Monday, April 12, 2010

The Ultimate Blog Party!

Ultimate Blog Party 2010
Did someone say P-A-R-T-Y!
I never miss a party! 
My hubby would add that I can never leave a party,
but that is a whole different's genetic.

Welcome to 504 Main!
I am often asked "What...where...who...why the name 504 Main?"
Well, it is not my current address {do you think I am crazy}, but it once was. I saved every last cent I had to move out on my roommates, no nothing, just me and all the bills that came with it...but I LOVED it. It was such an amazing period of time. I learned a lot about myself and proved to myself that I can do anything I want to do. When I decided to start a blog I sent the name to a couple of good friends - not telling them anything but that it was a blog name. One of them responded back with exactly the answer I was hoping for..."it could be anything, your home, the coolest restaurant, a hip hotel, a swanky lounge, a cool artists loft, your favorite coffee shop." There ya go...that's how I named it.
So, you want to know who you are talking to right? I am Holly, and 504 Main is my home away from home where I entertain, cook, and create...and sometimes make a mess {yes, I admit it!}. I am a not-so-domestic diva, turned full-on domestic diva...and I LOVE it {most days}. I want 504 Main to be a comfortable place, the kind of place that you feel like you can stop by anytime, kick off your heels {or boots} and have a mocha...or a glass of wine {or champagne}. You can read more about it HERE.

I am addicted to...
...magazines - fashion, food, home - you name it!
...books {old, new, whatever} - my latest obsession is vintage entertaining and crafting books.
...mochas, especially those from the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. I love my makeup and especially cheap lip gloss.
...shiny sparkly things - they do not have to be expensive...but they have to speak to me!
...writing. I never knew I would end up enjoying writing or actually even make money doing it.
...good pizza - if you are ever in Torrance California, you must go to Rizzo's.
...rethinking what matters to me and what is important in my life.
...renovating and transforming my home.
...treasure hunting. Up to 5 years ago, if anyone would have told me how much fun it was so go to the thrift shop, goodwill, or garage sales, I would have wrote them off as loony...but now I adore it...I guess it is genetic too. garden, which is a little more brown than green...but I enjoy it and I am trying.
...being a good friend and daughter and wife and mom. kids - of course - they are my life and my joy!

What are you going to find at 504 Main?
CRAFTing and CREATing. Some of the latest creations are over there on the side bar. My fave is the birthday chandelier I made for hubby. But I also love my eggs and chicks!
COOKing....Hungry? Check out my recipe for banana buckwheat bread? Or have you tried bacon chocolate chip cookies yet? are a few entries that may amuse you...A journal entry from a 13 year old or a little insight into my excellent parenting skills or our adventures at Family Camp.

Now for the shameless plugs!
I just began a new feature called I'm Tickled Pink. I will do this every check out this weeks I'm Tickled Pink and you can win a super-cute Lima Bean Designs apron!
I {heart} my family and game night...check out one of our faves A Ticket to Ride...and guess what, I am giving one away too! ENDS 4/14 at 11:59 P.M. PST
I signed up for my blogger account in 2008 and did nothing with it. I have to be honest...I thought blogs were silly little things...I really had no idea what they even were. BOY WAS I WRONG! {I have no trouble admitting when I am wrong...most of the time.}. Blogging is a lively community of amazing and inspirational men and women with creative, inventive, amazing writings and ideas. I am so happy to be a part of the blogging world.

So...thank you for stopping by! Welcome...kick off your heels and stay awhile!


USC 30 – One $50 Gift Certificate to, good for anything in our store, including baby shower and birthday invitations, social stationery, and our signature Momager Calling Cards.
US95 – $100 Gift Certificate to – Choose from over 13,000 restaurants nationwide – redeem online and print your gift certificate(s).
USC 8 – $55 E-Gift Card for Gift code will be emailed to the winner and can be used for purchases from
USC 15 – $50 Target gift card to one winner.
US36 – The winner will receive 2 year-long magazine subscriptions…one to Taste of Home and one to Simple & Delicious.
US17 – A copy of photo book Camera Creative, a copy of Found Art


  1. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Hey! Love your post! You always have the cutest crafts.

  2. WOW, Great Blog!!! I'm stoppin in from UBP!! I decided to start at the bottom so Hopefully you'll get some great posts!! I'll aslo tweet you!!

    Ok, lots to look at today! Oh btw my name is Kasie... I'm a couponer!!

    Tx Coupon Chicks!

  3. Glad you signed up for the UBP! You did a great job of capsulizing your content here too!

  4. I'm sure you'll make lots of new friends/followers who will love your blog as much as the rest of us do!

  5. Hi! came over with UBP.

    I'm staying. Because I love 504 Main st.

    Great story behind naming your blog. I also rely heavily on mochas, makeup and Iloveyou, mommy.

    Kindred spirits.

  6. parties are great fun.. Good to learn more about you..

    Happy Monday..

  7. Hey girl! Good to see you at this party! I'm going to go get something to drink- you want something? And make sure you try those little shrimp hors d'oeuvres over there... oh, I see somebody I need to talk to real quick... I'll be right back...


  8. Hey girl! I thought of you all weekend long at work. Why? Well because they changed the code to the nourishment room to 5-0-4!

  9. Took me a while to 'take off' with blogging too. I love all the creative minds I find! And thrifty ideas, creative projects. I LOVE a good treasure trash hunt and make overs too.

  10. you are so modest! You are a wonderful woman who is uber talented. Thank you for sharing everything you do :o)

    xo MJ

  11. Stoppin’ in toot tootin' my #ubp10 party horn!!

    Love your blog and I’m your newest follower & twitter follower!! I also have a guest chef feature on my blog! I'd be honored if you'd share a recipe with my readers sometime! It can be one you already have here to link back! LMK what you think when you pop in! TU!

    I love meeting new peeps!

    @Susieqtpies at Scraps of Life (

  12. So great to get to know more about you!!

  13. I thought the name was from your house growing up. I was close. I love your blog and all your craft ideas.

    I will pass on the mocha and the wine, but if you could set out some Diet Coke...hahah.

  14. I am new to your blog and I love it. This was a great way to learn a little more about you. I look forward to "visiting' again. I am also addicted to magazines. I love them all. So many wonderful ones out there.


  15. You are still my hero, Holly! If only I had an ounce of your creativity!!!

    How did your parental visit go???

  16. Holly, you'll have to let me know how you like doing the Blog Party! I might want to try it out if you enjoy it. BTW... I showed my husband the chandelier I'm making for Gracie's 2nd birthday to hang above her cake. He thinks it will be great (remember how he gets into this stuff?? ha) Anyway, I'm super excited!

    I just noticed you wrote a BOOK! What the heck! That is so dang cool. I want to read it, even though I'm not getting married. I'm obsessed with weddings and the like.

  17. Great post as always! Your blog always has something interesting to learn or read about.

  18. You are so wonderful, I am so glad that I found you. I love the photography mobile, and I will give it a shot, if nothing else I am coming back to you Holly. I love that you aren't perfectly domestic, I may have filled my stove with dirty dishes, yesterday before the neighbor came in for coffee. You are real, and not afraid for it to be what it is.

  19. I too love makeup and lipgloss!! My favorite brand of lipgloss is sephora's brand. Not that expensive and oh so fun!!
    I hope you and your fam are on the up and up soon and start feeling better. It's spreading like wildfire around here!!

  20. Anonymous4:03 PM

    It's SO hard to leave a party! I usually have to sneak out, practically crawling on the floor, avoiding any and all eye contact.
    Glad you joined!

  21. Books. Magazines. Makeup. Shiny things. Writing. Me too!!

  22. Blogging is fun and a great vehicle for a writer because you get to decide what to write about and we all just say nice things about it and never do you hear an unkind word!
    Speaking of kind words... You're too kind about my photos. I just shoot what I like and run them out of the camera. I have fun and that is the most important thing!
    It's awesome to be able to create a little something every day!

  23. I'm not a new reader but that was a great introduction to your blog, Holly!

  24. Sooooo cool to learn about you and the story of your blog, Holly! I've totally enjoyed everything that you've shared and I've read so far, and I look forward to LOTS MORE goodies ahead!!! You're fun, and I like that!!!

  25. Great post!! Love finding out more about you!!

  26. i love you holly, miss writing to you on yahoo, I have been engrossed in a big project, will inform you soon. How are you??? Hope we win something from the ultmate blog party LOL

  27. Hi Holly,
    What fun getting to know you better! I share some of your loves, coffee, kids, magazines, shiny things (especially sparkles), writing, decorating ... As it seems, we have a lot in common.
    But one thing that is yours and yours alone is your style. Love it!

  28. I always enjoy peeking in on what you are up to at any given time.

    Love the list ~ we have many items in common ;)

    Have a great week ~

  29. I love everything in this post!! Ticket to ride is one of our favorite games.

    Thanks for the info on the blog party... I never pass up an opportunity to have a little fun!

  30. I like your addictions. And, really, isn't part of the fun of blogging being able to shamelessly promote whatever you want? :p

    Lamb’s Most Recent Post: Guest Bloggers Needed!

  31. Thanks for revealing the secret--I was curious about your blog title.

  32. Hello there Miss Holly! I am happy to be a new follower thanks to a glowing recommendation from my friend the beautiful Bumpkin. Your blog is so great, I just spent some time sifting through some of your posts and know that although I am showing up fashionably late to the 504 party that I am so glad to be here now! I've got my party shoes ready and can't wait to celebrate this journey with you, especially your I'm Tickled Pink series! Sending you a great big smile!

  33. Holly,

    You are so cute and fun. Your blog has been EXPLODING. you are just awesome. I'm so proud to know you & call you my bloggy friend!

  34. Holly,
    Thank you for stopping by my blog for the party! I love mochas, makeup (which is why I started selling Mary Kay!), and I love you's too! I am totally loving your blog. Consider me your latest follower! :)

  35. Holly,, thank you so much for your visit today.. your thoughts on my blog were very helpful and I wanted you to know how much I love coming to visit you..
    I've only been blogging since Dec of 09 and have a lot to learn...
    thanks again...

  36. Great to find another interesting blog from the UBP! Hope you enjoy the party!

  37. I enjoyed reading about you Holly. I think our blogs are like a little "home" for all of us...and we want people to enjoy themselves in our home :-) I absolutely loved the way you wrote about this...

    Hope your week is lovely so far.

  38. Such a great post! Got to know u a lil better! Thanks for the sweet comment! I'm loving the tickled pink (clever name).

  39. Hi Holly! Nice to meet you. Great blog, great style and great stuff here...I'll be back to visit often!

  40. Oh Darling,

    We are so much a like. I think I could have had most of the same hits.

    I hope to see you in August.

  41. Thanks for visiting my blog and even nicer was leaving a comment .I love your blog and am already a follower.

    Loved learning abt the inspiration for the blog name.Was kinda curious about it.:-)

  42. wow! can't wait until nexy Friday. so bad i missed the last one!

  43. Great post...will be back to read more...Since I did not get to all the blogs during the blog party dates, I am going to keep going for a few days...I have found so many great blogs....wish I had time to read lots of posts on every blog and plan to come back to many. I am not going to have the prizes on mine sorted out until tomorrow, so anyone that leaves a comment Sat or Sun will go into a special drawing for SUPRISE GIFT. Hope you will stop by...

  44. INTL 13
    Hey Winner!
    You need these numbers to complete the prize form on the prize page -


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!