Friday, April 2, 2010

I'm Tickled Pink with Gerber Days

I'm Tickled Pink that I am not here...
and that Heather from Gerber Days is!
I’m Tickled Pink at 504 Main
{what the heck is "I'm Tickled Pink" you ask, click HERE}
Yes, Heather is my VERY FIRST EVER I'm Tickled Pink feature...
and she gets this title {honor - just kidding} for so many reasons...
1. She rocks!
2. She is going to help me simplify on Wednesday's.
{not one of my strong points..."Complicate" tends to be my motto!}
3. She bakes bread.
4. She is honest and thoughtful.
5. She represents what the blogging community is all about...
building relationships and blogging honestly and genuinely.
6. Lastly, she helped {OK, she did all the work} name this feature!
Pink Moss
So, with no further adieu....
Hi there!  I am Heather….the cosmetologist, blogaholic, jewelry designer, health food junkie, baking dabbler, half-marathon runner, diet coke addict, chocolate snob, and above all else....the mother of a gorgeous little lady.   

I am the blog author of Gerber Days, creator of Simplify Today, and designer of Heart Shaped Box.  I adore all of my readers... and will get back to each and every one of you that visits Gerber Days!  Come on over and say hi!
De-cluttering your cleaning cabinet
I'm posting about a favorite today. My favorite All-purpose cleaner! I use this natural/homemade product on everything in my house... including mirrors, bathrooms, kitchen counters, and even Gracie's toys! I keep it in all of my bathrooms and my kitchen for easy access. Aren't you sick of having a cabinet full of products you don't use? I recently de-cluttered mine, and just have a few basic cleaners. My (all natural product using) Mama gave me the recipe.

Why do I love it so much?
☆ It smells delightful and light!
☆ SUPER cheap!
☆ You can feel good knowing it's all natural for the environment, and your children!
☆ Kills 99.9% of germs


- 3% Hydrogen peroxide. 97¢
-Essential oils lemon, tea tree, and lavender found at Whole Foods (or any health food store) The oils will last you forever.
-Spray bottle tops

Use one 16 oz. hydrogen peroxide bottle half full, and fill the other half with water.
*Note: Make sure you use the brown bottle for the container. It looses it's strength when exposed to light.
5 drops of lemon (lemon is an antibacterial, deodorizer and disinfectant)
5 drops of tea tree (tea tree is an antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal)
2-5 drops lavender (for scent purposes) You can use any scent that you like. I just love lavender. The aromatherapy makes me feel great!
-Shake before use.

There you go! Here's to simplifying our lives!
♥ Heather ♥
Pink Moss
OK, I'm back...did ya miss me?
So, are you are inspired to make your own cleaner?...
I did it...and guess what?
I'm Tickled Pink about it!
It smells it smells terrific...cleans like a champ {channeling my Dad there}, and was CHEAP! I found the essential oils on sale at Whole Foods...they ran approximately $3, $5, and $6...thing is they are going to last forever...that's going to make a whole lotta cleaner. So go check out her latest simply post...a little something to use with your new eco-friendly cleaner.

To kick off I'm Tickled Pink, I have a little giveaway.
Have you seen the Liberty of London line at Target?
I have a super-cute Liberty of London for Target
mini-journal set for you or you.
 {photo from Liberty of London}
Entering is easy...
*One chance per person.
*You need to be a follower of 504 Main
*You need to leave a relevant comment!!!!
"Nice journal", "Nice post," "Learn how to work from home,"
and the like - doesn't count!
Contest closes Thursday, 4/8/10 and
the winner will be announced on Friday 4/9/10.
 What more info on I'm Tickled Pink or how to nominate
a product/person/idea/recipe to be featured, click HERE.

Disclaimer - No one paid me or offered me anything.
I used my husbands hard earned money to buy the journals.


  1. I collect journals. For some reason the thought of all those blank pages waiting to be filled with my thoughts, propels me into buying another and another. I have very few that are filled.

  2. Good Morning Holly!~ YOu fit the bill for that description you gave about Heather. I have that same recipe for household cleaner. I have not tried it yet to be honest but I will. I only use the green products sold at the store. Now I see Martha came out with a new line that I tried and it works great too!~ But I enjoy scents so that would be perfect. Have a great weekend....I made a quick Easter post, technically still on break though lol!~

  3. Hi! I love home-made cleaning ideas too! I'm always looking for new ideas, so I'll definitely try this recipe, thanks so much! I'll bet it smells pretty!

  4. I have never tried making my own cleaner. I have tried to buy Eco friendly products which seem to smell so much better. Thanks for visiting my blog - hope you will come back for a second visit!

  5. i love love tickled pink , I was on gerber blog the other day and love this idea.

  6. I am always so impressed with how effective homemade cleaners work - and how inexpensive they are to make! I'll add this recipe to the list I want to try. Thanks a bunch!

  7. LOVE this idea! Thanks, Gerber lady!!

  8. A great recipe for cleaner! Easy to make with easy to find, cheap ingredients. That's what I like!

  9. I'm a follower of your blog :)

    We use a bleach/water combo for cleaning around the kitchen, and I think it does much better than some of the other kitchen cleaners! I'd definitely be curious to try this - do you know if it does well on stained wood or should it only be used on non-porous surfaces?

  10. I am so glad you are doing this new Friday Feature, I always enjoy finding other good blogs to read. We use this cleaner to spray off and sanitize our mats at Pure Barre (the workout studio I work at). It does smell fresh! Have a great weekend!

  11. I follow!

    I love Heather- she was a wonderful first choice! I'll have to try that cleaner!

  12. Hi there! Thank you for stopping by my blog! Upon visiting your blog today I was very excited to see Heather from Gerber Day's being featured! She gives great tips! I hope you have a great day!

  13. Nice post.

    Just kidding! :)

    Thanks for featuring Gerber Days- what a great blog! I'm her newest follower...

    I have Big Spring Cleaning Plans (notice all the capitalization- that means I'm serious!) this week, and I'm gonna try this out- the best part is, I've got all the essential oils already!

  14. I've made a few homemade cleaning products before, but I've never seen this one. I'll have to give it a try.

    The journals are super cute!

  15. This is really amazing... thank thank thank YOU!! I try to do everything as natural as possible but I have yet to find a cleaning solution that I love, so I can't wait to give this a try! Really great post and I'm definitely Tickled Pink!

  16. Hello...
    Heather from "Gerber Days" is one of my besties and I have always admired her. She has always been so resourceful :) even back in Jr High. I love following her blog and seeing what great idea she has for me to try and what cute blogs (like this one) that she has for me to follow! Those journals are adorable and I think they need to be filled with my random thoughts and become an addition to my living room bookshelves!
    I heart your blog!!! -thanks- meg

  17. That is a great recipe for a household cleaner. I will definitely be giving this a try- after all - it uses tea tree so it must be good, right? Thanks for having Heather guest blog for you!

  18. That's Great! Thanks for sharing. Also, I'm having a giveaway for a super cute and trendy diaper changing pad if your interested. Come check it out at

  19. I found your blog from Heather's at Gerber Days! Love the I'm Tickled Pink feature and I think Heather is a great one to feature first. She has fantastic ideas. You'll have to read her post on ACV....I've started doing that as well!
    New follower here and I look forward to reading more!!!

  20. I visited Gerber Days/Holly before hitting 504 Main. I just posted on Gerber Days how I recently discovered you both, and am so happy I have. I'm so new to this blogging thing and feel like I'm getting better and learning more each day. Besides that, I'm started to figure out exactly which blogs I want to head to first each morning.

    We're a big "green" family, so I totally appreciate Heather's post about homemade cleaners. I also <3 Target - who doesn't? Love the journals!

    I grabbed both of your buttons and have them on my Blog Roll page. Once I get more set with my blog, I need to move them down to my sidebars. Have a great Easter ladies!

  21. Hi I am stopping by from Gerber Days! I loved your post on Heather's blog! Can't wait to read more!

    Hope you have a great weekend ;)

  22. beautiful journals and great recipe!! thanks!

    (visiting from nff)

  23. Stopping by for New Friend Friday

    Checkout my blog I'm following you now!

    Valorie at

  24. I already follow, but you know that. ;)

    I am definitely going to try this. It sounds like the smell is pleasant and not asphyxiating. Maybe I just over spray! I think it would be fun to use different scents according the season.

  25. i'm visiting from heather's blog... i adore her blog! yours is presh and i'm just so glad i've found it!

  26. oh yes, i'm following you. can't wait to read more. happy easter weekend!

  27. Oh how funny... my favorite comment is the viagra one. :) I'm off to check out all of Heather's links. They look fabulous.

  28. I'm a NEW FOLLOWER of 504 Main, and found YOU through Gerber Days (I think Heather is the BOMB!!!) I loved your post on her site today - rethinking your plans . . .I'm rethinking my plans DAILY, and now your post on Heather's site has me rethinking even more. But in a really really GOOD way. Thanks for the great thoughts and I'm so glad I found your blog. I look forward to reading more from you!

  29. LOL!
    I always DON'T appreciate those random "Learn how to work from home" posts.
    But does peroxide really work as an a.p. cleaner? -!! I'll have to try that one. My yoga coach uses it with some yummy sage or lavender before we start our workout, and whenever I smell it I instantly feel relaxed now.
    Maybe I should use it as a cleaner; more work might get done around here.

  30. Happy Saturday share fest Holly

  31. Happy Saturday share fest Holly

  32. Holly,
    Following you back from FF!
    This looks so easy to make! Most of my family are completely green and organic in their houses... so now aren't they going to be surprised when Buffi comes to easter dinner with this recipe!!! so, thanks

    I'm a bleach girl - I've tried to go green, but my mind won't let me!

    As for the journals - I really love them - nice choice! I already have your button 'cause i love the way you write your blogs.

    Have a great weekend.
    My Wonderfully Dysfunctional BLOG

  33. Such a cute blog - love your "about me" sections! So true ., coffee and my boys love you get me through my day as well!
    Come visit when you get a chance and follow if you love!!

  34. Stopping by from SITS. Fun site you have here!

  35. Congratulations, Holly! You definitely deserve it!

  36. Good Morning & HAPPY EASTER.

    I'm wondering if the Home Fragrance Oils from Bath `N` Body are the same as -Essential oils.

  37. oooh, great tip. I sometimes start with good intentions when it comes to "homemade" around here. :) Thanks so much for stopping by! -shaunna :)

  38. Thank you for the cleaner recipe. I make my own laundry soap and for the past year have figured out it has cost me about 5 cents a load. I've tweaked the recipe I found on-line and it works great. I think I'll be posting this week about it so one day when you have a chance stop by.
    Take care and Happy Easter.

  39. So my heads not screwed on tight. I should of also told you that I love the journal and have just recently started using them, thanks to Kim. I have one for scouting, one for my life style change and one for daycare. Please include me in your drawing. Thanks.
    God Bless and Happy Easter.

  40. Tickled Pink! What a fun idea, you're so clever!

    I love your first guest. I'm totally going to purchase some essential oils and make me some!

  41. I love homemade cleaners! I just feel better about using them. Holly so cute that one of the reasons you picked her is because "She bakes bread". :)

  42. Great Post..I love the title "I am tickled pink" sounds so cute :)

    Thanks for commenting on my blog. I really appreciate it.

    Thanks and have a good day :)

  43. OK so i need togo check out Heathers blog am already a follower to your blog :) I love her idea of making my own cleaning products ! it's a must try ASAP ! And i have The Liberty Of London dish set already so the journals would be a great plus !

  44. I will definitely have to check out Heather's blogs. Thanks for introducing her!

    I am loving the Liberty of London line at Target. I pretty much loved everything I came across! I'd love the journal set. I'd share with my 11 year old daughter who is very into writing songs these days!

  45. Brilliant! I have all those things right this very minute in my house! I'm making that! Yay for less chemicals!


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!