Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Day Started Off Awesome!

Time again for Writer's workshop over at Mama Kat's!
I have selected prompt # 4:
"Share a diary entry from when you were 13...
feel free to make one up"

I did not keep a diary or a journal when I was younger,
maybe sporadically, but nothing long term
(hmmm...I am sensing a pattern).
I did keep one when I was in my twenties...
now that would be a hoot to read, but for now,
I take you back to the 13 year old Holly...

April 4, 1984

Today started off great. In second period, Mrs McGee brought in her computer for us to work on. It is so cool because we are the only class in the whole school that gets to work on a computer. It is called an Apple. I have my Texas Instruments computer at home but I only have a typing program and I am soooo bored with it.

Then my day just got bad. It sucked! Terry showed up in the same outfit. I mean she knows I shop at Contempo. She knows I went shopping this weekend and l was totally excited about my new outfit. I even have totally cool earrings and socks to match. She does this all the time. I do not want to hang out with her anymore.

Jennifer and Gary are going-around now. He is so cute, but Ramon is cuter! He is a babe! He said hi to me today.

There is a big birthday party at Stephanie's this weekend. I am going to ask Chris to do my hair. She is really good at it. Maybe Ramon will come. He hardly ever gets to go to parties, but maybe he'll be there. He is a babe!

Maybe I can talk my dad into going shopping with my mom and I. I need a new outfit for the party and he always buys me something even when mom says no.

Off now to make posters for the student council elections.




  1. I love that!! Was that a picture of you??

  2. Oh yeah...very familiar. I was more of a Charlotte Russe girl though. Matching solid color bead necklace with earings...and 2 inch pumps of course to match the necklace. That's totally how I rolled. Holly

  3. Contempo Casuals!!! LOVE IT!!!

  4. is that a Picture of 80's Holly???

    oh the memories of teenage years!


  5. PS I LOVE THE NEW PICTURE IN YOUR HEADER (it is new isn't it? or have I been in la la land?)

  6. Good times Holly! Simpler times!

    Ah yes, Contempo! Loved that store! Remember Clothestime? It only aspired to be Contempo!


  7. ooh, you were adorable and bubbly even in the '80's :)

    thank you for this glimpse in to your 'former' self...

  8. I'm smiling really big right now, thanks for the chuckle :D

  9. oh my! I laughed and remembered j.high the whole way through that! thank you!

  10. LOVE the computer reference!! Could you imagine a life without the internet!! My dad was a sucker too, always was, still is!

  11. I can't stop laughing!!
    I was unpacking a box from storage and found a letter a friend wrote to me when we were in 8th grade. I couldn't believe how many times we said 'like' and 'make sure you write back', 'no really, write back!'

    Too funny. :)

    P.S. I tagged you on my blog.

  12. That is not me...I am not brave enough to post a 13 year old least not yet. Let me have a glass of wine.

  13. I was going to gush over how cute you were till I read that it isn't you. You sounded cute, though. I had to match my socks and jewelry back in the day, too.

  14. By popular...or unpopular demand..the photo is now me! I must be getting braver!

  15. You did a great job getting the whole lingo of a 13 year old down!!

  16. I loved this! Totally. Everything you said in this entry, I remember saying myself. Ahhh memories. haha.

  17. this post gave me flashbacks! you have a very good memory, LOL! stopping by from SITS...hope you will visit and enter my giveaway too

  18. Hi Thanks for stopping by on my SITS day

  19. Like totally, I so understand when somebody like totally copies you.

    Did ya' ever hook up with Ramon?

  20. This is so funny! I never kept a journal when I was younger, although I wish I did. I would love to look back on it now! That's kind of why I am glad that I am keeping a blog, now, I guess.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your blog is lovely (and I love the design).
    I'm now following!

  21. You were SO not 13 in that photo! Keep the sweater though because its totally coming back into style!

  22. lol, I remember when I was in grade school and computers for the kids was BIG thing, now my kids have computer lab twice a week and think nothing of surfing the web to find fun games. Ugh, now I feel old :)

  23. okay, wait---you have to be older than 13 in that pic, right?

    Also, I'd totally forgotten about CONTEMPO! That store rocked my world, too!

    Love this!

  24. OMG! That outfit is to die for. I would have wanted to be your friend just to borrow the sweater! LOL xoxo


  25. That picture of you is just awesome! I love the sweater!

    I love your diary entry! The Apple! ah!

  26. I loved this post! It's like, totally 80's!

    I don't know what ever happened to my diary. I found out that my mom was reading it, so I started posting things like "I went to the mall with Wendy" instead of what I was really up to!

    Was "going-around" what you called dating when you were in school? We called it "going together". My son and his friends call it "going out".

  27. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Contempo Casuals! LOL I used to love to shop at 5.7.9.!! That is when I could easily fit into a juniors size 5!

  28. Holly, I am pretty certain--almost positive--that I had that same sweater!!

  29. awe you were adorable back then! and now you are gorgeous. awwwwww

    ah, life was so simple back then, huh.

  30. This is too cute! I loved Wet Seal. It's no funny to remember the things we thought were such a big deal. I see it every day with teaching high school and wonder, "was I ever like this?" Have a great weekend honey. Love the new header. Kori xoxo

  31. hahahah that's so funny. So cute to know the thoughts back in the day. happy friday!

  32. Cute photo, is that you from the 1980's? Love the observation that dad buys when mom says no! Great dad you have! Thanks for sharing, these are always so funny to look back on!

  33. Gotta love the 80's Holly ... nothing like blue eyeshadow and permed hair ... those were the days. You must be the same vintage as me ... a 1971 model?

  34. Nothing like the good old 1980's! Was that you in the photo? BTW, loving the new header and background!

  35. Yep Holly, it does sounds like a young teen girl. A very normal one. Raised two of them, so been there, heard that.

    Love your new header.

  36. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Great pic and flashback. Totally sounds like 13. Contempo - blast from the past.

    Hey, I like your new header pic. Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!

  37. omg, Contempo! Blast from the past!!

    I found your blog through Lee and I'm glad I did! :)

    I'm curious if you won the election!

  38. Great blog! Looks like fun over here! I love the flashback post--brings back memories of my own. Thanks for stopping by today!

  39. Why on earth would you need a new outfit when you had that awesome sweater. 80s style makes me so happy!

  40. Ok, no way is that a picture of you at 13! If it is, then you were very sophisticated for that age. At 13, I looked just a little bit older than I did at 12, braces and all, and I had no chest.
    Such a hilarious post!


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!