caroline! Thanks for the great tutorial!! :)

  2. Very nice! I LOVE these pillows!! ...I'm definitely going to try it.
    Thanks! : )

  3. These are so pretty! I've been looking for some pretty pillow tutorials to go with my new duvet. Thanks!

  4. Wow I love them! I love that cute bag too! So gorgeous.. Gosh I really need to learn to sew one of these days.

  5. Thanks, Caroline! I love sewing my own pillows because it's so much easier than shopping around and trying to find something that you either love or matches. I've also just gotten into sewing my own curtains too.

    Love the blog!! :)


  6. What a great tutorial! Caroline's pillows are incredible -- so professional looking. If I saw them in a store, I'd be daunted at the prospect of trying to make them at home, but Caroline's tute makes it so do-able!

  7. These pillows are awesome!!! Thanks for the great tutorial.


  8. Wow. I am impressed considering I have had fabric sitting around for quite awhile that I want to make into pillows.


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