Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Chalk It Up...A DIY Quickie

Well, I had a brilliant post written about healthy ingredients
and cleaning out the pantry..blah, blah, blah...and then...
I erased it...B-R-I-L-L-I-A-N-T, I know!
So, as I am still recovering from way too much wine
on Saturday night (BIG thaks to the MIL for the babysitting!),
I thought I'd share a fun, chic, and way too easy craft...
seriously, if you are crafty, you'll love it...
and if you are not crafty...you can do it, really!
I have seen versions of this on a number of blogs,
but hey, this is my blog...my version.

Chalkboard Tray DIY
Really, how cute is this chalkboard tray! I use it for writing messages when we have guests over. I also make them for hostess gifts (you will look brilliant!). They are just fun...what more can I say...and my kids think they are pretty cool too!

  • Metal Tray (you could use wood), but I prefer metal - nice old metal and silver-plated trays found at thrift stores or Goodwill. Super cheap...I paid between $1.00 and $3.50.
  • Chalkboard Paint (not the spray paint version).
  • Paint or Foam brush (I prefer the foam brush).
How To
  • Clean the tray...if you want...I prefer the patina. I clean it, but I do not "clean it up." You could take some polish to it...your choice!
  • Paint the inside of the tray with the chalkboard paint. I suggest two coats of paint...wait until dry before applying the second coat.
  • Let dry.
  • D-O-N-E!...See..I told you it was simple!
Here is one other sign I made...You see, the littlesest person in the house likes to play in her brothers bedroom and sneak into the bathroom to brush her teeth (20 times a day!) and wash her arms (yes, I said arms, not hands), so all of our doors are shut, and if you have not been here before, finding the bathroom can be challenging,
but not anymore!

So, before I go, I know I have some (OK, a lot!) of catching up to do on my commenting and visiting...I am getting there, and looking forward to "seeing" you all tomorrow!
Happy Crafting!


  1. Aloha Holly,
    what fun! I may try one HAwaiianstyle!
    But I love the silver, I am a silver freak too! really cute, Mahalo for sharing

  2. I LOL'd at your restroom sign, but it is seriously a great idea. I'm always getting asked where the powder room is when guests come over (in the hallway) but invariably they open the closet door!

  3. What a great idea!!! Will need to get some chalkboard paint :)

  4. These are fantastic..I too have seen them before , but you make them look so easy to make..and fun..Thanks..!

  5. Love it! I made one using a large frame for our kitchen. I like these little guys even more.


  6. You are another one that I would say would be very successful at a craft blog. How do you do it???

  7. I love the tray. I've never used the chalkboard paint. I'm not really all that crafty...but, I try sometimes. Most silver trays seem to have a pattern on the part that you painted, do I need to look for one that is smooth or does the paint add enough cover that you can write on one with a design?


  8. Super cute.

    I feel so out of it b/c I don't have ONE chalkboard design element in my house. They're everywhere.....and I love your spin on it.

  9. You are so dang crafty!! Very cute!

  10. Wow, that is frustrating to lose a post or email draft.

    I have been telling folks that my best writing just keeps disappearing. They are not buying it though.

  11. This is brilliant!
    I am so sorry you lost your other post thogh. Frutrating!!

  12. So cute! Thanks, I could totally do that :)

  13. How cute! I've made wipe-off boards before when my daughter was young and learning to write (instead of wasting wads of paper!); maybe I'll do this project for my son.

  14. I am soooo UNcrafty. I could do this though. Thanks for posting it.

  15. what a brilliant idea....a perfect gift....WOW !

  16. That's really cute, Holly! And I am falling way behind on my blog visits, too!

  17. I think I could do that and it's super cute!

  18. What a cute idea...I had never heard of chalkboard paint before!

  19. Ok you should put this on your wedding blog!! The possibilities are ENDLESS :) xx

  20. Very, very cute! I have actually been looking for a small chalkboard to put in the kitchen but haven't found the "right" one yet. Now I'll be looking at serving trays totally differently - thanks! :)

  21. That is a really cute idea!!

  22. You are too creative for me, girlfriend!

  23. I like your version best of all I"ve seen! nice work!

    (sorry, I too am WAY behind in getting around to return the comments. The holidays aren't a viable excuse any more, are they?!)

  24. HOly crap I LOVE this! I think I saw something similar on one of those shows years and years ago. They painted a WHOLE kids room with it! I thought...OMG all that chalk dust! lol.

    But this is very very pretty and sweet. I'll book mark this one!

  25. I LOVE D-I-Y projects, although I'm not so hot at it, but yanno, I give it the good old "Mom" try!
    Right now I'm trying to post giveaways & do well with that ... but that hasn't been working out so well either! Good grief ... perhaps I should stick to just being a mother, lol!
    "In all honesty, I think I'm going to give this project a shoot - wth, I've got nothing to loss right?
    I think you're either born with the 'creative' gene, or you're not. :/
    You apparently have it, nice :D

    Joe @ 20 to Life

  26. This is a nifty idea, and looks so simple. My wife is a good hostess and this would be a new thing for her.

  27. This is such an amazing and crafty idea! I'm going to have to try it. Thanks for sharing!

  28. Love this crafty idea! Chalk board paint sounds like it would be perfect for a toddler bedroom!

  29. Adorable. I was just thinking today and I am going to start posting crafty fun things to make on my blog. I really look forward to following yours. Come on by to mine!

    I am doing my 3nd one right now...an iPod Nano and my 2nd an inSytler. Come on by!http://blondeinablog.blogspot.com/2010/01/giveawayipod-nano.html

  30. Is it really that easy to make a little chalkboard?? I had no idea!!!!! Thanks for sharing this!

  31. Oh my goodness love it! Must try that myself. I remember years ago I saw a tray like this at Pottery Barn - it was meant for cheese. I would love to make myself one!

  32. Love the bathroom sign! I could use that - our downstairs bath is right across from the basement door...and stairs. Not good when several bottles of wine have been opened! ;)

  33. That bathroom sign is so cute! I love that tray too... that one might be a ICMT! :) Happy catching up!

  34. I am so un'craft'astic it is truly sad.

    This is cool!!

  35. Holly,

    You are Brilliant! I mean it! I could do this. I have to remember this.

    Thanks Darling.

  36. That restroom sign is the best! I love your site, Holly! Full of gorgeous ideas.

  37. I like this one, Holly, Chalk board paint is under-used. I love the concept, but have never used it myself, actually. Thanks for the idea!

  38. Cute, Holly! Great idea! By the way, Congratulations on winning ddna'sdesign consultation giveaway!

  39. Love this! Putting it on my To Do List!

  40. I really have to get some chalkboard paint I have seen so many fun ideas and this would be at the top of my list!!

  41. Hi Holly! Hope your house isn't floating away somewhere. Isn't it crazy this weather. Wondered if the giant hail I heard that hit your county reached you. Since when does CA have 1" hail?! Having tea while blogging, wishing you were here joining me. Anyhoo...love the chalk boards. My sis did a large frame that she hung by the guest room. Then she writes the name of the guest and all of the wonderful words that best describes them. So welcoming. My sis in law uses them everywhere in her house. Painted one section of her pantry door with it as well. Then she found the same chalk markers that trader joes uses in their stores to do the amazing art you see there. If you don't know about those, I can look up the name for you. Then it won't smudge like normal chalk. Have a great day, stay dry. Holly

  42. I love chalk board paint! I really like the way you used it on serving trays. Very clever!

    The bathroom door sign is genious! We always have people opening the basement or closet door when looking for the bathroom at our house.

  43. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Man, you are one crafty and creative gal. I like that! Now we need to work on your rebellious side.


  44. Holly, I love this! I've been thinking about doing one wall in the basement as a chalkboard, because my daughter would so love it...and my #1 son's teenage female friends too.

    I could use the paint for these lovely trays too.

  45. That is so cute!

    PS I've erased posts before, too. Makes me so mad.

  46. I could really use a chalkboard...great idea.

    I found you through Follow Friday. Nice blog...love the ruby slippers!

  47. Holly, these are fabulous. I FLIPPIN LOVE THIS idea. thanks for sharing it. Keri

  48. Found you through Friday Follow and I'm so glad I did - you have great ideas! Love these chalkboard trays, definitely going to have to try this out myself.

  49. I'm from Friday Follow - I love the bathroom sign! I have to keep the doors shut too with my little 2 yr old running around!

  50. so cute! visitng from sits. and now following you from friday follows have a great day...I am totally going to do this diy....

  51. Wish I was more crafty!! Love them!

  52. Definitely going to try this! Thanks for the post! Great idea!


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