Monday, September 20, 2010

It's Not Too Late...Join the DIY Club and Gorilla Glue for a Party.

DIY Club

The Gorilla Glue PARTY
is happening
at The DIY Club
Sept 9th through Sept 30th

Our theme is:
Something OLD
Something NEW
Grab the CREW
(Yeah, get the family involved)
Repurpose something OLD or create something NEW, Grab your CREW,
just be sure to use Gorilla Glue in your project! 
There is plenty of time to plan, and enter. The contest is open until 9/30/10
What you will enter?
We can't wait to see your projects. 

If you have entered a Gorilla Glue project into one of our monthly contests,
you CAN re-enter it into this special event.
Gorilla Glue Party
MANY MORE PRIZES will be awarded to our
Gorilla Glue contest winners of the party event. 
Go check out who made the Top 10
for September's DIY Club Party.
*****COMMENTS OFF*****