Friday, October 9, 2009

Thought for the {Fri}Day...JOY

It has been a crazy week at my house...not quite sure why, but it seems something is a little screwy here. I have lost (and luckily found) my cellphone twice, threw away my car keys (like in the big 'ole trash bin...ICK! Yes, I had to go dumpster diving), lost my house keys, and somewhere in this house is a can of whip cream...On top of the aforementioned whacky stuff, my jobs as wife, mommy, part-time writer, and overall Queen of my Universe have been pushing my buttons.

Buddies...Jacob and Joe

When I work, I typically am on my laptop (which is also on my list of things pushing my buttons), but yesterday, I went into the office and on the wall is a picture that was taken about 4 or 5 years ago. It even found its way back to the bulletin board after we moved. It is well-loved (it was pre-digital camera era and I have no clue where the negative is) but it adds to its charm...just two little (and, might I add, adorable) boys enjoying a cookie and a giggle without a care in the world. When I look at it all I feel is simply, purely JOY!


I will be the first to admit, that sometimes I get caught up in "creating" JOY - pulling out the craft bins, looking up instructions online, buying kits at the craft store. Heck, I get caught up in life...busy, busy, busy body - I am really good at creating busyness, but I am actually making an attempt (each and every day I try...and sometimes succeed) to slow down, simplify, and enjoy my life - my kids, my husband, my parents, and my friends.

Joe and Maddie Swinging
(Maddie belongs to Rook No. 17. Thanks for the photo!)

So, this photo got me thinking about the things in my life that bring me JOY. So, in no particular order, here is a short list...a good friend, a hug, a phone call (not an email!), blowing bubbles, coloring, play dough, swinging, playing with sticks, taking a walk on he beach, searching for sea glass, a nap, flowers, strawberries, pumpkins, the sunshine on my face, a snuggle from my puppy, visits from my parents, a great cup of coffee, hugs from my kids and my husband, giggles and baby belly laughs, Rice Krispie treats, and a fire in the fireplace. I am trying to see the simple JOY in life - the JOY my kids see in the simplest things...a butterfly, a shiny quarter, a rock, a flower (or weed) in the yard, even a broken crayon is JOYful to them.

My Babies

So, I ask, have you figured out how to bring more JOY into your life? If so, what brings you JOY? I would love to hear the answers.

Flowers from my husband


  1. Those are some darned cute kiddos! And those flowers, wow, gorgeous. Such rich colors.

    What brings me joy is when my kids don't protest too much when I hug/kiss them. :o)

  2. Wonderful pictures! Your kids (and Rook's daughter) are adorable!

    I get the most joy from time with my family. A few nights ago we were eating dinner and I looked around and noticed everyone was laughing at the same time. I don't remember what we were laughing at, but it was a perfect moment. That's the sort of thing that brings me the greatest joy.

  3. Love the pictures. What a great post, I'm struggling with finding joy in my hectic day today so this is perfect for me. Today, some peace and quiet while the baby naps is all the joy I need.

  4. Holly, I can see from the pictures of your children that you have every reason to be joyful.

    Your list, including the pumpkins of which you write about, would bring joy to most anyone.

    My list would go on and on, and I've shared many of them in my Friday Happy Hour posts over the months.

    Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays....they always bring me joy. Ice cream, baseball, hugs from my grandchildren and children, an unexpected phone call from one of my children, talking with my parents who live in Florida, hearing my wife laugh real hard, warm sunny days, driving with the top down, vacations, chocolate......I could go on forever.

  5. A very sweet post!

    I find joy in Jesus, in my husband's embrace, listening to my daughter sing and my son laugh, and the sound of the dog's tail thump, thump, thumping when I enter the room.

  6. Time with loved ones, writing productivity, a few minutes with a good book... Just knowing that all is well in my part of the world!

  7. Everything you said plus...going to tea, eating chocolate, last minute get togethers with friends, movie night with the kiddos and pizza on the floor, following your blog! Have a great day Holly...Holly at

  8. Hi Holly, I love your new banner! Perfect. I really enjoyed this post ~ the topic is something I think we all can relate to. Here are a few of the things that bring me joy: My childrens' laughter, instruments being played live, "just because" cards and letters in the mail, glitter, old photographs of people being real (instead of posed), miniature things, really good "just because" hugs from a friend, an excellent cup of coffee from an unexected source, holding a little tiny hand, babies, rummaging at rummage sales, sprinkles, polka-dots, pompoms... Ahhh, just putting together that list put me in a happier place. Thanks Holly!

  9. Your post and the ensuing comments have touched on so many simple pleasures...times with family and friends, and those great cups of coffee we so appreciate... Seeing the various lists reminded me of a little book where I used to keep a running "thankful" list. I opened it up to a random page and here is a sample of what I saw: butterflies, blankets, warm water, spices, quiet times, noisy times, stained glass,cozy sweaters, fruit, freshly baked bread...

    and I'm just going to add right here and now, watching your favorite team playing post-season baseball!

    Thanks, Holly, for the chance to pull that book off my shelf. I haven't seen it in there were some old drawings from my kids stuck in the pages...a wonderful surprise.

  10. Joy, for me, comes from my family and knowing that they are all well and happy. I love your statement about being good at creating busyness. I am glad I am not the only one that is the queen of that!

  11. My kids, my dogs and my husband. Although they do drive me crazy A TON, they are the JOY of my life!

  12. I LOVE reading everyone's responses. I am so guilty of ignoring the JOY that is all around me. I am really good at complaining...working on that too! You all are awesome!

    Tonight I sat in the front yard with coffee of course and watched Jules run around with a shovel moving dirt from place to place...she was so proud of herself, and I felt JOY!
    Happy Weekend!

  13. Popping in from SITS!
    Now following your blog...
    Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!

  14. Hi. Matty sent me here.

    Someone told me recently that joy is all in where we find it.

    Adorable post. Enjoyed it.

  15. Great post - it is so easy to forget the joy of our children and the simple things in life. I love your pictures - and I get joy when I receive a handwritten letter in the mail..
    Love to you.

  16. your post reminded me of the movie 'amelie' where the charming introvert enjoys skipping stones and cracking the top of creme brullee.

    while there are big things that give me joy -- like the feel of a warm hug from my baby girl, and seeing my husband actually wash the dishes without being nagged -- there are smaller things that fill me up with happiness?
    - a long, hot shower.
    - pumpkin muffins
    - the blogosphere
    - the scent of clean laundry
    - hearing the fog horns down in venice beach.

    i enjoyed your list :)

  17. Oh, my gosh, the bunny ears!

  18. How perfect your thoughts were for the blog carnival! I'm so glad you linked up!!

  19. Every photo so perfect for the Joy theme! I love love the bubbles photo!

  20. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Kids are definitely the pinnacle of joy. I can't imagine my life without them. Well, I "can" imagine my life without them ---it would be an empty, boring, mundane, working-for-the-weekend existence void of all the hysterical comments I get to post on Twitter.


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!