Monday, November 16, 2009

Awards Season...

I am about 30 days late a many dollars short of accepting
and passing on these awards in a 
timely manner. I apologize! I {heart} these bloggers
and if you have not already done so, go check them out NOW!
I think I managed to get them in the order in
which they were received! If not, sorry!
And If I screwed up..sorry too (but let me know so I can fix it!)!
It has been a very enlightening and busy weekend...
I will be back at you all tomorrow posting and commenting away!

From Low Expectations, the Your Blog is Fabulous award

There are rules for this one...share 5 things that you are obsessed with and then pass the award along to 5 of the most fabulous blogs you read.

I am obsessed with:
  1. Fashion - clothes, shoes, purses, makeup, etc.
  2. Motherhood - I try to be a better mother every day!
  3. Sparkly things - the way they catch the sunlight and shine make me smile!
  4. Putting my life in order - making time for me (even just 5 quiet minutes a day), feeding my family the proper foods, exercising again, fueling my creative side
  5. Mochas - Oh, coffee - I {heart} coffee
This award goes to...
Leigh vs. Laundry
Batcrap Crazy
(Yes, I can count, that's 6! Report me...)

From Dirty Little Confessions, the Silver Shoe of Sincerity

This goes to:

From Who Has the ThymeShow Me the Mom, and Running with Letters (wholly cow!), the Superior Scribbler

The Scribbler award comes with some rules:
• Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends.
• Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.
• Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award.
• Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we’ll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor
• Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.
So, drum roll please, the 5 people I want to pass this along to, in no particular order are:

(yes...I can count and that is three, but I am burnt..and will figure the rest out later!)
From Pink Flip Flops and Wine, the Friend Award

This goes to...

From Leigh vs Laundry, the Heartfelt Award

This goes to...

This goes to


  1. Great post Holly! I want to give that silver shoe award out because it's so darn cute! Have a great Monday girlie! Kori xoxo

  2. congratulations on the well-deserved awards!

  3. Aw, gee...thanks Holly!

    Your awards are definitely earned! Congrats.

  4. Congratulations - you will need a bigger trophy cabinet!

  5. Congrats and Thank you so much!!

  6. Congrats on your fabulous awards! You're in good company, my friend. I'm waaaaay behind with my awards, too.

    Thank you so much for thinking of me! I promise to get my awards post done this week!

  7. Congratulations, Holly! And thank you so much for my award---it's a new one for me! Hooray!

    I am following most of these peeps, but there were one or two I hadn't heard of, so I'm going to check them out now.

    Have a great day!

  8. I heart coffee too! I've already been through I don't know how many bottles of the CoffeeMate Peppermit Mocha....

    Congrats on the awards!

  9. Hi'ya Holly.. Tis the season, no? Just stopped in to do a little reading. Love your stuff. These rewards are an understatment. When do you sleep? Just grabbed your button and put it on Sandwich 365. It'll be an honor to have you there. Take care, Keri

  10. Congratulations and thank you!!!

    I will pass it on later this week!!!

  11. Aww, this is so nice!! Congratulations on all your awards, Holly! And thank you so much for mine too! This is my first real award!
    Have a beautiful day, friend!
    Kelli @ SustainingCreativity

  12. Who is the best...YOU ARE! That one is new to us...we're thrilled. Thanks so much. Congrats on all of your bling...well deserved. Holly:)

  13. oh my gosh you are rockin' the awards!! wooohooo! you deserve them all. i'm always late on passing these out, too, so you are not alone! lol

    thanks so so much for this award. that rocks you thought of me! plus i haven't received this one yet. fabulous!

    happy monday beautiful!

  14. Congrats on the awards you are so deserving, your blog is wonderful :)

  15. Congrats and thanks!

    PS I am the world's worst at getting these awards posts done. So don't feel bad.

  16. Congrats on all the awards dear you deserve each and every one!
    And Thanks for passing one on to me!
    Don't feel bad for not getting these up, it is hard when you have work and family to balance also!

  17. Holly, you are quickly on your way to blog superstardom. When we first connected not long ago, you had maybe 25 followers. Now look at you. What a testament to your personality and style. You go girl!

  18. Aww shucks Holl! You know me so well ~ the award you picked for me was, of course, my favorite! Thank you! I've posted and passed it on:

    P.S. I love, love, love your new banner!


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!